Please explain how/why u guys are getting ur shit jacked...

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This thread is upsetting everyone... Seems like the rollitup gloves are on. Either way getting jacked sucks but laughing and or patronizing someone who it happened to is like kicking them when they are down. We are a small community of growers here trying to help one another. An elite fraternity if you will. Let's try to keep it that way. If you wanna go start shit, do it to someone who a) deserves it, and b) who your face to face with. We all grow a great plant that used to be a sign of peace and lets keep it that way. Sorry didn't mean to get all philisophical.
This thread is upsetting everyone... Seems like the rollitup gloves are on. Either way getting jacked sucks but laughing and or patronizing someone who it happened to is like kicking them when they are down. We are a small community of growers here trying to help one another. An elite fraternity if you will. Let's try to keep it that way. If you wanna go start shit, do it to someone who a) deserves it, and b) who your face to face with. We all grow a great plant that used to be a sign of peace and lets keep it that way. Sorry didn't mean to get all philisophical.


Well-Known Member
Jeffdogg if you read my quote it said like most ppl said KEEPING YOUR MOUTHSHUT IS THE BEST SECURITY! READ BEFORE YOU SPEAK. I was calling the Pitbull army gun toting ppl dumbasses. Sorry i had to clarify. Why do you have to flame people man. Facts and statistics prove points, not bullying. Well maybe if you have the mentality of a 12 year old.... Ahhhh

Ok lets go a couple pages back to start..

DUMBASSES! Cultivation of MJ with clean record = probation or like max 3-5. Killing some one who's jackin your plants = life w/o parole.. Let's try to take the gangster out of growing. I mean seriously, you guys sound so gung ho that your probably gonna end up shooting a kid who climbed over your wall because he threw his baseball in the back yard. Like most ppl said the best security is keeping your mouth shut. Growers like this do nothing to help the movement of legalization.
Look in the bold lettering, "you guys" means multiple you are referring to as well as DUMBASSES! to where if you were just talking about him you would not of been speaking in plural, so trying to be shifty now with your words just makes you look worse and he was the only person talking bout his pack of wild dogs and gangsta cousins and you know this and the fact that I have to point this out to you is just LMAO.. Also what I quoted just now is you flamming from earlier so isnt that the pot calling the kettle black? I mean come on was it worth becoming a hypocrite?

Sooooo " Facts and statistics prove points, not bullying. " you should look in the mirror when you say that ;)

And in the end " Well maybe if you have the mentality of a 12 year old.... Ahhhh "

Does that make you 9 or 10? As well as being mentally challenged due to the fact you cant see what your doing is exactly what I was doing and many other people :D

You gonna get off that high horse now please? :D


Well-Known Member
This thread is upsetting everyone... Seems like the rollitup gloves are on. Either way getting jacked sucks but laughing and or patronizing someone who it happened to is like kicking them when they are down. We are a small community of growers here trying to help one another. An elite fraternity if you will. Let's try to keep it that way. If you wanna go start shit, do it to someone who a) deserves it, and b) who your face to face with. We all grow a great plant that used to be a sign of peace and lets keep it that way. Sorry didn't mean to get all philisophical.
Hey learn to fucking read the dude started the thread pretty much making fun of people who get ganked, and this whole time your defending the douche, as well as your crying about people doing the same exact thing your doing. Damn your mom must be proud :D


Now if you look at the post from our friend from across the pond he says something to the effect of using guns,bats or anything to stop someone from stealing his crop. Now that would make 2 people saying relatively the same thing. So, plural of dumbasses is acceptable. You were the only one to point this out and make it as a whole to the community which makes me believe you are narcissistic and also insecure. Now to address your second point. Stop telling people to look in the mirror. It is a redundant comeback you have been using, and when I was in third grade this kid who loved smurfs used to say it all the time. Speaking of smurfs and your avatar, that is what lead me to believe you had a 12 year old mentality. Possibly you have a mental development issue or you cruise around in a windowless astrovan telling children that you have candy and nintendo at your cabin in the woods. Now for the last 2 points... I singled you out because you seem to be one of those pompus asses who is quick on the draw and doesn't think about what they say. No I wont get off my high horse, it took me a whole NL spliff to get their and I find it quite enjoyable.


Well-Known Member
"the same exact thing as your doing." he spelled wrong also. The part you changed can be read in two ways I guess
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