My own mostly indica x mostly sativa triploid(whorled male)


Well-Known Member
OK heres a good start to this new journal.
I have used the mostly sativa triploid(or whorled) male to pollinate all of my plants including my pppxblueberry and the original mostly sativa itself.
Here is more proof that the triploid/whorled gene is passable as i had never seen a mostly indica triploid before i bred with the trip male.

These indica will never be great as i am growing them on the outside light edges of my grow area but they will still provide me with some smoke and i can also rebreed the favourites.
The pppxblueberryxsativatripmale has been given the best spots under and near the lamps.

So far out of 20 seeds that i chucked into a takeaway dish filled with soil 17 have come up.
Only one is triploid(whorled) out of them all and i intend to hopefully rebreed this with the pppxblueberry triploid that i have as well and vice versa.
Hopefully one of the trips is a male and one is female then i can finally mate a trip male with a trip female.
So far all my triploids have been males.

Heres the first pics of the mostly indica crossed with sativa triploid.
I will do some more pics of the other indica crosses tomorrow.:blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
Why not turn a female trip male with gibrlic acid and pollinate with that? You would have feminized seeds then.
Well i have no access to those kind of chemicals and i only do things naturally.
As soon as i add any kind of chemicals of that nature i lose the valuable ability to say truthfully that this is happening naturally.
I can wait,i have been waiting and doing this for a very long time now.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Ok heres some pics of the indica crosses growing up nicely even though they only get the edge of the lit area.
Questions are welcomed and people can post into this or any of my other journals,i don't mind and like it and want feedback:blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
lol, i love the mutants :D

i had two show up in my purple haze f2 batch :mrgreen:
I have purposefully bred the mutants.
These indica have never shown any mutants before this crossing with the trip sat male.
I am hoping that the resulting plant will be a good mix of the indica and sativa and not just be a replicant of its trip sativa father.
I will post pics every day so we can all see what happens.
Thanks for looking in it is appreciated.
I will check out your 3 leafer/triploid later on bwinn,been a bit busy tonight:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
you might just have something there.... i'm going to be selectively breeding the three leafers to try and stabilize for the trait. too early to tell what will happen, but it might be fun.... :mrgreen:
cool i have one growing now its so cool looking check it out some time. and natmoon how many plants do you have growing?


Well-Known Member
lol, must be a friggin huge cupboard :mrgreen:
Plants are kept short and fat.
And i don't believe they need such big pots indoors as i see some people using anyway.
As long as you only sip water them so as not to sour the soil and use the right amount of perlite you cant go wrong with smaller pots.
Root bound and pot bound are 2 different things easily confused.
Air is as important as water and nutes:blsmoke: