Well said man... I truely hope all the best for you no matter what turns out after this election... You got a great mind and a understanding personality... Maybe you should have been in on writing this bill... It would have been alot better man...
thx bro. I appreciate that. Either way it'll work out for both of us.
If I had the money to get full legalization on the ballot I would. I did have a hand in writing county policy though. I just hope the bureaucratic hacks working in the planning department don't fuck it up too much. But I did everything I could to make sure the business stayed with locals, no massive scale operations are permitted, and permit costs don't exclude people.
Regardless of if people support or oppose prop 19 everyone out there who cares about such things does have the ability to make a difference at the local level. The only way people aren't going to get fucked over is if you go out and do something about it. Your city councilmen/counties supervisors have open office hours. Show up and talk to them! When you do, they may or may not agree with you, but they will listen. Come up with a plan that explains to them how a policy you support benefits the voters of their district. If you can, gather 100 signatures from registered voters and bring that with you. If you do that, they will seriously consider what you are saying.
If you don't do that, the only people who will are the Richard Lee types. Usually, that type of person is the only one who shows to give their viewpoint. How is your local representation supposed to know what you want if you don't tell them? In my county, I was the only non-big business interest who took time the time to give them a well thought out point of view. The result was, they called me back and asked for my input when writing the law.
I'm not special in any way. If I can do that, so can anyone else.