Advanced Nutrients Sensi A&B + B52


I am running ProMix w/mychorizae Advanced Nutrients Sensi A&B and B52 oh and plant success. These are 4 Clones from a Barneys Farm CrimeaBlue Mother , they are under a 1000wattHPS light. I realize that i am missing the rest of the line. These are in the begining of their fourth week any suggestions as far as supplementing ? I was thinking the Mother Earth stuff thanx in advance !


Sensi Grow has been specifically designed for the high-value specialty plants you grow. These packages are designed to get you completely through an entire feed program for the # of gallons shown per week, based directly on the nutrient calculator from Advanced Nutrients. No more headaches of how much to get of what.
This is just the Sensi Bloom A & B and im running the b52 supplement . . im jus wondering what my next choice should be


Active Member
This is just the Sensi Bloom A & B and im running the b52 supplement . . im jus wondering what my next choice should be

Hmm, for flowering, I'm a fan of Big Bud and Bud Blood. I think that's where you should start. They'll boost your plants during that stage and really bring you to the end with a bang.

You could always use more things, but start out with just a few from Advanced Nutrients and I think that will help out the most, without driving you crazy....