What's in your bong ? and how old's your bong water?


Active Member
self explanatory, what's in your bong if you use one? just water, cold water, do you add ice? something else? whats your preferred way?

and how long do you usually go before you change the bong water ? i don't let mine sit, i drain it out right when i'm done smoking. or at least, as soon as i can stand again. :)

would love to hear what everybody else's preferences are !


Well-Known Member
I usually just use water in my bong, my roor had ice dimples so the whole chamber could be filled with ice, but I often got lazy. I only use water for one session. When I have new strains to try out, I clean my bong between each strain (even if it's all during one session).


New Member
Mine is a gravity bong, and I change it when I make mac & cheese. See the gravity is in the only deep pot we have, so I just make mac & weed water & cheese about once every other week.


Well-Known Member
fucking gross. A month ago? Even if i don't smoke one single bowl thru the water and it sat in my bong for a month i would change it lol.
I used to be like that. My pieces were hardly ever cleaned. Looking back I'm disgusted, but it was high school and the pot was shit. haha


Active Member
well i'm glad to see i'm not the only one that changes the water every time i use it. some of my friends just leave it in there forever, i just find it gross. i prefer to clean my glassworks before i use 'em again. heheh, i clean my bong more frequently than i clean anything else in my house :)


Active Member
I fill my bong up copletely with ice, all the way to the top. It takes like 3-4 trays of ice to fill it, but its soo frosty and smooth. I'll use it a little while, and then put the whole bong with ice into the freezer until i want to use it again.

With that method, i can usually get a few days use out of the ice...So i change the water every day or two.

I also like to keep my piece exceptionally clean....It just plain tastes better when its clean.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Water, room temperature, it's been in there since i bought my replacement bowl, so maybe a month, going on 2 months? Nowt wrong with it and certainly not smelly to make me want to change the water.


Well-Known Member
Water, room temperature, it's been in there since i bought my replacement bowl, so maybe a month, going on 2 months? Nowt wrong with it and certainly not smelly to make me want to change the water.
Probably the same water from when we last had this conversation.



Well-Known Member
I had this bong forever, it tapered downwards from the mouthpiece, so that you could put a lighter in there and it would hold it, then it broke and my new one was huge and would not hold lighters, but old habits die really hard with me, so I was constantly dropping the lighter into the bong. my best friend would get pissed, "dammit not again". and we are really lazy stoners, we let the water sit about a week or so. and we would get so tired of fishing those lighters out every time I dropped one in there, that we would just grab another lighter, at one point there were three lighters rusting in that nasty bitch before I was like fuck it Im cleaning that shit. then we figured out it has and ice catch, so now we put ice cubes in it and they hold the lighter in the top.


Well-Known Member
you must have a giant bong or not smoke nearly as much weed as I, my bong is about a foot and a half tall with a fat base, after about a week or two my water is blackened with chunkies and floaties in it.
when it gets like that I pour it through a coffee filter then tie the filter up and leave it on my heater vent. but I smoke up to a few bong loads everyday


Well-Known Member
Bottled water only, sometimes ice if I'm feelin' it. Water isn't changed, the whole bong is cleaned daily.

My bong looks like you're smoking through crystal.


Well-Known Member
you must have a giant bong or not smoke nearly as much weed as I, my bong is about a foot and a half tall with a fat base, after about a week or two my water is blackened with chunkies and floaties in it.
when it gets like that I pour it through a coffee filter then tie the filter up and leave it on my heater vent. but I smoke up to a few bong loads everyday
See now thats fucking GROSS. I would drink tip tops bong water before i even watched YOU smoke that shit. Thats not even resin, Thats just accumlated ashes that have been gooped together because they are constantly submerged in water, with the occasional resinated weed chunk thrown in. Pour some water in an ashtray and tell me thats resin. Im not here to preach to you but thats gross as shit and i really hope you grow up and quit doing that shit soon. You're probably gonna die from inhaling to much butane because you were constantly breathing in the fumes from the lighter for 26 minutes while you tried to smoke that shit hahah. But at the end of the day its your lungs that it's going into, not mine =D So smoke on brotha.

What shit? It's just clear water with a slight smell to it :P
And as for this, im gonna call BS until i see pictures or you tell me what kind of Ashcatchers(s) your using. There is PHYSICALLY no way that you can smoke thru a plain bong everyday for a month or two and it not be fucking horrid. Fact.