Need help!!! Build up on soil


ok so i juss switched my plants to flowering 6 days ago i noticed that there is a white build up on the soil its only on a few pots what could it be? also looking for some feed back on the box and plants? thanx in advance:dunce::wall:895_2047.jpg895_2054.jpg895_2056.jpg895_2051.jpg895_2055.jpg895_2048.jpg895_2053.jpg895_2050.jpg895_2052.jpg895_2049.jpg


so i thought the people here were suposed to be helpfull so far 27 people have looked at this and not said anything


Well-Known Member
Looks like mold. Did you use used soil? If you sterilize your soil it won't easily grow mold. You have enough room to add another thick layer of quality soil on top of what you have. That's not a sure cure, but you could use more soil. The plants look nice so far.


From what I read and see, cow manure is a very bad idea to use for growing marijuana, because of the problem you are having now. From this knowledge of lots of growers, they say never use cow manure as it has very very little nutrients, use the manure for shrooms..


Well-Known Member
I've heard too much said against Miracle Grow. As for cow manure, it has to be sterilized and totally dry before it's good for potted plants. There's a lot of live stuff in cow crap. Since the plants look great now, I think you just need to put some fox farm soil on top of what you have and hope for the best. Check to see if it's safe to use a fungicide on the surface of your current potting mix before adding some fox farm. Happy growing.


Active Member
ok so i juss switched my plants to flowering 6 days ago i noticed that there is a white build up on the soil its only on a few pots what could it be? also looking for some feed back on the box and plants? thanx in advance:dunce::wall:View attachment 1235581View attachment 1235577View attachment 1235585View attachment 1235584View attachment 1235583View attachment 1235582View attachment 1235580View attachment 1235579View attachment 1235578View attachment 1235586

next time rotate your pictures so i dont get whiplash. lol what kind of nutrients have you given them if any. im not %100 but it could be a high level of salt buildup and you need to flush. cow manure can have a high level of salts and ferts will cause buildup over time as well. plants look healthy though i wouldnt panic just keep observing and maybe flush. cant hurt.


thanks everyone for your advise i actually bought some fox farm ocean forrest soil for my next grow that im getting ready to start and i think that tomorrow i will transplant these plants into the smart pot bags and put them in with fox farm, but at 3 weeks i started using all purpose MG nutes they are 24-8-16. also for flowering what would be best nutes after i switch to the fox farm soil or should i need any since the FF is so rich already? i will post more pictures after the transplant. thanks again




Active Member
why not use the fox farms nutrients since you already have the soil? they work good i have used them before and got good results


Ok the results are in and out of 6 plants only 1 of them was a male im goin to move it into its own box today because they still produce buds and i wouldnt mind gettin the seeds off him considering i dont have the money or patience to do the whole cloning thing lol im sorry but im juss a cheap ass to be honest thats why i currently have 26 plants in seedling and there all under fluoros but there all doin really good so hope for the best