Assasins Sour Diesel AeroGarden Extravaganza


Well-Known Member
I can't reallly be much help with hydro, I would say Ph or over/underwatering but I really have no idea.. I hope you get it figured out, I'll be checking back in to see how it goes!


Well-Known Member
Its 85 about an inch from my light. I added a touch of CalMag yesterday. I read that curling tips could be caused from a def. It makes sense cause I really havent added any.

The runt is praying for a miracle right now. Shes going tomorrow if she doesnt show a marked improvement.

P.S. How do people put full sized images on their pages. This 800 pixel BS pisses me off sometimes.



Active Member
damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn dude i never knew you were growing with a hps... dude you set up shits on mineeee soooo bad. i love that really green one you got, its funny how one can look so nice and the other can look so differnent with the same exact conditions.


Well-Known Member
So the runt is going to be gone today or tomorrow. Im am going to get some awesome light coverage when shes gone. Its not her fault but business is business.

She is behind a bit. Ive been 12/12 since the 6th.
at least week behind.jpg
shes gone today.jpg


Well-Known Member
Hey whats up assasin. The one that you are having problems with is not even close to its last leg.Ive seen worse that pulled thru like nothing has ever happened/ Whats your ph? what kind of nutrients you are using? how much nutrients are you using? Whats the strain of the seed? Whats the ppm in water? whats your humidity in the room? whats your temp in morning/night? what kind of water are you using? Whats your water temp? How often are you testing the ph/ppm in you resorvoir? is your meter calibrated? when was the last time you changed water? It seems like your ph is off, and what i mean by "off" is that the one thats sorta retarted looking might like a different higher/lower ph. Thats one problem with having two seeds in one container. Anyway im willing to help just answer a few of the questions. But by all means dont throw her out just yet. Learn and study your plant and that way you will know next time and youll be ready. I know theres some people that just look into the thread for pics. it does get annoying but theres also people here that are willing to help. so dont get dissapointed with your little one, just be patient. shes able to pull thru and she will. but whatever you do dont add anything else to the might just make it worse for her.


Well-Known Member
Hey whats up assasin. The one that you are having problems with is not even close to its last leg.Ive seen worse that pulled thru like nothing has ever happened/ Whats your ph? what kind of nutrients you are using? how much nutrients are you using? Whats the strain of the seed? Whats the ppm in water? whats your humidity in the room? whats your temp in morning/night? what kind of water are you using? Whats your water temp? How often are you testing the ph/ppm in you resorvoir? is your meter calibrated? when was the last time you changed water? It seems like your ph is off, and what i mean by "off" is that the one thats sorta retarted looking might like a different higher/lower ph. Thats one problem with having two seeds in one container. Anyway im willing to help just answer a few of the questions. But by all means dont throw her out just yet. Learn and study your plant and that way you will know next time and youll be ready. I know theres some people that just look into the thread for pics. it does get annoying but theres also people here that are willing to help. so dont get dissapointed with your little one, just be patient. shes able to pull thru and she will. but whatever you do dont add anything else to the might just make it worse for her.
Fair enough. I'll update tomorrow and answer most of those for ya.


Well-Known Member
ok assain, for starters ive notced your ppm is @1500. my question what stage are you in right now? what is the temp of the water in the resorvoir? try not adding anything else to the girls, it will only hurt them even more. What kind of water r u using? ro water, tap water etc etc etc? let me post a chart for ppm levels
Seedlings should be around 50-150 PPM
Unrooted clones to be around 100-350 PPM
small plants to be around 400-800 PPM
large plants to be around 900-1800 PPM
Last week of flowering use plain water.
also i would try to keep the ph at a constant level. ive noticed most plants relly do well at 5.8-5.9. i keep mines at that ph and they love it.


Cool grow man. Plants seem to look good. May i ask why you grow hydro for a small crop. I believe soil to be the best. I understand that on a large scale hydro is just easier and faster but i find that soil gives better flavors. Dont take this the wrong way im just wondering. I grow 100% organic and it shows in the flavoring. I do use a hydo rooter thou. Anyways, happy growing and hope you enjoy!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for stopping by. My crop is small cause I've had to cull three plants already. still trying to get my technique down and everything too.


Well-Known Member
@bestbuds: All my temps are good. Dont know what the water temp is exactly but Im running less than 80 about an inch from the light. Im thinking that I was having a CalMag issue. An Mg def will cause the tips to curve and curl. I upped my CalMag two days ago and they perked up almost immediately and 2/3 of the tips straightened out. And I have noticed a dash of color returning to the runt. Im going to up to the recommended dose

Another thing that I just realized is my bloom nutes say they are for soil gardens:wall: So guess where Im going today. I also picked up some hygrozyme for all the dead roots that are in my res. Im adding some of that today and then Im adding some Oregonism beneficial bacteria.



Active Member
ben bacteria and fungi do amazing things. i will always use em. that and molasses seems to do good for the fungi and bacteria.


Well-Known Member
Took this during a res change out. Im flushing for a couple hours with Clearex. Then Im flushing an hour or so with plain PH water and then Im adding the proper nutes (not soil nutes) along with some Hygrozone. My roots have some brown in them.
