Florida Growers Thread

Does anyone know what kind of spider this is? It was maybe as big as the palm of my hand, 4-5 inches.

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it looks like a wolf spider. i could be wrong maybe a hybrid. its like that new spider the brown widow which is a hybrid between black widow and brown recluse. but yea it looks like a wolf spider but im not sure cuz i would think it would be kinda rare for one to grow that big
Does anyone know what kind of spider this is? It was maybe as big as the palm of my hand, 4-5 inches.

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It's just a writing spider, they get that big and make some incredible webs! This is the type of spider that the book Charlotte's Web was written about. You see his colors and size, plus he's got his thumb and index fingers together ready to get started... harmless beyond a pinching bite if you let them at you.

Retired and Sacred, thanks for bringing some class around, We'll have our old girl legal and kicking before long, my conservative estimate 10 years ago was 15 years and Nov 2nd will be here sooner then that! Keep on tap, we'll be there sooner then that....

1) Show them it's medicinal
2) Teach them it's harmless
3) Include it like it always shoulda' been
+ rep buddy...im really curious to know who your employer was with the deaths, ive heard of something VERY similar

Hell I forgot all about the rep system, thanks man!

I honestly don't know the full answer. I guess they compensated the kids family since he was on the clock, the other two we're nebulous enough the company could claim they held no responsibility in the situations, if they did anything for them they didn't tell us. We did have a 'group hug' meeting though during which they were VERY unamused when I told them next time they held a cuddle puddle they should provide some E and women.

A prohibitionist could say they drove me to smoking weed since my first 15 pisses didn't require buying fake pee, just proof that I had a real scrip for my Xanex. In reality I started toking again with malice of intent, only in part to deal with the stress of work, mostly I started toking to stop taking the Xanex when a friend of mine did the same, but the argument could be made.

I was an pissy anarchist kid who hated the establishment, listened to punk and took a cornucopia of drugs as a teenager. As an adult I was mean, angry, stressed, and earning money. Toking probably kept me working another 2 years and it also provided clarity to realize I had to leave for survival, basically I fond my inner hippy and really don't give a shit about possessions or greed anymore. Good thing too because I'm selling them off to pay shit down so I can stay in school. Now, I'm happy, mostly sober, my kids know what a Dad that smiles every day is like, and this is still after 2 straight weeks dry (still can't go out in public much though and I won't take more Xanex.) All because I finally shook the thing that had really been killing me, other peoples greed.
Another employee had had a mild stroke, but he was back at work in 2 weeks. I'm pretty sure that he actually did get a reduction in work load, but I bet after I left they piled it right back on, I really hope he survives. I decided to walk away before my wife could find out first and just how crappy a company they are.
so does alex sink

What is the deal with Alex Sink? She seems like she is very negative and will do whatever it takes to keep her job. But I mean don't they all? In any event I just moved her to Pensacola in June (retired out of the Army) believe that, but in any event I don't know anybody or anything about anything so enlighten me, what is the deal around here. I always promised myself I would spend my first retirement check on 'well you know' but now I find myself not only not knowing anyone but waiting on the VA to get off their asses' and do the right thing as well as not knowing what the deal is around here????
Have we not learned anything from politics by this point and time? You would think after the whole Obama not living up to 0 of his promises thing you would look at how the way politics are going differently.

I once had a frog that ran faster then carl lewis at the Olympics, one day the frog ran off a cliff and learned to fly. A year later I trained him to rob banks and now I live with him on a island and we are the richest people in the world.

Also if everybody jumps on one foot naked screaming my name backwards, good fortune will come to you today I promise...

I really hope its the weed thats making you guys fall for all this political crap..
Have we not learned anything from politics by this point and time? You would think after the whole Obama not living up to 0 of his promises thing you would look at how the way politics are going differently.

I once had a frog that ran faster then carl lewis at the Olympics, one day the frog ran off a cliff and learned to fly. A year later I trained him to rob banks and now I live with him on a island and we are the richest people in the world.

Also if everybody jumps on one foot naked screaming my name backwards, good fortune will come to you today I promise...

I really hope its the weed thats making you guys fall for all this political crap..

That is truly funny I have to say that I used to be registered democrat but now I am independent but does it really matter? I think that they are all the same, if their lips are moving (both dem and repub) they are lying. I feel they will say anything to keep their job and it doesn't matter how much money they have it is never enough. Greed, greed and more greed is the motto. But seriously our problem is that when we vote it is ALWAYS the fact that we have to choose the lesser of 2 evils. We don't really have a choice, I used to think hey vote this is our chance to make a difference, but then I grew up and realized the more things change, the more they stay the same.

I DO like the fact that some politicians want to legalize our crops but unfortunately there are more things to consider but hey if we are all just getting a bunch of idiots we might as well get at least something we want (the legalization of pot) but the thing is that they sing the legalization song until it is actually time to put it on the ballot and then they are afraid of committing political suicide and it doesn't matter that they are already multi-millionaires or the fact that it would help millions of suffering patients ease their pain, all that matters is their own interests. Okay, I'm sorry and I will get off my soap-box now it just really makes me mad that the only reason they don't legalize is because they don't want to admit that they made a mistake in the first place.

Also, I was just wanting to learn a little bit about current Florida politics since I just moved here and plan on staying pretty much forever. It is always good to know who your friends are and even better to know who your enemies are! ROTFLMAO...
heres the problem on the whole politics system. almost everything everybody does in politics within writing policies or bills or amendments or whatever have a personal motive. so with this in mind, you have people like obama and sink and many others saying they are going to change this and change that. but then they get elected and when they try to change this and that in the system they are deflected and someone shoots it down cuz its not in that persons best interest or they wont gain anything so its not done and it makes the newly elected official look bad. obama wants to change all that like he said during his campaign. but now hes in office and he says lets change this and his cabinet and/or congress shoots it down because someone is taking a loss somewhere. and because politics are based 95% on money they "cant afford" to do whatever is trying to be accomplished. this is the good ole boy system. its f*cked up too. i would be more worried about rick scott and the rubio's and the thatchers.... they spend your tax money on personal vacations to hawaii and get in trouble for embezzling money through physicians regional. hhahahaha damn replicans are worst than democrats....no im not democrat... i dont beleive what the rep or dems say about anything
heres the problem on the whole politics system. almost everything everybody does in politics within writing policies or bills or amendments or whatever have a personal motive. so with this in mind, you have people like obama and sink and many others saying they are going to change this and change that. but then they get elected and when they try to change this and that in the system they are deflected and someone shoots it down cuz its not in that persons best interest or they wont gain anything so its not done and it makes the newly elected official look bad. obama wants to change all that like he said during his campaign. but now hes in office and he says lets change this and his cabinet and/or congress shoots it down because someone is taking a loss somewhere. and because politics are based 95% on money they "cant afford" to do whatever is trying to be accomplished. this is the good ole boy system. its f*cked up too. i would be more worried about rick scott and the rubio's and the thatchers.... they spend your tax money on personal vacations to hawaii and get in trouble for embezzling money through physicians regional. hhahahaha damn replicans are worst than democrats....no im not democrat... i dont beleive what the rep or dems say about anything

Amen, brother - I completely agree with you. I did vote for Obama (and yes I am a white guy - LOL - not that, that matters) but I think he needs some of what Bush had in that he was like a mafia Godfather and didn't care what congress said, he somehow (probably had dirt of most of congress or something) but he was able to push shit through congress that shouldn't have been able to go anywhere with a howitizer, but that guy did it. Obama is I believe a decent guy, not saying that I agree with everything he says but he is just ineffective, he is not able to get much of anything done. I know he has a lot of opposition to go through but Bush did it 'SOMEHOW' and maybe O needs some of that but in reality it was probably illegal anyway so you know how that goes. That's why I say I don't trust anyone of them. Then when it comes to our favorite subject, they know it is a great medicine and how it could make sooo much money and reduce our deficit but they don't want to admit they made a mistake way back when so they let people go on suffering and it is sickening to me. It is a sad situation, is it true that Alex Sink is in support of legalization?
yeah i think the good ole boy system in florida and nationally too are destroying this country. like i said these people (obama and sink) want to make a difference and are shot down by the good ole boys and their system
Please stop trying to push your product. This is a growing forum not an advertisement thread. And yes yes I know your gonna say its just a product you use. But you went to at least 5 different threads in less then 15 minutes and mentioned your product and provided the link to your site in them as well.. This is a growing forum not your personal advertise site..
Please stop trying to push your product. This is a growing forum not an advertisement thread. And yes yes I know your gonna say its just a product you use. But you went to at least 5 different threads in less then 15 minutes and mentioned your product and provided the link to your site in them as well.. This is a growing forum not your personal advertise site..
whos tryin to sell you what?