Seedling problem again - base of new leaves crumble


So I'm having problems with my seedlings again.
It seems that the base of the new leaves is starting to crumble and new leafage are just curling all around.
Using tap water that sat open for 3 days and PH'd to around 6-7 with GHE down.
Could have overwatered but is this a common symphtome for overwatering?
Some of them have signs of nute burn as well but I didn't give them any nutes (leaf tips burnt)

What is wrong with them? :(


Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
They are looking good, give them a chance to grow a little before you start trying to find problems ... seriously, they look healthy to me.


New Member
So I'm having problems with my seedlings again.
It seems that the base of the new leaves is starting to crumble and new leafage are just curling all around.
Using tap water that sat open for 3 days and PH'd to around 6-7 with GHE down.
Could have overwatered but is this a common symphtome for overwatering?
Some of them have signs of nute burn as well but I didn't give them any nutes (leaf tips burnt)

What is wrong with them? :(
If the leaves start to distort or twist in shape this could and usualy is the first sign of spidermites along with stunted growth/shortened petioles and internode spacing.


Well-Known Member
When they are little seedlings, they don't need very much water. In fact if you overwater, it stunts root growth. I usually water pretty good when I put them in the dirt. After this, I might wait two weeks until I water again.