Club 600


Well-Known Member
The camera thing, I need more info, my pictures are shit and they never do my bud justice. Yeah I push the selection button to bring up the flower icon. How close can I get in inches from the bud? Do I stay ten inches away and zoom in? What is the shutter speed? What is the iso speed? What, what, what? I am sick and tired of taking crap pictures, what is the secret? Doobiebrother, you can chime in...please and genuity where on earth are you? Are you well?

C'mon you camera guys, give us crap picture takers some in depth info, please.
I have a 4 year old Canon TX-1. Just has a 7.1 megapixel CMOS.
I don't bother with turning off the growlights when I snap my pics (the extra brightness means no flash is used, which is always a good thing, in my opinion).
What I do is set the camera to Manual mode to control all of the settings myself, then use Macro mode (the little flower icon when you can choose the flower, the human head shape, or the mountain shape) and bring the camera in to just about the point where auto-focus ceases to work, and I use a tripod. In Manual mode, I put the ISO down to 100 and I use the Auto White Balance (AWB) feature (it takes a reading from a sample pic it snaps so it can analyze how far off the colors are for any light situation and automatically correct them to get it closer to what the eye sees).
It also has about 7 presets for use with different types of artificial lights, and they sometimes work, but AWB works much better for my needs.
Turn off any fans to temporarily get the plants to stop swaying in the breeze and you're golden.
The AWB (Auto White Balance) works a treat, but it's not quite perfect on my particular camera, so I bring my pics into Photoshop and fine tune the color balance in the highlights, mid-tones, and shadows to change any subtle color shifts caused by the grow-bulbs.
Then I adjust the Levels so the plants look exactly as they do with normal room lights only.
If I had a DSLR I'd be in absolute pig-heaven.
My dad has a Nikon D90 and a D70 and they are both REAL good.
Another thing you can do with most newer-ish digital cameras is use a setting that takes "bracketed" photos. Bracketing means every time you snap a pic the camera will take multiple pics using different settings for each one. This allows you to have a wide range of pics to choose from when it comes time to select a good one that is closer to being spot on.


Well-Known Member
The Lil dog that could. haha. Despite her unfortuante accident. She's going to make a full recovery.

Heres the dog top really starting to throw some roots out.

This top has been in the diy cloner i built for about 9 days. As you can see the lower leaves are showing the yellowing and will likey drop off leaving 2 healthy sets and a strong robust clone. Now keep in mind that the lowest leaves (Using this method of cloning) always die off first and then so on to the top. so when cloning take that into account. But on the norm it's usally just the bottom leaf set. I snip them off anyways if they dont fall off.

You will have a length of stem now but dont worry. as long as its planted deep it will eventually form feeder roots.

I have had i say 98% sucess with this method to date.

Be back with some more. :peace: 1BMM Need a puff haha.
how did your homemade cloner turn out?

how well does it work?

and did you make a journal of how you made it? i want to make 1

it looks good


Well-Known Member
!!!!!!!!!! loling out of tightness 5x10x7 sounds fking awesome! Depending on foot traffic around the area I would still go with something bigger. Just my 2cents.
Yeah I'm pretty stoked. It's all framed up already and I'll be sheetrocking it and getting some things set up inside tomorrow. I'll have the plants in the flower area with a Pandafilm curtain closing it off at 36"X36" and the cooltube installed with the new 8" inline fan to cool it. I'll also have the vegging plants in their area too with the T5 lights over them and last but not least, I'll have the two autos that are in a DWC setup in there somewhere with a 150w HPS over them.

It won't be finished but it will be functional. I'll get the E&F table for the veg area set up one day next week so it'll be ready when I need it as well as one E&F table for flower. My other 600 should be here by next Friday and I'll stick that inline with the other one so that the one big fan will be cooling both lights. I won't be using the new light though for a while I think since I don't even have any mothers to take clones from yet.

I've got a Cataract Kush and a Headband that are both seedlings at the moment and I have a White Widow clone that's well rooted and the other one is either a Trainwreck or Jack Herer, I can't remember right nowciz I'm effing stoned but it's written on the rockwool cube. These will all be mother plants hopefully.

I'll snap some pics tomorrow while I'm working on it and post them up in my thread.

Peace folks, I'm off to bed with the wifey :hump::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Looks like the 600 was on crack last night.......moving like Casey Jones, slow down Casey!

Guys, awesome bud shots. And as for the camera advise, great stuff Duchieman. Our Canon was the cheapest in that range, and like Duchieman says, it's really all about the lens when buying a camera. In fact if you are buying a cheaper camera, it's probably better to get something with a normal amount of pixels, unless you intend on creating posters of your girls!!!

I have a CAN9000, I didn't buy it here, but its a link giving you all the details.

McP, if anyone was going to increase the size of that pic they would need thr original file, not the uploaded file since RIU re-sizes your pics for you. Looking at the size I really don't think you have much chance of getting a good quality pic enlarged from that. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how you look at it, CSI is a load of old pants and you can't just blow pictures up when there is no data there to blow up....

Well, TGI Fridays eh - Thank Ganja It's Friday!!!

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
Oh, and I will get some pics of my mature DOGs up for you guys later on.
Cant wait my dog is looking very sick ill post some pics tomorrow. On the good side my Iced Grapefruits are looking nice and bushy ill take some clones and make a mother probably. My seeds should be here in 2 days also :D

mr west

Well-Known Member
Spoze ill try and catch one of my doggys laters, its a bit of a fight now in my veg room everythings ready for repotting and flowering lol.

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Well thanks to the seed fairy my second mother arrived in the mail the other day, she is going to be a romulan x timewarp. Seven weeks of flowering to go along with the eight weeks for Casey Jones. I took nineteen cuttings from my current two mothers, headband x cali-o and 'the og18', both will be put into the flower room this evening for lights on and start their 12/12 tonight.

Thanks guys for the camera info and also the fan and filter info, I need an additional one and will be upgrading to a vortex fan and who knows what on the filter, I need to do a bit more research on that one.

These are some of the better prices I've come across for a vortex fan.

Beautiful bud shots guys, the six hundred is where it's at.


Well-Known Member
Nice Veg space Westy, looks "gezellig" as we say...and the DOG looks like it has come on leaps and bounds, lol.

mr west

Well-Known Member
I could do with an intermediate space where i can repot my vegging gals and still veg them. They all in 5 inch pots and must be rootbound by now lol

mr west

Well-Known Member
its kinda decieving cuz the dogs and a few plants at the back are actualy on and upturned pot with the bottom of my propergator on it lol giving those 5 plants an extra 12" on everything else

mr west

Well-Known Member
oh yes i am indeed, thats the main bulk of the plants in my veg at min my clone onlys lol, cheese, psychosis and livers/blues with a couple of my own clone onlys lol deep ppsycho. I have a casey jones from a bastad self seed plant i have in flower and a jack the ripper pheno that ive kept cuz its awesome lol


Well-Known Member
do you have a mother of the cheese or do you just clone clones?. btw what is livers/blues, a cheese hybrid?

mr west

Well-Known Member
Yeah i dunt do it pehaps the baet way, I just grow the clones into monsters and clone from them and repeat the proces cuz of space issues. The livers/ blues is a similer cut to the psychosis but it seems to be slightly better cut.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
its a much stinkier cut believe me, ive had to buy an ozone generator a new can and still you can smell it outside. im lashing out another couple of ton on a bigger can and fan and a primair controller today, if that dont fix it ill be getting shot of the livers. 70 for an 8 inch rvk, primair £90 and the big can is going to be near 200:( makes a grand total of just over £600 ive spent this week. i could cry


Well-Known Member
i'll gladly take her off your hands don. where ther hell do they get the names from though? i can understand psychosis but livers/blues?!?