Newb question about lighting...


Active Member
I'm going out of town this coming weekend and my plant is gonna be home all alone. :sad: I don't have a light timer and I know it's not good to give the plant more hours of light than it's already getting, so my question is would it be ok to just leave them off for a day and a half maybe two days. Wouldn't the plants just think it's a cloudy day...?
I was just wonering if my plant would be stressed or be effected at all...


Well-Known Member
and just so you know "darkness" isn't like a cloudy day because although it's cloudy there is still plenty of light. You can still see outside, right?


Well-Known Member
are you flowering right now? if not i'd just leave it on the whole time, keep it a bit further from the plant though so it dont grow into the light and get burned. well, thats one option, but im with these guys about getting a timer being the best one.


Well-Known Member
I'm only growing 24/7 in veg with cfl. don't worry about letting them on, you'll be amazed of how much they will like it. If in flowering then.. darkness I guess :)

PS: buy a timer, it's $2 :)


Well-Known Member
yea man if you are in veg, no worries just turn to 24... but if you are in flower then i would serriously go buy a timer!!! and if you cant afford $20 then turn the lights off while away cause you could stress her into hermi if you leave on and then back again...


Active Member
OK thanks everyone for the suggestions. Does anyone know if Lowe's or Home Depot have light timers? Where can i find a $2 one?! That sounds like my budget! haha


Well-Known Member
OK thanks everyone for the suggestions. Does anyone know if Lowe's or Home Depot have light timers? Where can i find a $2 one?! That sounds like my budget! haha
:)) well I got mine from 1.50 euros but I got that from a home depot in amsterdam so I don't know... you should find one there I guess


Well-Known Member
i got mine in a 2 pack for 10 at the local walgreens, could of got just one for like 6-7 but i figured since they had the deal and it was only 3 bucks and it would mean i'd have a backup just in case that it was well worth it. The timers work great and i never had any problems with either of them. One thing to note though is if you ever go and upgrade to an hps or other hid system you are going to need to get a heavy duty timer for it, hps kills those normal timers inevitabley, usually they will fail within a short time of trying to use them with hps.


Well-Known Member
true.. I got 2 small ones, each holding 2 35W CFLs still need to work a lot on my grow room :) like.. start it for once


Well-Known Member
You will need a timer for sure eventually so spend a couple of bucks now - don´t be a cheapskate. How much is your grow worth??


Active Member
Alright I'm getting a timer today!! This is my first grow and I didn't really put much thought into that because I was so worried about getting the right soil, nutes, and a light tight I just thought I could handle switching them on and off manually...bad idea!

But I have another question thats kind of off topic and since you guys seem experienced I might as well ask...
I recently topped my as of today 4 week old plant...about a week ago. And it's just starting to sprout the two main future it too early to start flowering, or should I let the two little sprouts get a little bigger? I can put up a picture if anyone needs a visual...


Active Member
I am a first time grower and I'm growing White Widow. I dont have the money to buy the good lights i seen online thats was recommended like the HPS or im using just a fluorescent light fixture....i read it can be veg and flower under my question is how long do i veg before flowering......i been veg for 3 weeks now on 24/7 light.....i have pix too



Active Member
This isn't the place to post that...go click on the forums and post a new thread or read old ones...more people will see your question.