Removing and Preventing Spider Mites

yo just signed up and i got to give all you thanks a milllion for all you felllazzzzzz today was aboout a weeek end since i recieved my cuttings from my my buddy and he told me to spray them down once i got them but i waited a weeek now today in the morning i noticed lil blak dots moving along the back of the leafs so rite away i knew i had a prob i woud like to thank all of yall for the info please keep it up and wish all you fellaz luck with your ladies and i hope to eliminate these F***ers
The larvae feed on the 'fine hairs' of the roots. They will soon want to come out of the soil...a layer of sand will keep em down, the ones that do get past that and the pest strip will be lured to the vinegar with soap. this will be the gnats demise.

be sure to combine a few listed this way you have max security. you looking out for them mites? start taking precautionary measures to ensure they stay away as well.

Thanks and will do about the mites though i've never had any sign of them i'll have my eyes open....
I've read somewhere that a vacuum cleaner can be used to rid of those mites. I'd suggest a type that uses water so they can be caught and drowned in the collection tank.
I've read somewhere that a vacuum cleaner can be used to rid of those mites. I'd suggest a type that uses water so they can be caught and drowned in the collection tank.
that or suck up some permethrin fog after using the vacuum
do you have tiny dots on your leaves that look a lighter color than the rest... like a bunch of little spots that look like a pinhead? if so they are sucking your juice...

i would suggest using azamax, and its organic and can be used up to harvest... you really need to follow the directions as well, because a follow up treatment and maintenance program is the best way to ensure your plants stay bug free... spider mites are motherfuckers but they are manageable... get gloves and pay close attention to every bit of the bottom of all leaves you can, thats where they chill, and spray everywhere, all over the plants, just make sure you have good ventilation and make sure you do it before your lights go out so you dont burn the tops... watch the humidity and get some fans to help it evaporate...
just a quick update, i sprayed a couple mite-infested plants with Mite-rid on monday, and haven't seen live mites since, and no new damage. i'll post another update in about a week as to whether or not they return.
just scanned through this thread and surprised noone mentioned AVID, its not organic but supposed to work like a charm. Last night I gave my plants a spray to try and knock down the little mites before switching to flowering. Also switching to flowering today in hopes that the cooler temps will help.
thanks for your advice but I am not worried about it as AVID is a sure fire thing. I havent ever used it at this location so should be no resistance built up.
just scanned through this thread and surprised noone mentioned AVID, its not organic but supposed to work like a charm. Last night I gave my plants a spray to try and knock down the little mites before switching to flowering. Also switching to flowering today in hopes that the cooler temps will help.

this is kinda along the same lines as floramite... not advised, but if it gets outta control it's effective. again, don't use this in flowering.
i did this and this is what i just posted...thought i would show you what worked for me... CHEERS!!

HEY ALL!!!!! I just wanted to say i had spider mites who killed 1 of my outdoor plants, i managed to save one outdoor but barely (we gutted the inside) ... and had mites on our indoor plants...
i will tell you these 2 products have saved my plants.........
we are 14 approx days in and no sign of any mites, eggs (no new hatches) or bugs at all..... i will tell u what we used, what it is called (maybe you can find a better price somewhere)...and i will post whats in it so you can make a informed decision while looking for something to kill those critters!!!!!!

First Doktor Doom Fogger total release (i found on ebay) this is what the product info says:
The biggest benefit to using the Total Release Fogger is that they are made with natural pyrethrum which biologically breaks down in a couple of hours thus providing very fast re-entry times to fumigated areas. They really do not have a strong odor- which also provides the homeowner with a peace of mind as there are no long lasting obnoxious odors lingering in the air; if used in conjunction with Doktor Doom Residual Products will provide the Homeowner with a bug free environment. Use the fumigants first to flush out and eradicate the insects and then follow up with the Residuals to prevent further enter of pests into your home or gardening environment

Okay second i used BTL FLORAMITE SC (found on ebay) Product info says:

Floramite SC® is a selective miticide that provides outstanding control of a variety of mite pests on greenhouse, shadehouse, nursery, field, landscape and interiorscape grown ornamentals. Floramite provides quick knockdown through contact activity and long lasting residual control of more than 21 days. Because of its unique mode of action and selective nature, Floramite is easy on predacious mites and beneficial insects, making it ideal for resistance management programs. Floramite® controls Two-spotted mite, Pacific mites, Strawberry mites, European Mites, Cyclamen Mites, Citrus Red mites, Southern red mites and Spruce spider mites
Now this fantastic miticide/ovicide is available in a soluble concentrate. FloramiteSC® is a selective miticide that provides outstanding control of mite pests on ornamental plants. FloramiteSC produces quick knockdown through contact activity and long residual control of more than 21 days. It is effective on a variety of species of mites and all life stages of Tetranychidus spider mites. (Yes, this means it kills the eggs!) And because of its novel mode of action and selective nature, Floramite is easy on predacious mites and beneficial insects. Usage is 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon per gallon. Finally a great alternative to Avid and with the added benefit of an ovicide in one package Miticide for control of 8 species of mites (including eggs for spider mites only), for up to 28 days. Labeled for greenhouses, interiorscapes, landscapes, nurseries and more.. Excellent plant safety. Foliar Spray Rates:1/4 to 1/2 teas per gallon,
*Application rates and usage recommendations are suggestions only. Please read the Label and MSDS Sheet for specific rates, application, protective equipment, etc.

Okay so i believe in passing on any helpful info i make us better good luck those with the lil buggers....we feel your pain and hope you all use those items to keep those plants alive!!! CHEERS!!!!

The CannabisCouple

Don't use Floramite on cannabis or any consumables.ACHTUNG! DANGER! VERY VERY BAD!
I just bought a solution from my local hydroponic's called SUCRASHIELD and another item they suggested was COCO WET. Has anyone had any success with these? My plants are about 6 weeks into flowering and they said this was the only thing that they would suggest being that far into flowering. any help is appreciated! i need to get rid of these bstards!!!
I just bought a solution from my local hydroponic's called SUCRASHIELD and another item they suggested was COCO WET. Has anyone had any success with these? My plants are about 6 weeks into flowering and they said this was the only thing that they would suggest being that far into flowering. any help is appreciated! i need to get rid of these bstards!!!

well i actually just tested a spray called mite-rid that is safe to use up to a week before harvest. it will keep them under control for around a week, but you can use it twice per crop. i'm harvesting today and the buds still smell great, i'll update in around 3 weeks as to whether or not it effects the flavor or burn characteristics of the buds.
well i actually just tested a spray called mite-rid that is safe to use up to a week before harvest. it will keep them under control for around a week, but you can use it twice per crop. i'm harvesting today and the buds still smell great, i'll update in around 3 weeks as to whether or not it effects the flavor or burn characteristics of the buds.

I will be interested to find out how it turns out. I just bought some mite-rid today after trying soapy water, 50% solution of isopropyl alcohol and pyrethrins. None of those methods made any impact at all.
I will be interested to find out how it turns out. I just bought some mite-rid today after trying soapy water, 50% solution of isopropyl alcohol and pyrethrins. None of those methods made any impact at all.

i used it for 2 applications and it seems to work well for the advertised week per application. doesn't seem to affect the buds either so it's nice to keep around for the last couple weeks of flowering just in case
i use safers its a spray with preyethrins (something like that) natural pest killer. it kills pests in all 3 stages of life. and it stays in the soil for only like 10days. unless you flush. also light degrades the effectiveness of the spray so its best to spray during the dark period.