Socialism for the masses!


Well-Known Member
okay this is what im talking about you think the NWO is A GOOD THING its not dude their CRASHING THE DOLLAR for the pure fact to bring us in this One world Government world union is the eXACT THING GEORGE ORWELL WARNED ABOUT your HAPPY to become a slave to your monetary value dude you even know what Social Security IS?! it is the COLLATERAL on the LOAN given to the U.S. by the FEDERAL RESERVE (which is a PRIVATE CORPORATION NOT A PART OF THE US GOVERNMENT NOMORE FEDERAL THEN FEDERAL EXPRESS) the federal reserve act look it the fuck up get a new birth certificate on every birth certificate there is a red series of numbers usually in the corners write them down go to the closest reputable trade center/ stock broker and look up that number its a security stock on the stock market do any of you even know how money is even made? OUT OF THIN FUCKING AIR The Fractional Reserve System people seriously get off your ass and actually goto library's and look at things called BOOKS cause the more you look at the boob toob the more your gonna get your head fucking fried and yes we are earthlings but socialism and one world government is not the answer thats why we got stopped Hitler you know he was trying to take over the world.... yah who funded Hitler international banks who funded Stalin international banks WAKE UP has anyone actually read the constitution here? quote from Thomas Jefferson

" I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."


Undercover Mod
The only part of A New World order is the entire world as a union of government with an adopted set of laws kinda like the U.N.? Which we already have?


Undercover Mod
Hey can you write another huge paragraph with no separation so it is hard as hell to read.

I'm not gonna read that.


Well-Known Member
-sigh= The governments HAVE NO POWER the people who print the money have the power to control the whole nation and thats the federal reserve dude stop saying it and just go and read PLEASE for your children sake know the past so you can understand the present and future Read up on Rockefeller the Bilderberg's the trilateral commission the council on foreign relations read up on how every president we've had for the past 30 some years have been a part of these 3 committees or a at least 2 of them

Its tyranny plain and simple and to say that a world government is a good thing is a new step in this generation because man if you think government controlling every part of your life is a good thing and if you like to give up your civil rights then fine believe its a good thing ill just say this Some times you have to say the truth over and over again until people Listen Some may never


Well-Known Member
Fine, I'm not a grammatical dick on the internet but if you would like to think that your ego is bigger then reality so be it.

Like the space now sheep?


Well-Known Member
Balzac, You must also believe water Fluoridation is good. Same thing with MSG. Go ahead eat them GMO"s too. I guess no one RESEARCHES what people say.


Active Member
dude really... trust me i used to be all caught up in that shit.

It's tyranny blah blah blah, your not gonna be able to stop whatever they want done.

People can barely get along as it is and you think everyones gonna wanna join hands and take down the government?

It won't happen.

And who's to say a one world government automatically means the government is going to control every aspect of your life?

don't say cause Alex Jones says so


Undercover Mod
Other than the fact that the amount of floride in a glass of water is no more poisonous than the amount is your tooth paste you use three times a day.

Whos the crazy one now?


Well-Known Member
Again, I think For myself. Being a Sentient Being. That's Why i Research EVERYTHING said by anyone I listen to. Its one thing to say something with out citing and researching sources and documents but when everything is sourced and cited. EVERYTHING checks out.

So you say we cant do anything, just roll over great spirit and character you have. And they ALREADY are taking over every aspect of your life your just blind to it because you don't take the time to look at whats GOING ON.

Ill say this Alex Jones is christian but hes not right wing or left wing hes non partisan. Now please just look up some things.

Google Feds radiation Americans. Mobile back scatter x ray scanners that blast radiation 10 times the amount of chest x rays. Google DR Doug Rokke (depleted Uranium).



Well-Known Member
Other than the fact that the amount of floride in a glass of water is no more poisonous than the amount is your tooth paste you use three times a day.

Whos the crazy one now?

read toothpaste it says dont ingest... wonder why would you scrub your teeth with battery acid if it was diluted enough too?