alright folks! i just came from the war front and it looks like we may have them on the run...
i looked closely at almost all plants and i saw many dead thrips on the leaves and only a few still running(slowly)...
as far as the gnats i dont know what happened but i dug in the medium in my table and all in the hydro rocks,shook the plants, played with the roots and i did not see 1 gnat in my "flower room" veg room is a battle in the making...
i have no idea what happened cause i have not been able to find that spinosid...
so all i have done for treatment so far is sprayed with fish oil several times and treated the roots with hygrozyme???
the fish oil doesnt mention that it works against either...
possibly whatever the hygrozyme does to the roots is toxic to the larva ??
what ever it is i am so frickn greatfull.. the war is not over by far, but this is a huge step toward total victory!!!