Tahoe's doing it - stepping up to the plate....we're ready.....

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New Member
can you go ahead and put the clones 12/12 where they are...the light may not be as good as inside the box, but at least they would have a start at flower and that would give the others time to finish...


Well-Known Member
brilliant....yes I can do that......thats an excellent idea.....f*ck how stupid is that! DUH! homer moment! hahahahahaha....that is exactly what will work the best prolly....its a 200W CFL....that will work fine as an interim measure! thanks my man! walk on!


Well-Known Member
here are the clones at 37 days.....approx. 3 weeks in dome....and 2 weeks in vege....I know they were slow in the start....but then in the last two weeks have grown very well, have topped once....and screwed it up a little have have some pretty asymmetrical wonky type growth pattern now....

My question - concern - issue - is - I have to be done and finished by April 1. that means, harvest dry and begin curing the main set of plants, and grow, flower, harvest, dry and cure the clones.

I have ten weeks (72 days) until that day. I can finish up the big girls without any realy question, and have the opportunity to let them go as long as I should....to try make the bud as good as it can be....

the clones on the otherhand.....have those 72 days to do what they need to do.....and I have no idea whether or not that is going to be enough time or not? If so and my last drop dead date is the end of Jan. and I can get away with the 59 days for the full process for the clones....then I'm prolly ok.....

If not....then one option would be to putting the clones in with the big plants....there's floor space, just not ....above air space.... and they do as well as they can under the circumstances?

Anotehr option would be to finish the big ones, and do the clones in whatever the time is available and chop them according to the calendar and not their maturity (I think this is a bad idea?)

I'm sure there are other options that I have not considered?:roll:

so the latest you can start flowering is feb 1. that will give you 8 weeks for the clones to flower. the ones flowering look about 2 weeks away. it's gonna be really close. you can put the clones in with the others but you have to get them up high close to the light or they will stretch all to hell. you can flip them in the veg area for the first week to give them a head start flowering while the others finish.


Well-Known Member
excellent.....thanks for your thoughts.....I think giving them a head start is a good choice....and then depending on where things are at and what they look like...I can make room and elevatye them to benefit from the super HPS......thanks folks I feel much more at ease now! cheers!

PoonBong....you are invited to light up that doobie right about.....NOW!


Well-Known Member
51 days flower (Top 44) and 42 days flower (bigbud). Things continue to look very good....though there have been some other grows on here with recent pics by the REALLY experienced....and well....it just makes one realize just how far from THAT reality a rank novice/amateur grow is/and common seeds are.....needless to say, I can continue to work towards such heights of cannabis horticultural achievement.....for now.....I remain most pleased with my efforts and results to date......I feel particularly good that I will do as suggested and begin 12-12 for the clones....changed the programing on the box and away she goes.....anhoo....here's a couple pics....nothing earthshattering.....in either chnge or progress...they just keep maturing and will be still two to three weeks I'm sure......:blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
Looking good to me.
10 times better than my first indoor efforts.
Crystals are forming nicely.
I want to smoke the bud in the last pic:mrgreen::joint:

Lovely colouring and perspective in the 3rd pic also.


Well-Known Member
hey Nat....thanks so much......appreciate that feedback....I am pleased with the outcome.....then you see other highly refined efforts....and you realize just how the many years, and experiences make up do THOSE kinds of grows.......I am most pleased, even just with the journey....this has fully occupied a tremendous amount of time since early November.....and here we are making the final short strokes! hahahahaha! :blsmoke:
Looking good to me.
10 times better than my first indoor efforts.
Crystals are forming nicely.
I want to smoke the bud in the last pic:mrgreen::joint:

Lovely colouring and perspective in the 3rd pic also.


Well-Known Member
hey Nat....thanks so much......appreciate that feedback....I am pleased with the outcome.....then you see other highly refined efforts....and you realize just how the many years, and experiences make up do THOSE kinds of grows.......I am most pleased, even just with the journey....this has fully occupied a tremendous amount of time since early November.....and here we are making the final short strokes! hahahahaha! :blsmoke:
Yeah man you should be proud.
Any critical comments i have ever made have always been from a sense of trying to help.
I am a little brash,or subtle as a brick as i am known locally.:mrgreen:
I often forget to consider peoples feelings when i give advice,i will make more effort from now on.
Hope they turn out great for you:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
no worries man...totally understand...and appreciate the feedback....I am pleased that I was able to settle my timing thing with the clones, and now I can just sit back and let them finsih like they're supposed to....thanks again Nat...always muchly appreciated!!


Well-Known Member
hahahahahaha.....mornin' folks. don't ya just love how it goes from compliments to giving away free bud.....in like 4 posts! hahahahahahaha.........thanks all for dropping in, and do muchly appreciate the thoughts!

***EDIT*** I too suppport the choice of fdd's house for a ..... a ..... a gathering.


New Member
Haha Tahoe. It's all wishful thinking on their part.
Thats funny.

Your garden is looking real STEEPED Tahoe.

You won't get it....
Its a canadian thing. ;)
hahahahahaha.....mornin' folks. don't ya just love how it goes from compliments to giving away free bud.....in like 4 posts! hahahahahahaha.........thanks all for dropping in, and do muchly appreciate the thoughts!

***EDIT*** I too suppport the choice of fdd's house for a ..... a ..... a gathering.


Well-Known Member
hey Lacy....thanks for dropping in.....yea....I'm pretty excited to say the least......these next weeks will be fun!


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Nice Tahoe, they are looking great. They will plump up over the next weeks. You should be pleased and proud of your grow. Way to go! :mrgreen::peace:

51 days flower (Top 44) and 42 days flower (bigbud). Things continue to look very good....though there have been some other grows on here with recent pics by the REALLY experienced....and well....it just makes one realize just how far from THAT reality a rank novice/amateur grow is/and common seeds are.....needless to say, I can continue to work towards such heights of cannabis horticultural achievement.....for now.....I remain most pleased with my efforts and results to date......I feel particularly good that I will do as suggested and begin 12-12 for the clones....changed the programing on the box and away she goes.....anhoo....here's a couple pics....nothing earthshattering.....in either chnge or progress...they just keep maturing and will be still two to three weeks I'm sure......:blsmoke:
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