Does it matter how long you hold it in?

Total Head

Well-Known Member
this is sort of on the topic...i get what i call the "pot chill". good bud does it on the first hit. i take the hit, hold it in, and about 3 seconds later i get this decending body chill complete with temporary goosebumps. if i do not hold the hit, i do not get the chill untill the second or third hit. this is my highly scientific reason for holding in my hits. also that weird diaphram contraction that happens as a result of resisting the cough seems to block the "inward flow" of air and therefore thc. my answer? quit taking hits that you can't handle and coughing like a retard. wtf is the point of sucking down half a gram in one hit just to blow it right out and hock lung slime everywhere and make all those obnoxious dying noises? by the time you're ready for another hit the session is over. i'm certainly not waiting for your dumb ass. sorry about the rant but a very similar scenario played out just yesterday and it's still fresh...


Well-Known Member
this is sort of on the topic...i get what i call the "pot chill". good bud does it on the first hit. i take the hit, hold it in, and about 3 seconds later i get this decending body chill complete with temporary goosebumps. if i do not hold the hit, i do not get the chill untill the second or third hit. this is my highly scientific reason for holding in my hits. also that weird diaphram contraction that happens as a result of resisting the cough seems to block the "inward flow" of air and therefore thc. my answer? quit taking hits that you can't handle and coughing like a retard. wtf is the point of sucking down half a gram in one hit just to blow it right out and hock lung slime everywhere and make all those obnoxious dying noises? by the time you're ready for another hit the session is over. i'm certainly not waiting for your dumb ass. sorry about the rant but a very similar scenario played out just yesterday and it's still fresh...

I smoke my bowls one hit at a time. I pack up like .2 in my tiny bowl piece and just kill it, Then when i want another hit i do the same thing. Granted im not hitting a half a gram or coughing my lungs out, I just like the great taste of taking green hits everytime. I dont see how its dumb.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
I smoke my bowls one hit at a time. I pack up like .2 in my tiny bowl piece and just kill it, Then when i want another hit i do the same thing. Granted im not hitting a half a gram or coughing my lungs out, I just like the great taste of taking green hits everytime. I dont see how its dumb.

i was more talking about people who come to smoke your shit and take like 2 giant hits that they immediately cough out and miss out on the entire joint because they're too busy hacking up a lung because it's so cool. then they bitch that they got skipped when the shit is a roach and that they didn't get high like everyone is supposed to wait for them. i submit that they didn't get high because they coughed it out before anything was absorbed. i almost never smoke bowls with other people. someone always ends up with all the ash ends even if we try to be democratic about it.


Active Member
holding it in is what connects smoking weed with killing braincells. i notice all the younger people, people my age, mostly inhale like a cigg and dont hold it in. where all the older people i know take one hit and hold it for awhile then blow it out. if you hold it in your more likely to get that headrush/tingling the other dude was talking bout.


Active Member
Yea, im a firm believer in taking moderate rips that fill your lungs, and then sucking in more air to drive the smoke deeper down, rather than taking huge hits and coughing them out instantly.

Holding it in = Way higher.

Nuff Said.


Well-Known Member
I agree.
Smaller hits an hold it longer. Each time your heart beats its pumping in THC from the smoke. You can make your weed last alot longer this way.
If you take to big a hit you cough it out, you wasted my kind herb.

I use small bowles in my pipes an bonges, an pack a green hit every time.


Well-Known Member
I smoke my bowls one hit at a time. I pack up like .2 in my tiny bowl piece and just kill it, Then when i want another hit i do the same thing. Granted im not hitting a half a gram or coughing my lungs out, I just like the great taste of taking green hits everytime. I dont see how its dumb.
this is how i smoke in's an extremely rare commodity so i take really small bowls that'll last like 2-3 hits..and i just hold it in until i feel like my lungs will collapse..then like 5-10 minutes later i'm pretty lit