Going to Amsterdam....


Active Member
Right I'm going to Amsterdam next Friday and I need some advice and some help on some hallucinogenics. Could anyone recommend any substances they like in particular? Also where would be the best place to get a hold of them? I've heard the Bulldog Energy Cafe is quite good


Well-Known Member
Nothing like tripping in a foreign country......

I'd like to go and stick with the cafe's.

Jack in the Bud

Active Member
Right I'm going to Amsterdam next Friday and I need some advice and some help on some hallucinogenics. Could anyone recommend any substances they like in particular? Also where would be the best place to get a hold of them? I've heard the Bulldog Energy Cafe is quite good

I took this picture while walking around Amsrerdam 2 years a go. I can't recall the name of the place though. Several of the head shops were selling shrooms. Don't remember seeing any in the regular coffee shops. The only thing in the "red light" district are the whores. You won't find the better coffee or head shops there.

Almost all Dutchman speak good English. Just walk around and ask. Somebody will help you out. Personally I don't think I'd like to walk around A-dam tripping (and didn't). It's a busy, high trafic place and you could easily get your self hurt if you're not paying close attention.




Well-Known Member
hells yea. i hope to go there myself one day. i would definetly try to get sum 2cb or LSD. those 2 always give me good memories and what a way to experience a new country thats gotta be. have fun bro and be safe.


Active Member

I took this picture while walking around Amsrerdam 2 years a go. I can't recall the name of the place though. Several of the head shops were selling shrooms. Don't remember seeing any in the regular coffee shops. The only thing in the "red light" district are the whores. You won't find the better coffee or head shops there.

Almost all Dutchman speak good English. Just walk around and ask. Somebody will help you out. Personally I don't think I'd like to walk around A-dam tripping (and didn't). It's a busy, high trafic place and you could easily get your self hurt if you're not paying close attention.

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Holy shit thats some nice variety, I'll have to keep my eyes pealed

Thanks for the help man


Active Member
hells yea. i hope to go there myself one day. i would definetly try to get sum 2cb or LSD. those 2 always give me good memories and what a way to experience a new country thats gotta be. have fun bro and be safe.
I've heard of people talk about 2cb but I don't actually know what it is, can you buy this in the shops in Amsterdam?


Well-Known Member
adam is my dream vacation, sounds like one hell of a place to go to. I hear the barny rubble hash at barnys is a must idk about the shrooms tho. Be careful as i kno someone who got cholorformed, beat up and robbed in the damn-woke up in the hospital, so dont talk to too shady people.


Well-Known Member
i was in amsterdam about 3 years ago.a friend and i tripped balls everyday on hawian shrooms was one of thee best holidays i think ill ever have,sadly mushroom have been criminalized since i have been there and they supposedly only sell truffles and hawians now,as for other drugs i found every "dealer" too be a con man we got bumped about 120 euros all together from theiving little fuckers who sold us smints as fucking pills needless too say we were tripping balls so badly that we didnt realise until i tried one and it tasted like a fucking mint then it clicked hhahahaha!so yeah smartshops still sell a few select strains and truffles imo the best HAWIANS!!!!!!!!:D


Well-Known Member
Right I'm going to Amsterdam next Friday and I need some advice and some help on some hallucinogenics. Could anyone recommend any substances they like in particular? Also where would be the best place to get a hold of them? I've heard the Bulldog Energy Cafe is quite good
The whole Bulldog chain rundown the main canal in the redlight district(the city center),they are normally very busy with english stag parties,have a good choice of drugs but are normally quite busy.
I advise going to cafe 32, and there are good head shops near to get other drugs and skins,etc,
then go to the Doors cafe ,on the way munch any truffles and that you've got and then buy a couple of grams of nice bubble hash, like zero7 and chili out. Its got nice outside seats,and indoor and is just on the outskirts of the red light district so kinda off the beatn root and not to busy, the shop in there is behind the mirror that he pushs a button to see behind the mirror.!!!

Enjoy the dam.

Mr Smith

Well-Known Member
I've been to A'dam a number of times. Don't buy ANYTHING on the street. If you want hallucinagens, I suggest you stick to the mushrooms and such that are sold in the shops. In recent years there have been quite a few Ecstacy deaths. LSD and such is only sold by street dealers who have a never ending parade of tourists to sell to....they don't care about repeat customers cuz the customer will be gone in a few days. They don't care what they sell. You'll find those jerks at the top of Geldersekade. I have to run a guantlet of street dealers every time I pass thru there at night. It's also a good place to get robbed.


Well-Known Member
I've been to A'dam a number of times. Don't buy ANYTHING on the street. If you want hallucinagens, I suggest you stick to the mushrooms and such that are sold in the shops. In recent years there have been quite a few Ecstacy deaths. LSD and such is only sold by street dealers who have a never ending parade of tourists to sell to....they don't care about repeat customers cuz the customer will be gone in a few days. They don't care what they sell. You'll find those jerks at the top of Geldersekade. I have to run a guantlet of street dealers every time I pass thru there at night. It's also a good place to get robbed.
I hear that Mr. Smith. , good shout on the street dealers.

Jack in the Bud

Active Member

Mr. Smith is giving you some good advice. All these drugs/substances (even the weed, hash and shrooms) are illegal in Holland. It's just that they tolerate some of the more natural ones (like weed, hash and shrooms). If it's not being sold "over the counter" in one of the legitimate head, smart or coffee shop businesses I'd stay away from it.

Another travel tip.... Get your Euro's here at a bank in the States and take them with you. Because once you touch down at Skipol the US Dollars in your pocket won't work for any thing. Airports are the worst places to exchange money because you always get a bad exchange rate. And most credit cards charge an extra fee for getting a cash advance over seas. If you find you've got to get more Euro's while you're there try and find a regular Dutch Bank to do it at. It also might be a good idea to contact your credit card company before you go and confirm with them that your card is authorized to work while there. I've been to several places around the world where I've had to tell my cc company in advance that I wanted my card to work there (and for what period of time). And I usually call them when I get back to the States and make sure that it's then de-activated for the place I've just been.

Don't spark up any weed or hash while sitting in front of (or in) any place that's serving alcohol. That's a no-no and is sure to get you yelled at (and may be run off). They're pretty strict about not having both weed and alcohol consumption happening in the same place/business. And be careful with their beer. Most of it has a significantly higher alcohol content than what you're use to here in the States.

Amsterdam (like any big city) has an underbelly that's not really safe for "out siders" to navigate or do business in. Stick to the clean well lit places with lots of other people around and you'll be fine. Especially if you're traveling alone.

Safe travels.


PS: And for God's sake man, if any one you meet tells you they know where there's a town in Slovakia that's just full of young, horny, good looking women that just can't wait to fuck an American....Don't Go!!!


New Member

Mr. Smith is giving you some good advice. All these drugs/substances (even the weed, hash and shrooms) are illegal in Holland. It's just that they tolerate some of the more natural ones (like weed, hash and shrooms). If it's not being sold "over the counter" in one of the legitimate head, smart or coffee shop businesses I'd stay away from it.

Another travel tip.... Get your Euro's here at a bank in the States and take them with you. Because once you touch down at Skipol the US Dollars in your pocket won't work for any thing. Airports are the worst places to exchange money because you always get a bad exchange rate. And most credit cards charge an extra fee for getting a cash advance over seas. If you find you've got to get more Euro's while you're there try and find a regular Dutch Bank to do it at. It also might be a good idea to contact your credit card company before you go and confirm with them that your card is authorized to work while there. I've been to several places around the world where I've had to tell my cc company in advance that I wanted my card to work there (and for what period of time). And I usually call them when I get back to the States and make sure that it's then de-activated for the place I've just been.

Don't spark up any weed or hash while sitting in front of (or in) any place that's serving alcohol. That's a no-no and is sure to get you yelled at (and may be run off). They're pretty strict about not having both weed and alcohol consumption happening in the same place/business. And be careful with their beer. Most of it has a significantly higher alcohol content than what you're use to here in the States.

Amsterdam (like any big city) has an underbelly that's not really safe for "out siders" to navigate or do business in. Stick to the clean well lit places with lots of other people around and you'll be fine. Especially if you're traveling alone.

Safe travels.


PS: And for God's sake man, if any one you meet tells you they know where there's a town in Slovakia that's just full of young, horny, good looking women that just can't wait to fuck an American....Don't Go!!!
dully noted.