Dogs, choppers and cops in my yard


Well-Known Member
Yea so last night my neighbor got shot. I had state troopers, local cops and 2 k9 units running around in my yard. As well as a chopper hovering above my house. Scary Good thing they were looking for the shooter and not my plants. Just to be safe I shut everything down for a few hours I hope it doenst turn my plants into hermies. I was shitting a brick for a little while. Very scary stuff.


New Member
OMG! :o
I love dogs.
The cops and choppers I can do without though. :?(
Yea so last night my neighbor got shot. I had state troopers, local cops and 2 k9 units running around in my yard. As well as a chopper hovering above my house. Scary Good thing they were looking for the shooter and not my plants. Just to be safe I shut everything down for a few hours I hope it doenst turn my plants into hermies. I was shitting a brick for a little while. Very scary stuff.


Well-Known Member
whoa....theres a on ya to totally keep your cool and do the right thing.....slither back into the corner....not to be seen or noticed. F*ck I'll bet that was a nailbitter exercise in patience ..... good on ya man! your plants will love you for your "rock-like" temperament.....walk on!


Well-Known Member
I shot some great video of all the goings on but I cant post it without my location being obvious. The news was shooting video as well and you could see the window that my grow is behind on the 11oclock news last night.


New Member
Yes this is true.
But I was just mentioning that I like the dogs but not all the rest of the stuff BUt then again, I guess you couldn't pick and choose could ya. :lol::lol:

Can you imagine going out there saying:

"yo excuse me everyone. i don't mind the dogs being here and all but could ya please get rid of these cops and choppers.

It probably wouldn't go over too well. :roll:
I love dogs too but not when there is a cop on the other end of the leash.


Well-Known Member
My biggest fear was that the dogs who were looking for the shooter would get confused by the smell of my plants and lead the cops right in my house thinking they were following the scent to the dude and not the plants. I now have some new white hairs from this.


Active Member
so crazy. those dogs' smell scares the fuck outta me. good thing you didn't start choppin and flushin shit


Well-Known Member
Shit dude, thats crazy. I think I would have freaked out and tried to get rid of everything. Good thing you didn't though.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
How the heck could someone get rid of everything? grind it up and flush it? lol that would take forever and would most likely clog up your toilet pretty fast.


New Member
Yeah Dats just crazy!!!!!!


...oh I;m not getting much work done here.

How the heck could someone get rid of everything? grind it up and flush it? lol that would take forever and would most likely clog up your toilet pretty fast.