recommend me a book


Well-Known Member
How about a free link with everything you would ever need to know about Organic soil growing.

Never, i mean , Never buy another growbook again!! learn all you need to grow Dank!.

TGA Online Growguide - BreedBay

There are 5 pages of How to threads detailed with pics


Well-Known Member
I read Gregs Book and found way to much mis information about Breeding while I did not read his grow book I'd be carefull he had things completly backwards in his breeding book.
We don't charge for grow info seems kinda greedy to me!!



Well-Known Member
I read Gregs Book and found way to much mis information about Breeding while I did not read his grow book I'd be carefull he had things completly backwards in his breeding book.
We don't charge for grow info seems kinda greedy to me!!

he had spectrums backwards too. but if you know the basics, it's a good read, with lots of good info.

sorting it out is the problem :mrgreen:

sub, i'd love to have a genetic chat with you sometime if you're interested :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I read the grow bible by greg green and that book has all the fundamental things you need to know about before growing.


Well-Known Member
I read Gregs Book and found way to much mis information about Breeding while I did not read his grow book I'd be carefull he had things completly backwards in his breeding book.
We don't charge for grow info seems kinda greedy to me!!


so much opinionated info out there. i'm more of a book "collector" than anything.



Well-Known Member
In Genetics there is no Opinion there is only facts.
It's a science not a bong toke competition

Kind Princess we discuss genetics and all else in my chat rooms on my site I live there :)


Well-Known Member
In Genetics there is no Opinion there is only facts.
It's a science not a bong toke competition

Kind Princess we discuss genetics and all else in my chat rooms on my site I live there :)

shows what i know. guess i better read my books. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Looks amazing bro and I didn't say you couldn't breed cannabis without books :)

it was the bong toking comment. i guess i'm guilty of that so i tried to take it offensively. :peace:

i don't use the books. i bought them all after i learned what i know. :mrgreen::mrgreen:

i'm more of a "become the plant" kinda guy. as far as breeding goes, i consider myself lucky. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
nice book colection FDD, mines getting pretty close :) :P
I would recomend most of the books FDD has :P, good stuff there


Well-Known Member
The bong Toking comment was directed at Greg Green Not you bro you obviously know your shit!!


Well-Known Member
The bong Toking comment was directed at Greg Green Not you bro you obviously know your shit!!

not really. i thought you were talking to me.

come to sonoma county and get hijacked. :mrgreen:



i try to read up and i get lost really fast. a lot of books, a lot of info. big words. numbers and formulas. cross, back-cross, cubed, xxyxy, xyyxyxy, phenos and landraces..........argh. i just look at what i got and try to put together all the good stuff in one plant. people ask me how i did this or why i did that. i really don't have answers. it just felt right. listen to your plants. they will speak to you. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
damn fdd that shit looks uber stank. for a good general book to start out with I liked Jorge's Marijuana Horticulture Bible.