Socialism for the masses!


Well-Known Member
hey unnk..i have a new world order thread in the politics section, i think you might enjoy contributing to it lol


Active Member
And who's to say a one world government automatically means the government is going to control every aspect of your life?
The government already controls very large aspects of our lives. Media, News, What we eat, what we wear, who we have contact with. You saw what the chinese government did with google, they closed it off to the entire country! If that isn't power then I don't know what is! Was it China? Or Korea? I can't remember right now, but the country doesn't change anything.

A one world goverment is not the answer, no way. For it to even remotely work it would need to use the fundamental necessities of communism for a start! The rich will become even more powerful, the poor will have no voice whatsoever, not that they have much of a voice as it is. Life as you know it would never return, and anyone who opposed this NWO would be erradicated of the face of the earth, or sent to camps.

The world does need to be united, and we have seen fundamental development in this area, just take a look at the international free trade system. Now, if that hasn't stopped with the majority or wars that could have occured then I will shut up now.
The problem with the NWO has been shown perfectly with what is happening in Iraq and Afganistan, it also happened in Africa, and Vietnam.

The stronger force took and is taking what it needs and is taking it by force. Great! So with this NWO the more powerful force can take pretty much whatever they want from any part of the world. And it would be perfectly justified and legitimate. Good idea!
Trust me, world peace is NOT what the idealists of the new world order want. We can't, as people of this world allow the New World Order or One world government to ever exsist.


Undercover Mod
Lets talk abotu research. I never looked into flouride in our water source. But here is the staight facts. You caneven look them up for yourself.

Flouride Poisoning: A lethal dose is approximately 28 mg per kilogram of body mass

My weight 200 pounds. That converted to kilograms is around 90 kilograms.

How much flouride is in our drinking water? Well I looked up on a this site.

My county has 0.10 mg/L

A little more math.

28 / 0.10 = 280 Liters

That is how much water you would have to drink to succumb to fluoride poisoning. Around 74 Gallons of water. The average person drinks around 700 liters a year.

Its use began in 1945, following studies of children in a region where higher levels of fluoride occur naturally in the water.[21] Researchers discovered that moderate fluoridation prevents tooth decay,[22] and as of 2004 about 400 million people worldwide received fluoridated water.

The possible relationship between fluoridated water and cancer has been debated at length. The debate resurfaced in 1990 when a study by the National Toxicology Program, part of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, showed an increased number of osteosarcomas (bone tumors) in male rats given water high in fluoride for 2 years (3). However, other studies in humans and in animals have not shown an association between fluoridated water and cancer (4).

In a February 1991 Public Health Service (PHS) report, the agency said it found no evidence of an association between fluoride and cancer in humans. The report, based on a review of more than 50 human epidemiological (population) studies produced over the past 40 years, concluded that optimal fluoridation of drinking water “does not pose a detectable cancer risk to humans” as evidenced by extensive human epidemiological data reported to date (4).

In one of the studies reviewed for the PHS report, scientists at the National Cancer Institute evaluated the relationship between the fluoridation of drinking water and the number of deaths due to cancer in the United States during a 36-year period, and the relationship between water fluoridation and number of new cases of cancer during a 15-year period. After examining more than 2.2 million cancer death records and 125,000 cancer case records in counties using fluoridated water, the researchers found no indication of increased cancer risk associated with fluoridated drinking water (5).

In 1993, the Subcommittee on Health Effects of Ingested Fluoride of the National Research Council, part of the National Academy of Sciences, conducted an extensive literature review concerning the association between fluoridated drinking water and increased cancer risk. The review included data from more than 50 human epidemiological studies and six animal studies. The Subcommittee concluded that none of the data demonstrated an association between fluoridated drinking water and cancer (5). A 1999 report by the CDC supported these findings. The report concluded that studies to date have produced “no credible evidence” of an association between fluoridated drinking water and an increased risk for cancer (2).


Undercover Mod
Your shit is dumb, stop watching videos on youtube and pick up a book.

Camp Fema is gaytarded.

People like you are the reason this country is falling apart. You listen to anyone and everyone instead of having your own educated opinion.

You shouldn't be so devoted to a political party, you should be more devoted to your own ideas.


Well-Known Member
The CDC also says Mercury in vaccines is no problem too...

And, what you must understand the fluoride in your drinking water is not Calcium Fluoride, its Fluoride Silicate a by product of industrial waste. You know what fluoride does? Where it was first used? The Gulag... Want to know why? They found it made people Complacent. You can do anything you want to people who have been fluoridated.

Now i wonder why people see no problem with NWO, mercury in vaccines, and many other REAL things.

On top of that, would you drink micrograms of rat poison all day every day because it was enough to harm you?

Your body does not release the fluoride from your body after drinking it. Its stored with in the bone.

So again, if you want to quote the CDC another tool for the globalist go ahead.


Undercover Mod
There is more mercury in a can of tuna fish. Fuckin A. If that was true I would be dead 40 times by now.


Well-Known Member
IM NOT INTO ANY POLITICAL PARTY IM NON PARTISAN THAT'S THE IDEA what are you so high you cant have a logical fucking thought? its a documentary that was uploaded to you tube WHAT IS WRONG WITH FREE SOURCED INFORMATION ? People LIKE YOU are the reason why this country is dead not people like me getting back to grass root constitutionalism.


Undercover Mod
The CDC also says Mercury in vaccines is no problem too...

And, what you must understand the fluoride in your drinking water is not Calcium Fluoride, its Fluoride Silicate a by product of industrial waste. You know what fluoride does? Where it was first used? The Gulag... Want to know why? They found it made people Complacent. You can do anything you want to people who have been fluoridated.

Now i wonder why people see no problem with NWO, mercury in vaccines, and many other REAL things.

On top of that, would you drink micrograms of rat poison all day every day because it was enough to harm you?

Your body does not release the fluoride from your body after drinking it. Its stored with in the bone.

So again, if you want to quote the CDC another tool for the globalist go ahead.
You drink water right? Why aren't you dead?


Undercover Mod
IM NOT INTO ANY POLITICAL PARTY IM NON PARTISAN THAT'S THE IDEA what are you so high you cant have a logical fucking thought? its a documentary that was uploaded to you tube WHAT IS WRONG WITH FREE SOURCED INFORMATION ? People LIKE YOU are the reason why this country is dead not people like me getting back to grass root constitutionalism.
lol the Constitution is the law of the land and it is enforced by who? Sorry but the constitution doesn't cover many things.


Well-Known Member
Lol case in point you think the Constitution is a JOKE

You love to give up your freedom's.

"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Benjamin Franklin


Undercover Mod
My point was the Federal Government is in charge of the Constitution. It isn't a joke. It was the basis for all laws in our country. But I would have to say State government enforces more social control than the Federal government.


Well-Known Member
Alright, i'm exhausted from trying to make you just look REALLY into things with credible sources. So i just agree to disagree with. So what ever you say Homie. Go smoke a bowl and forget what i said. Most will.


Personnally I think NWO is impossible until mankind has a common force to unite against, there are simply too many different groups of people that want different things from government to have one major world government. The only thing that I can think that would unify the world would be a catastrophic event that would require us all to work together in order to survive.

As for Unnk, I enjoy seeing some logic actually being backed up with facts. +rep for logic, sound logic makes a better arguement than emotionally charged statements that do not have facts backing them or have been taken out of context to fit one's arguement.


Active Member
Personnally I think NWO is impossible until mankind has a common force to unite against, there are simply too many different groups of people that want different things from government to have one major world government. The only thing that I can think that would unify the world would be a catastrophic event that would require us all to work together in order to survive.

Or power and control. Maybe even money. Or there is also the idea that they want to control population levels.......

NWO would not be used to unify the world in such a positive manner. It would be used to control the masses and in a "humane" way control the populis from growing out the worlds storage capacity. I mean, when you look at it, it does makes sense, the world powers want to protect their own arses and not have to worry about fossil fuels or natural resources running out before they discover a way to get off this planet. So, they want to lower consumption, and one of the few ways of doing that is by lowering population's.

I am just thinking out loud here, I mean, it seems far feached. And quite possibly is, but it makes you think. World governments have done some pretty horrendous things in the past. And not many people even so much as batted an eyelid. Imagine what else they could be doing.
I honestly believe that we will all be dead (as a race) within the next 100 to 200 years anyway because when the earth decides it's had enough, we will be goner's, and wont have a say in the matter. So this whole NWO shit seems a little in vain.