On the Impeachment Front ... Help Needed

Yeah I'm scared of some redneck sister-fucker talking shit over the internet. You faggots have a nice day:peace:

1+1=2 So..............You being a confirmed lib:

are a redneck?

You are as confused in your "real" life as you've proven to be here.
I got to point this out. Libs say conservatives are racist, bigot, homophobes. I have just personally witnessed a lib being a bigoted homophobe, among other things. How long, Ibashthatbush, until I'm a conservative nigger? Or does that word offend you?
I got to point this out. Libs say conservatives are racist, bigot, homophobes. I have just personally witnessed a lib being a bigoted homophobe, among other things. How long, Ibashthatbush, until I'm a conservative N-word? Or does that word offend you?

You can say that again. These baseless and impotent attacks show their frustration. Why am I accused by these people that I don't address their points? WTF? It seems my points are met most often with insults. Or I answer their question and they keep asking the same question. Iblazethatkush is a sterling example.
Sigh. First of all, I'm not a Republican. I left the party in 1996.

I'll bet they were glad to see you leave, ~LOL~, just another asshole opinion,~LOL~.
Well this is in keeping with the recent flurry of posts which are off the topic of impeachment per se.

This directly addresses the twisted incorrect notion that the US is responsible for the creation of barbaric, murderous, scumbags; aka jihadists.
Islamic fascism is a clear and present danger.
My major problem with GWB is that he is not prosecuting this war with more vigor.
These despicable evil human vermin all need to be killed...they are begging for it.

Here is a first person account of the making of a warped depraved jihadist.
It is long and I have a hunch that med and iblaze will not even bother to read it.

The development of a jihadist's mind
The development of a jihadist's mind | Jerusalem Post
Too bad I'm not a liberal, huh faggots? I've said it many times the Dems are just as evil as Republicans.

Your points seem pretty progressive on this issue. Note I did not say liberal. You are the one who started assigning party affiliations by calling me a Republican.

Sigh. First of all, I'm not a Republican. I left the party in 1996.

I'll bet they were glad to see you leave, ~LOL~, just another asshole opinion,~LOL~.

Med, that was lame; even for you. Try again.
Dude, your the one who said it first. And you brought up the party affiliation first by saying what are you doing quoting a Republican...You twist everything around. Your a fucking weird, sad man.
Dude, your the one who said it first. And you brought up the party affiliation first by saying what are you doing quoting a Republican...You twist everything around. Your a fucking weird, sad man.

I said you quoted a Republican. I did not call you a Republican. I twisted nothing. Sheesh!

That's a complement coming from the likes of you.
Dude, your the one who said it first. And you brought up the party affiliation first by saying what are you doing quoting a Republican...You twist everything around. Your a fucking weird, sad man.
CCodiane, he's a wierd dude. I'm pretty sure he's a supervisor because he is such a dick. I'll bet wherever he works they are lined up to kick his ass. I wish He would have been my boss at some point in my career. He would have a few less teeth, thats for sure, I'd have had to knock him on his ass and quit. It wouldn't have been the first boss that regretted fucking with me, and the first job that I walked off from. Did you ever know someone that you couldn't wait to catch by himself in an alley? That's what he reminds me of. He needs a good ass kicking.