Looking for advice on when I can take cuttings for clones.


Well-Known Member
I have a couple plants of a nice short strain that I want to grow clones of outside next Spring. They are ready to harvest though with nice big buds. How can I get some cuttings of this to keep a couple mother plants over the winter inside? Thanks. :leaf:


Active Member
you can cut anyways if u want. do 24hrs of light. they'll go back to veg. just an idea


Well-Known Member
its worth a shot get some rooting hormone and a humidity dome take 10 clones im pritty sure youll have at least one survive and be your mother


Well-Known Member
You should be able to reveg them. Also take some cutings of new growth near bottom if you have any for clones. cover your bases. In the future, take clones before you go into flower, just in case you want to keep growing that particular plant.


Well-Known Member
Just wondering if I could leave a very small part of the bud on the stem, cut and root it in a bubble cloner under 24 hr.


Well-Known Member
You should be able to reveg them. Also take some cutings of new growth near bottom if you have any for clones. cover your bases. In the future, take clones before you go into flower, just in case you want to keep growing that particular plant.
Yes, I did that with the plant I grew this year, but the quality sucked. So on to something better.


Well-Known Member
The buds won't regenerate any of the plant. Leave some stem and leaves on it....
I may be screwed cause the buds are really tight to the stem and the new growth are small buds too. I just saw these plants for the first time a couple days ago and they are ready to harvest and may produce a few seeds. I got only 1 seed out of a bud I dried and tried.


Well-Known Member
Scrape off some stem skin and extract the DNA? I dunno dude, sounds like no matter what is suggested, it's a no go for you. It might just be time to buy some seeds or clones then.


Well-Known Member
Re-growing is the answer! When you harvest don't just chop her down to hang. Instead just take the nugs
and leave as much greenery as possible. Go back to 18/6 and re-veg for 4 weeks. The re-grow will have a lot
more growing points, potential clones, than the original grow. Plus the plants will re-flower in less time than the first grow.
Plus my yield doubled. Try it!



Well-Known Member
Re-growing is the answer! When you harvest don't just chop her down to hang. Instead just take the nugs
and leave as much greenery as possible. Go back to 18/6 and re-veg for 4 weeks. The re-grow will have a lot
more growing points, potential clones, than the original grow. Plus the plants will re-flower in less time than the first grow.
Plus my yield doubled. Try it!

Thanks bigsteve. I will try this.


Well-Known Member
Scrape off some stem skin and extract the DNA? I dunno dude, sounds like no matter what is suggested, it's a no go for you. It might just be time to buy some seeds or clones then.
I like the DNA idea... Yes, I will buy something good now that I got my feet wet this year. But I also want that strain my friend has, so I'm going to see if he can keep them growing after we take the buds.