hydro store no no's ??

I don't know why you would ask a hydro store employee for advice. You have no way of gauging their knowledge; they will steer you toward products they are paid to steer you toward. Gather you equipment at the store, get your knowledge elsewhere.
most hydro stores I've been to have very knowledgeable employees who are a GREAT help. What's wrong with getting someone elses opinion?
most hydro stores I've been to have very knowledgeable employees who are a GREAT help. What's wrong with getting someone elses opinion?

Let me ask you a hypothetical question. Lets say Prop 19 passes and Obama releases the hounds. Where do you think the black vans are going to park first? My bet would be the hydro store. Then when they bust a larger scale grower they will put the heat on the store to give up more growers under the pretense that they are now commercial accomplices to manufacturing marijuana which is still going to be a federal felony. What is that hydro store owner going to do? Take 20 years because you spent a grand in his shop? No he is going to point you out the next time you leave because he knows you grow weed because YOU TOLD HIM!!!!!
WOAH!! I never said to TELL them! Also, wouldn't matter if he SAYS you grow, they need more proof than that to get a warrant to search. Course you don't walk in and go "I grow weed, help me out" I wasn't saying that, that's stupid. Doesn't mean you can't discretely ask for advice, it doesn't matter what they "think" you're growing, they'd need to have you recorded saying it for it to ever mean anything as evidence...course that would be if the legal system followed it's own laws.
The Feds need more than someones word to get a warrant? Look up a couple federal conspiracy cases my friend and educate yourself.
The cops do need more than someone's word to get a warrant, but if they have someone's word, they will start looking at you and chances are they will find what they need for a warrant. They will look through your trash, look at your power bill, look at your house with a FLIR camera, pull you over for a bullshit reason,etc. They can do all that stuff without a warrant. If they really want to bust you they can just make something up, like say they smell weed coming from your house. I had a friend get a big grow house busted because the cops made a fake 911 call. They said the neighbor heard fighting in the house and called 911. The guy lived alone. When the cops got there, there was no hiding the smell at the door and he got busted. Point is, they knew he was growing and made up a reason to come to his house.
You can't let anyone know you are growing, and that starts by not telling the people at the hydro store! And pay cash, you don't want your name on any records the store owners have.
so i got kicked out of a hydroponics store today for asking about what is a good alternative to fox farms for medical cannabis. she said can't help with cannabis and said to not use that term. even tho it is legal to grown medical cannabis in california why was i kicked out? i mean i came back in and asked for help with tomatoes and she helped me. what gives? how should i ask for help in a hydro store if they aren't comfortable with that term.
Fuck the uppity fuckers and shop elsewhere , I shopped the same hydro store for a couple months (nothing ever mentioned about what I was growing but we both knew), needed a small amount of bloom to finish up , told my hydro guy I'd been in flower for 10 weeks and his words were "jesus what are you growing? Sour diesel?" I just chuckled and told him no I was growing several strains and I was amendment 20 compliant. We're coming to a day and age when these silly fucks that condemn weed as evil are looked down upon for talking their shit. To all you uppity fucks that condemn weed, go fuck yourself!
We're coming to a day and age when these silly fucks that condemn weed as evil are looked down upon for talking their shit. To all you uppity fucks that condemn weed, go fuck yourself!

You are totally right, but those uppity fuckers can still send you to prison, so one must be careful.
Believe me the Feds dont need shit to bust you but a badge man. My buddy is doing life for conspiracy to sell pounds of cocain and they had exactly 1.36 grams at his trial. Guess what? Guilty!! 30 to life. Have a nice day.
around here in michigan, you dont want to ask their help at all. they are so clueless its rediculous, they literally walk around telling the same old wivestales you see on here everyday. they always think their knowlegable too, quite funny.
Believe me the Feds dont need shit to bust you but a badge man. My buddy is doing life for conspiracy to sell pounds of cocain and they had exactly 1.36 grams at his trial. Guess what? Guilty!! 30 to life. Have a nice day.

tell us more.....its really intrigueing.
Believe me the Feds dont need shit to bust you but a badge man. My buddy is doing life for conspiracy to sell pounds of cocain and they had exactly 1.36 grams at his trial. Guess what? Guilty!! 30 to life. Have a nice day.

Your right, they will bust you and then find a way to make it "legal". Those conspiracy charges are real bullshit. Your getting busted for talking about buying a brick and that's the same crime as actually having it. WTF!
Does anyone remember Waco or Ruby Ridge? Remember all the rules the Feds followed then?

They ran up in both of those places over shotguns with barrels that were too short. Is that really worth sending the swat teams at people for?