bag seed cfl grow


Well-Known Member
I got 5 plants right now all bag seeds. They are in a small shelf unit. I put one of those sun screens for your car wind shield in there works better then tin foil lol. The lights I have right now are 3 13watt cfls 2700k each there is also a fluorescent tube in my black light fixture its either 15 or 20watts I cant remember. Im going to be getting splitters so I can put 2 bulbs in each lamp. Also the plants are a couple days apart so some are bigger than others. Let me know what yall think pce :leaf:



Looks great man. but just so you know 2700k temp is better for flowering..not saying it isn't good but something to keep in mind.


Well-Known Member
Looks great man. but just so you know 2700k temp is better for flowering..not saying it isn't good but something to keep in mind.
ya thats what I figured lol. But I had these bulbs lyn around so I figured id just use em till I need better ones.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Happy b-day cups!!! LOL hey one other thing is try to avoid switching the plant from artificial light to sun light. It stresses the plant out from what I hear. GL on your grow my friend and I hope they are all ladies! ;)


Well-Known Member
Happy b-day cups!!! LOL hey one other thing is try to avoid switching the plant from artificial light to sun light. It stresses the plant out from what I hear. GL on your grow my friend and I hope they are all ladies! ;)
Ye haha I had them left over and didnt see the point and going to buy party cups as theyll be transplanted to something bigger in not too long. Ah thanks on the tip. I thought theyd like it but I can understand how it would stress them out. I just put them out ther today for a hour or two. theyll be stickn under the cfls now though.:bigjoint:

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Yeah also someone said something about the 2700 bulbs, your plants will like more of the blue spectrum durring veg. So when you get a chance run down and get some daylight bulbs. I have found that Home Depot has sales all the time on their CFL's. Every time I go there they are 1/2 the price as wal mart. And I hate wal mart with a passion!


Well-Known Member
Yeah also someone said something about the 2700 bulbs, your plants will like more of the blue spectrum durring veg. So when you get a chance run down and get some daylight bulbs. I have found that Home Depot has sales all the time on their CFL's. Every time I go there they are 1/2 the price as wal mart. And I hate wal mart with a passion!
ye I was going to head down to home depot or canadian tire they got some cheap bulbs sometimes. I also need to get some splitters too. But how much do you think it would effect them if I kept using these bulbs for a couple days? and when I get some day time bulbs can I mix them during veg and flower yes?

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
ye I was going to head down to home depot or canadian tire they got some cheap bulbs sometimes. I also need to get some splitters too. But how much do you think it would effect them if I kept using these bulbs for a couple days? and when I get some day time bulbs can I mix them during veg and flower yes?
I am sure they will be fine for a couple of days. Some people say a mixed spectrum is good. But there is years and years of growing with MH for veg and HPS for flower. So I would go with what has worked in the past. But you can give it a try. Gl on your grow man.


Well-Known Member

I know that everyones said that these lights are for flower not veg but they seem to be doing great untill I can get some lights. I have the light schedule on 24hr since theyv been planted im going to do that for the rest of this week then switch it to 18/6. I moved the one light in the back took the shade off and put it over top it gives lot more light to the plants.



Nice lookin' stuff man my plant is about the same age as yours. I've been giving her 18/6 since she germinated, let me know how the 24 hour light period works for you. I'm growing with two 42W CFL's and switching to 150W HPS next week sometime probably. I'm looking forward to seeing how your grow turns out! Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Nice lookin' stuff man my plant is about the same age as yours. I've been giving her 18/6 since she germinated, let me know how the 24 hour light period works for you. I'm growing with two 42W CFL's and switching to 150W HPS next week sometime probably. I'm looking forward to seeing how your grow turns out! Good luck!
Thanks man, Ya this grow is more trial and learn. So I want to see how these flower lights do for veg period or half the veg period and then mix the lights. Also see how the 24hr light does. Iv seen other people do it longer then I plan to and it worked great! Im hopeing to get a hps further into the grow but I think I wanna see what I can achieve with the cfls.


Well-Known Member
Alright So I went to add this small fluorescent light in with the little girls and I found the light thats hanging fell down so I attatched it to the top a little better. Just glad didnt knock over any of them. Anyways this is what I added its a 25watt fluorescent it should help with the veg spectrum light.


Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
anyone got any idea how to hook one of these fixtures up to a power supply? could I wire it to a extension cable or something?
I had the same idea you are having right now. LOL I just went and talked to the Home depot guy and told him that I wanted to wire my garage bench with lights. I told him that I wanted to put light where I wanted to put them. So he showed me an easy way to wire up lights and it was cheap. You can get the light bulb sockets that have two wires "white and black" then get wire to link them together and then buy a socket to put at the end to plug it into your power bar. It sounds hard but it is extreemly easy! Talk to the reps at home depot and they will hook you up.


Well-Known Member
I had the same idea you are having right now. LOL I just went and talked to the Home depot guy and told him that I wanted to wire my garage bench with lights. I told him that I wanted to put light where I wanted to put them. So he showed me an easy way to wire up lights and it was cheap. You can get the light bulb sockets that have two wires "white and black" then get wire to link them together and then buy a socket to put at the end to plug it into your power bar. It sounds hard but it is extreemly easy! Talk to the reps at home depot and they will hook you up.
haha, Ya I seen one of these for sale in our local adds for 10 bucks so I figured id give it a shot. But ya that doesnt sound too hard. the way you said to wire what you did could pretty much do the same thing with one of these right? just get some wire to make it longer and put a plug on the end?

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
haha, Ya I seen one of these for sale in our local adds for 10 bucks so I figured id give it a shot. But ya that doesnt sound too hard. the way you said to wire what you did could pretty much do the same thing with one of these right? just get some wire to make it longer and put a plug on the end?
Yeah for sure you can just wire in that light fixture like you would splice an extention cord. Like I said just go down to the home depot and tell him you want to make that your light over your workbench that you can plug into a wall socket. They will show you everything you need and how to do it. Also take it down there so they can see what you are talking about. They may look at you funny but fuck them!


Well-Known Member
HELP! one of the plants are starting to get brown spots on the leaves. Would this be because of ph level in the water or nutrient burn? I havent put any nutes in it but I also dont really know what is in the soil I used it doesnt say on the bag..?


Well-Known Member
Alright I finally got some pictures with the spots on the one plant. Im geussing its nutrient burn..? This might not of helped much but it was in a desperate act. I took all of the white time release balls out of the fertalizer which took a long time lol. Thats what the white balls are right? So I did that and put them in different pots ill see what happns I geuss.. if thats not what it is any other ideas or if it is any ideas if what i did will help? Oh and the brown thing in the middle is just a peice of dirt ontop haha.

