Just purchased more seeds need help


-Lowlife Seeds - Feminised Auto Lemon Skunk



- Lowryder Diesel Ryder


i need a better method on germinating for these i have tried towel method with my northern lights and ak48 seeds and it does not fully germinate

also can some one tell me the growing eta of each? EDIT does not show it


Active Member
you can use jiffy peat pots or they have rapid rooters that i hear work very well to start your seeds. i have used the peat pellets many times and they work fine. you could even just plant them in a seed starting mix.i would just keep things simple . i really dont see the need to do the paper towel method. its really not necessary. seeds just need a medium, moisture, warmth and air and they will germinate.


Well-Known Member
put the seed right in the soil... bottom water the pot first, poke a hole,drop the bean and very lightly cover..... never fails!


Well-Known Member
Some people love them and some hate them, but I love jiffy pellets and I only use the super big ones that come in the Jiffy Tomato Starter Greenhouse. More expensive than the smaller Jiffy-7 pellets but they swell up to about 5 inches tall and 3 inches thick, almost like a 12 ounce soda can. I put them under a 7" clear dome which I bought separate because the dome that comes with the jiffy greenhouse is too short. Altogether the dome makes it about 13 inches tall, and I have a heated seeding mat I put underneath the greenhouse.

I lightly squeeze the pellets once they have fully expanded so that they are just barely moist, then tear off the netting. I also put 3 or 4 eye dropper size drops of hydrogen peroxide in the water bowl I soak them in while they are expanding to help fight damping off. I plant the seeds 1/8th an inch deep,which is about the same size a seed is long. I'd say 95 seeds sprout for me out of 100 seeds.

Some people use the wet paper towel method and chance shocking the root tail when they plant the seed, it never worked for me, I wasted 10 seed on the paper towel method. I've used the loose jiffy mix in cups and jiffy pellets, I prefer the jiffy pellets. I just prefer using the bigger size jiffy pellets because I like to plant the expanded jiffy pellet into 16 ounce plastic disposable drinking cups before the tap root breaks through to the bottom of the jiffy pellet. I've used jiffy pellets the last 3 years.