bagseed is garbage.


Pickle Queen
D:! Poor hamster!!! My hamster got stuck behind his wheel and suffocated. I resuscitated him, but he was already brain dead :(...

back on topic: I'm pretty sure we can at this point we can agree to disagree about the credibility of growing bag seed considering it really depends on the quality of what you were smoking that the seed came from.
did u give him CPR?


New Member
thats not mail nice try lol
and even if it was i got so discourage when i found out i spent 5-6 growing garbage i tore down growm room and had a bonfire and took the garbage buds somewhere else i couldnt even stand to have it around

i zoomed into your picture and got your addres and name off your mail..........j.k

nice harvest mines wont give me that much i only have two plants in flower hopfully i get at least 4 ounces..... ima put one out of my vegg box in there next week........


Well-Known Member
I get tired of herm this and herm that. so what it herms. some of the best bud has the potential to herm. examples: east coast sour diesel, trainwreck,etc. Some of the best smoke came from genetics that have a herm trait in them. i read about the story of chem. even s1's can be better than the original. The bud can be the bomb seeded or not. I just grew some jack that was accidentally seeded with some pollen and i would put it up there with any of these og's or chems, trust me i smoked the best of them.

besides most of todays genetics were grew from old genetics such as sensi, mr nice, etc and established breeders of the past. same strains just a new watered down name with weak game. in my opinion some of strongest smoke was the pure to almost pure sativas of yesteryear. I also hate hearing about cut the makes and pull em quick. some of you noobs should try pollen chucking. you may end up with something better than what you have now. if it werent for males, no one would have seeds.


Well-Known Member
thats not mail nice try lol
and even if it was i got so discourage when i found out i spent 5-6 growing garbage i tore down growm room and had a bonfire and took the garbage buds somewhere else i couldnt even stand to have it around
the DEA will know how to dispose them properly nuggs as ugly as that you should be reported you scumbag lol


Active Member
did u give him CPR?
Yes I did...that's how he was resuscitated. But he was brain dead because he'd been actually dead for like 5minutes...which for a hamster is a LONG time. I kept him going for a week, I was his personal life support system. He could breathe on his own but I force fed him and gave him water. After that I figured it was cruel to keep doing that to him and let him go.