Florida Growers Thread

I would love to spend the winter on the beach in Florida.. I keep saying I am going to do it and then i get busy

Since we only have a week of winter here in Florida, it's pretty schuweet. Used to be colder in the early 80s. Let me know when you're coming, I can get you a sweet room on Cocoa Beach.
Hey what's wrong with West Palm:evil:....There's still country left in West Palm. That's where all the rednecks live and where I lived. West Palm is the greatest, man. I had the best of both worlds, lived in the country but was still only 15 minutes from the action of downtown West Palm Beach........And where's Blitho at?

Bithlo is kinda close to Titusville, it's close to where 520 and 50 'Y' off to one another. Past UCF, heading east a few miles.

hey whats up my fellow floridians!

I got a couple of ? for u outside growers, i just started my first outside grow and I'm curious wether i should treat the plant the same as an inside grow. Should i be giving them the same nutes, fertelizer as a inside grow??

lighting is another issue im trying to figure out. i seen the grow videos and it says when the plant gets to the flowering cycle its suppose to get 12/12, am i suppose to plant them in a certain month so they get 12/12 or cover them up for 12 hours?

o and the type of seed im using is seeds i got from a bag regs, has any1 ever grown these seeds b4? and if yes how much did u yield from ur crop and how was the quality?

hey man, your asking alot of vague questions but i'll give it a shot. you should give them the right amount of fertilizer, depending on strain, its always different. but i say thats a good shot, same as inside nutes. also the long days of summer vegetate the plant(more than 12 hours of light a day) and then as fall approaches, days get shorter, thus changing to 12 hours of light 12 hours of dark. depending on strain you wil probly harvest in sept oct. i think almost everyone has grown with bagseeds. thats usually where everyone starts until they realize they want certified good genetics. and who knows what yeild you'll get or quailty. it all depends on strain and you. if you dont grow it good, it wont be good. if you grow it perfectly with no pest, no nute burns, no deficiencies, no nothing you should get a good turnout. outdoor plants can yeild as little as an 8th all up way up to 2 lbs.
Wow took me a long time to get here,did'nt relize how many people lived in fl on riu I live in the Tampa Bay area. heres a pic from the everglades when we went on the swamp boat


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Everyone who loves the Everglades, and love Florida. Check out the book Red Grass River.its all about 2 fueding(outlaws vs/ law) famlies in backwoods 1940.
Same to anyone who wants to visit Dade-Broward ... My father in law runs a place a block from the ocean. Cant promise you a discount but any of you can count on a good ass smoke out session :joint: And some chilling people to show you around

Any of you been to the marley fest down here in dade county.

I went the year high times split into grow america and got the first GA edition signed by the editor. Ah memories :mrgreen:
Sweet I am totally making it this year since I missed last year.

I always trade the vendors for awesome shit... everyone there takes the other green as currency :)