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Well-Known Member
dude i been smoking so much lately... i just worked a 20 hr straight day trying to meet a deadline...
i am "HIGH"


New Member
why would i do that
i saw his post and he even posted on some i posted on but i didnt see any signs of trollism
so is it just u have a personal beef with him or what

I did find a new troll for you guys. His name is drfever. Now go sick him. Haha


Active Member
No. i noticed this morning that all the posts where he was calling names and cussing people were deleted or something. i think someone must have reported his posts.


Active Member
according to his profile. he was a newbie last week but a proffesional grower this week giving shitty advice. like telling another newbie that he needs to keep his soil ph at 5.8 and to use neem oil to make his leaves greener.; stupid shit really. i dont really give a shit to be honest with you.


New Member
well i posted to his advice that running 220 will save u money on bill thats not true u use same amount of power just lower amps and they dont charge u by the amps lmao
and he never replied back a week ago


Well-Known Member
Hey guys how its going damn reggae I'm jealous the ex brought me over some crap last night smoked the whole damn thing and nothing worst part he took the stuff I grew which is way better! And btw you did get someone blushing


Well-Known Member
Hey guys how its going damn reggae I'm jealous the ex brought me over some crap last night smoked the whole damn thing and nothing worst part he took the stuff I grew which is way better! And btw you did get someone blushing
this guy sounds like a real "snake" haha

fab sounds like way beter of a guy.. and i can see why he diggs you, you are perdy!!


New Member
well i didnt read all his post just skimmed through them looking for shit starting comments and none there but now bad advice thats just as bad i cant stand for someone to intentionally or unintentionally fucking up someones meds and if he is and i see it i will say something

we had another member do this just to make my advice look wrong and he didnt care that his personal grudge was fucking up members grows
but he got banned but is lurking here again

according to his profile. he was a newbie last week but a proffesional grower this week giving shitty advice. like telling another newbie that he needs to keep his soil ph at 5.8 and to use neem oil to make his leaves greener.; stupid shit really. i dont really give a shit to be honest with you.