hydro store no no's ??

They ran up in both of those places over shotguns with barrels that were too short. Is that really worth sending the swat teams at people for?

No they went on the word of someone about short barrels but what they found when searching for charred bodies was that every gun was legally purchased and owned by a member of the compound in the Waco case.
which state is that? i mean cocaine? selling? 1.5 grams? life? wtf?

He said it was conspiracy to sell pounds. So they probably had the dude on a phone or wire talking to somebody like "hey, man I know a dude we can score some keys off of down in miami, lets do it" There you go, thats all you need for a federal conspiracy charge to stick. Two or more people talking about commiting a crime. He just had the 1.5g in his pocket when they busted him. Am I right Bigv?
No they went on the word of someone about short barrels but what they found when searching for charred bodies was that every gun was legally purchased and owned by a member of the compound in the Waco case.

Yup, and tried to make it ok by saying that David Koresh was molesting kids and stuff. Was he? we don't really know, but they were on their own thing down there and the feds didn't like it.
At Ruby Ridge they actually bought a short barreled shotgun from the guy at a gun show, but the cop talked him in to sawing it off.
Regardless my point is this. Governments are so crooked its insane. Our president already said if the people are heard (arent we supposed to be?) and Prop 19 passes the boyz are coming for the plants. They wont be sorting shit out. They wont be sparing med patients or hydro stores they will be arresting marijuana and anybody involved with it and if you tell ANYBODY that you grow your odds of getting a federal indictment just went up exponentially.
If the person working in the store isnt very knowledgeable in the field of growing, then i suggest maybe put in an application lol. But dont ever let them know you grow, they can assume all they want. Patriot Act on top of War On Drugs and War On Terrorism allow some gaps to open up that police do not need warrants like most think. It created a loophole in the system for the police to use. A cop can legally search your car/house w.o a warrant because of it. All they need is suspicion now. My friends house was raided because he collects rifles. Well they raided him because they suspected him to terroristic threats because of his AK47 they heard he had. They didnt break the law cause i went to court with him and the judge said they dont need a warrant to search just a reason or suspicion. So keep ur shit on the DL and get Cervantes grow bible then go shopping. People dont understand why they brought it on
Wholesale suppliers require you to sign a form saying you won't sell to anyone you know is growing weed. they are federally bound and there equipment can't be used for weed, But can for tomatoes. and there are only 3 or 4 real wholesale suppliers, so we keep them happy
Wholesale suppliers require you to sign a form saying you won't sell to anyone you know is growing weed. they are federally bound and there equipment can't be used for weed, But can for tomatoes. and there are only 3 or 4 real wholesale suppliers, so we keep them happy

Just the man I wanna talk to. Do you have a plan for the fed subpeonas when they come as a store owner?
I gues you didnt read the thread.

I stopped after the 2ncd page, but just went back and read your theory.
Honestly, let me put it to you this way. Arizona passed a law that the feds didn't agree with, so they trumped it. Same thing will happen if 19 passes, so everything will still be under 215. When you buy something from my store, I don't know what you do with it after it's loaded up, so The feds got nothing on me.
I stopped after the 2ncd page, but just went back and read your theory.
Honestly, let me put it to you this way. Arizona passed a law that the feds didn't agree with, so they trumped it. Same thing will happen if 19 passes, so everything will still be under 215. When you buy something from my store, I don't know what you do with it after it's loaded up, so The feds got nothing on me.

I am not insinuating that you are doing anything wrong as a store owner. I am saying that you must keep records as a business owner and I assume you do mail order. That is kind of a big list of grow houses is it not?
I am not insinuating that you are doing anything wrong as a store owner. I am saying that you must keep records as a business owner and I assume you do mail order. That is kind of a big list of grow houses is it not?
I am a fairly new store owner and haven't got to internet sales yet. I keep no customer information,so far. I order the stuff,have it shipped to my store and then the cust.picks it up. I have another business and I use that C.C processor, so there bill doesn't have anything from a hydro store on it. I picked a place for my store that people feel comfortable coming in, and here in cali, the cops don't hang out at hydro stores anymore
I am a fairly new store owner and haven't got to internet sales yet. I keep no customer information,so far. I order the stuff,have it shipped to my store and then the cust.picks it up. I have another business and I use that C.C processor, so there bill doesn't have anything from a hydro store on it. I picked a place for my store that people feel comfortable coming in, and here in cali, the cops don't hang out at hydro stores anymore

Ok that is fine. You are attempting to keep everyone including yourself anonymous as you should. Is HTG doing that? How about BCNL? How about HID HUT? Do you understand my thinking at least?
My point is all this prop 215 and prop 19 stuff has people building a highly detrimental false sense of confidence. The #1 most powerful person in our country has gone in front of the whole nation and said if Prop 19 passes he will be sending DEA agents to AGGRESIVELY enforce federal mj policy.
Ok that is fine. You are attempting to keep everyone including yourself anonymous as you should. Is HTG doing that? How about BCNL? How about HID HUT? Do you understand my thinking at least?
yep,I get it. I would think our wholesale suppliers would get it first. Take away the manufactures and wholesale suppliers, you kill off every hydro store.
And here is another thought about it. Lots and lots of legal vegatable farmers use large scale hydroponics to grow. So I think it is ignorant to think that because a guy owns a hydro store in Podunkville Iowa that hes is MJ friendly.
just wanted to say that my hydro guy is great..he helps me with my tomatoes and i know he knows what i am doing and i think he does the same...he gets just as excited as i do when he gets new products in the store..and if i am haveing problems he even gives a call after a few days to see how things are progresing, now maybe i am being to relaxed about the hole thing but i feel he is genuine and it gives me some one to kinda talk to about my hobbie. he is the president of the store and who runs around with an ipod on looking halfbaked.