Wappa & Blue Mystic 652W Medi Grow


Well-Known Member
Fucking great job considering BM almost took a crash dive on ya.She came back fighting though :-D
Looks better than the Wappa almost lol..Though Wappa still looks fantastic. I got down all of The Black over the last couple days and now we're down to just the two Blue Dreams..I've been slacking on the thread update love so later this week I'll make up for it with a table full of buds and a pre-cure smoke report. I want to know what's up with Wappa after she's done man. You can be my "Wappa guinea pig"lol.


Well-Known Member
For sure man :D Looks like you have a few busy days ahead of you. Can't wait to see the pics!
Busy busy..I've still got "real life" to tend to on top of regulating my grow projects.. Lol you guys haven't even seen my mother/cloner chamber I built over the weekend... It's all part of a DEVIOUS plan to make a KILLER thread muahaha.
@purplehazin : im getting blown lookin at ur wormhole pot!! a noob question: if u already test smoked it, why are you not harvesting yet? wat will happen in these 10 days / 2 weeks until wappa/bm is harvested? i mean, will u be changing soil? lighting, temp etc?


Well-Known Member
Hey there, basically what I did was test a sample to see if I liked the high or not. I picked the sample when the trichs were 50% clear / 50% cloudy. Usually this is not the high I am after (I look for the heavy/couchlock to relieve my back pain and insomnia). So, I'm letting the plant go longer until some amber trichs show up.

Don't get me wrong, you can definitely harvest it at 8 weeks, but it will be more of a visual/social high. I am after a different high, so it will go to 10 weeks most likely. As for soil/lighting/temp that will all remain the same, I'm really just letting the plant mature a bit more for that couchlock high.


Well-Known Member
Hey there, basically what I did was test a sample to see if I liked the high or not. I picked the sample when the trichs were 50% clear / 50% cloudy. Usually this is not the high I am after (I look for the heavy/couchlock to relieve my back pain and insomnia). So, I'm letting the plant go longer until some amber trichs show up.

Don't get me wrong, you can definitely harvest it at 8 weeks, but it will be more of a visual/social high. I am after a different high, so it will go to 10 weeks most likely. As for soil/lighting/temp that will all remain the same, I'm really just letting the plant mature a bit more for that couchlock high.
And think about this too : 8 weeks is only an average. I seldom have a strain hit peak ripeness at only 56 days of flowering.


Well-Known Member


Everything is cool my friends. We just finished 9 weeks since sex was shown. Wappa is just about there... BM still has a ways to go based on her trichs.

I realized I haven't done a grow report much on Blue Mystic yet, so I'll do one a bit later.
Wappa is looking danker everyday.




Well-Known Member
Looking awesome my friend! How much longer do ya think? Almost done with week 10 huh. That Wappa has got to be close?

Hey man, Yeah we just started week 10 a couple days ago. Based on trichs and overall look of her, I'd say Wappa still has at least another week. I've been wanting to cut her down but keep telling myself to wait until more trichs turn amber.


Well-Known Member
Blue Mystic Grow Report:

Seed germinated in 24 hours and grew through the soil in another 24 hours. Straight FF Ocean Forest will burn the seedling until 3 weeks of veg (I advise mixing 50/50 with happy frog). There are 2 phenos; sativa or indica. I got the sativa which is supposed to be the better smoke but takes longer to flower. This strain would respond very well to topping and/or lst. A very bushy plant with short internodes. The plant will not smell AT ALL until the 2nd or 3rd week of flowering. Plant does smell like MJ at about 5th week of flowering but has a very sweet smell. It really does remind me of cotton candy somehow. Blue Mystic will develop Cal/Mag deficiency if you dont start substituting when flowering starts. Overall, a bit of a pain to grow... not advised as a beginner plant. Smells wonderful when cola's are touched but otherwise is a very low odor plant.


im growing bm as well and now im starting to think its not worth the hassle?? iv read numbers of threads saying its such a pain to grow. kinda sad. but the plants are looking great and i will deff be looking into getting some wappa that stuff looks so good!


Well-Known Member
Hey man, I hope your Blue Mystic works out for you! Just remember to add cal/mag when you switch to flowering and you should be all set!


Well-Known Member
Cut down the third main cola on Wappa today. The trichs are just about where I want them, so once this cola is dry in 3 days I will sample the smoke and see if I should harvest the rest. The cola weighed 15.95g wet weight with all sugar leaves removed. Should expect about 4g dry :)
