On the Impeachment Front ... Help Needed

What do you mean a war he did not start? Who started the war then, Iraq? How do you figure they started a war with us?

The U.S. has been in a state of war with radical Islam since 1979 when the Embassy was stormed in Tehran. Since then they attacked the World Trade Center in 1993, bombed two U.S. Embassies, bombed the U.S.S. Cole and finally 9/11. I know I have left out a few.

Iraq is not the war. Iraq is a theater in the war. Iraq brought the invasion on itself when it invaded Kuwait in 1990. George H.W. Bush erred by not finishing the job in 1991. The hostilities ended with Gulf War I, but Iraq agreed to severe restrictions. Restrictions Saddam Hussein broke repeatedly. George W. Bush could justify the invasion with 17 U.N. resolutions going back to Gulf War I.

Again I say, the victor chooses the ground where the battle will be fought. Did France, Holland or Belgium attack us in WWII? By your logic Roosevelt should have been impeached for D-Day.
The U.S. has been in a state of war with radical Islam since 1979 when the Embassy was stormed in Tehran. Since then they attacked the World Trade Center in 1993, bombed two U.S. Embassies, bombed the U.S.S. Stark and finally 9/11. I know I have left out a few.

Iraq is not the war. Iraq is a theater in the war. Iraq brought the invasion on itself when it invaded Kuwait in 1990. George H.W. Bush erred by not finishing the job in 1991. The hostilities ended with Gulf War I, but Iraq agreed to severe restrictions. Restrictions Saddam Hussein broke repeatedly. George W. Bush could justify the invasion with 17 U.N. resolutions going back to Gulf War I.

Again I say, the victor chooses the ground where the battle will be fought. Did France, Holland or Belgium attack us in WWII? By your logic Roosevelt should have been impeached for D-Day.

Where do you get your logic, right out of your ass? The Iraqi people had nothing to do with 911. The Iraqi people,(Whom have suffered the wrath of Bush-Cheney), never had any animosity towards the US untill the 1st gulf war and the sanctions. Even then there was nothing they could do to harm us. Bush-Cheney wanted to secure the oil for the US oil Barons, end of story. Well, maybe not the complete end, there is always the war profiteers, and just where did that 20Billion+++ of Iraqs money go, you know the 20 billion the provisional authority had control of? Your logic is muddled by your racist hatred of Muslims, grow up.
Where do you get your logic, right out of your ass? The Iraqi people had nothing to do with 911. The Iraqi people,(Whom have suffered the wrath of Bush-Cheney), never had any animosity towards the US untill the 1st gulf war and the sanctions. Even then there was nothing they could do to harm us. Bush-Cheney wanted to secure the oil for the US oil Barons, end of story. Well, maybe not the complete end, there is always the war profiteers, and just where did that 20Billion+++ of Iraqs money go, you know the 20 billion the provisional authority had control of? Your logic is muddled by your racist hatred of Muslims, grow up.

Look Perfessor, I never said I hate ALL muslims. That may be your fantasy, it is not mine. I am against RADICAL Muslims. We are war with an ideology that transcends borders.

Why are we fighting Al Queda in Iraq if it has nothing to do with the war on terror? I'll tell you why; it's because they came to us there. We fight them on ground of our own choosing.

Your insipid little insults make me laugh.
Look Perfessor, I never said I hate ALL muslims. That may be your fantasy, it is not mine. I am against RADICAL Muslims. We are war with an ideology that transcends borders.

Why are we fighting Al Queda in Iraq if it has nothing to do with the war on terror? I'll tell you why; it's because they came to us there. We fight them on ground of our own choosing.

Your insipid little insults make me laugh.
Laugh away charlie, you are the racist ignoramus. I just pointed it out. Maybe if you pulled your head out and asked: "Why do radical Muslims Hate America"? You may actually have an epiphany, and then the light may come on, But in your case, I doubt it.
Laugh away charlie, you are the racist ignoramus. I just pointed it out. Maybe if you pulled your head out and asked: "Why do radical Muslims Hate America"? You may actually have an epiphany, and then the light may come on, But in your case, I doubt it.

So 9/11 was our fault? They attacked us time after time leading up to 9/11, but it is our fault? LOL. I believe Radical Muslims hate America because their holy book tells them to smite infidels by the neck with the sword. Plus, I believe they don't want Western values to corrupt their women.

Why don't you address my points? All you have are silly little barbs to back up your case. I guess if that is the only arrow in your quiver, that is all you can employ. Perhaps you are the one who should grow up.

Why is it when progressives run out of points they draw the 'rascist' card? Do you think that intimidates me? You must be a weak, sad little man.
The only thing I intend to ask once I pull my head out is to ask you if you want to swallow or not.

OOOOHHH! Good one. Med will use that same line in another thread not long from now. I've noticed this is his M/O. Whereas some resort to crudity to beat others at their own game, med has nothing else. When his crudity fails him, he resorts to silence. Or, should I say, he is silenced.
The U.S. has been in a state of war with radical Islam since 1979 when the Embassy was stormed in Tehran. Since then they attacked the World Trade Center in 1993, bombed two U.S. Embassies, bombed the U.S.S. Stark and finally 9/11. I know I have left out a few.

Iraq is not the war. Iraq is a theater in the war. Iraq brought the invasion on itself when it invaded Kuwait in 1990. George H.W. Bush erred by not finishing the job in 1991. The hostilities ended with Gulf War I, but Iraq agreed to severe restrictions. Restrictions Saddam Hussein broke repeatedly. George W. Bush could justify the invasion with 17 U.N. resolutions going back to Gulf War I.

Again I say, the victor chooses the ground where the battle will be fought. Did France, Holland or Belgium attack us in WWII? By your logic Roosevelt should have been impeached for D-Day.
You sir are a dumbass. And that's my que to leave the political forum. There's only so much propaganda and idiocy I can deal with in one day.
Most of the 'Radical Muslims' we're fighting today were once are allies. Most of their weapons came from us. Remember when we're fighting Saudi Arabia 20 years down the road that Bush just sold them 20 Billion in arms.
Then how do you get out of bed in the morning. Because.....you sir, are a dumbass!
Ok ccodiane. I've figured you out. All you do is attack posts you don't agree with and cheer on posts by Vi and Wavels and the bunch. You never have anything to add of your own. Your an idiot. Come back when you can think of something of your own to add......I stated in my second post why what he said was idiotic. Can you explain to me how what I said was?
Ok ccodiane. I've figured you out. All you do is attack posts you don't agree with and cheer on posts by Vi and Wavels and the bunch. You never have anything to add of your own. Your an idiot. Come back when you can think of something of your own to add......I stated in my second post why what he said was idiotic. Can you explain to me how what I said was?

Sure, I can explain why calling the poster a dumbass clearly makes you a dumbass. Let me think of how I can best phrase this. Here it goes.

The U.S. has been in a state of war with radical Islam since 1979 when the Embassy was stormed in Tehran. Since then they attacked the World Trade Center in 1993, bombed two U.S. Embassies, bombed the U.S.S. Stark (Cole?) and finally 9/11. I know I have left out a few.

Iraq is not the war. Iraq is a theater in the war. Iraq brought the invasion on itself when it invaded Kuwait in 1990. George H.W. Bush erred by not finishing the job in 1991. The hostilities ended with Gulf War I, but Iraq agreed to severe restrictions. Restrictions Saddam Hussein broke repeatedly. George W. Bush could justify the invasion with 17 U.N. resolutions going back to Gulf War I.

Again I say, the victor chooses the ground where the battle will be fought. Did France, Holland or Belgium attack us in WWII? By your logic Roosevelt should have been impeached for D-Day.

When I agree with someone, I don't feel it necessary to echo their sentiments and call it my own. So.....I'm not a group thinking lib. If this makes me an idiot, in your mind, I'll gladly take the title. Does that help clarify things, dumbass?
The U.S. has been in a state of war with radical Islam since 1979 when the Embassy was stormed in Tehran. Since then they attacked the World Trade Center in 1993, bombed two U.S. Embassies, bombed the U.S.S. Stark (Cole?) and finally 9/11. I know I have left out a few.

When I agree with someone, I don't feel it necessary to echo their sentiments and call it my own. So.....I'm not a group thinking lib. If this makes me an idiot, in your mind, I'll gladly take the title. Does that help clarify things, dumbass?

D'oh! I misspoke. It was the U.S.S. Cole.
The U.S. has been in a state of war with radical Islam since 1979 when the Embassy was stormed in Tehran. Since then they attacked the World Trade Center in 1993, bombed two U.S. Embassies, bombed the U.S.S. Cole and finally 9/11. I know I have left out a few.

Iraq is not the war. Iraq is a theater in the war. Iraq brought the invasion on itself when it invaded Kuwait in 1990. George H.W. Bush erred by not finishing the job in 1991. The hostilities ended with Gulf War I, but Iraq agreed to severe restrictions. Restrictions Saddam Hussein broke repeatedly. George W. Bush could justify the invasion with 17 U.N. resolutions going back to Gulf War I.

Again I say, the victor chooses the ground where the battle will be fought. Did France, Holland or Belgium attack us in WWII? By your logic Roosevelt should have been impeached for D-Day.
Iraq wasn't responsible for any of this except for invading Kuwait. Which is none of our business, anyways. This has to be the stupidest fucking post ever....So your logic is if any Middle Eastern country does something they are all responsible? Your an idiot and so is your little cocksucker with no brain for himslef, ccodiane.
Are you two done sucking each other off, yet? I, at least, have a minute amount of respect for you Johnny Organic because you can think for yourself. Ccodiane just repeats what he hears everyone else saying. The term idiot really does apply to him. Maybe misguided or brainwashed is a better term for you.
Most of the 'Radical Muslims' we're fighting today were once are allies. Most of their weapons came from us.

Examples please.

If, as you wrote, I am such a dumbass; perhaps you would be so kind as to enlighten me where I erred in my post beyond the above listed quote. I expect I'll hear crickets, rather than a thoughtful response from such an intellectual giant as yourself.