Club 600


Well-Known Member

Did it work?

Yes I fuking did it lol! now just have to remember how I did it...

Dez that looks awesome. what are the temps lookin like?


Well-Known Member
I only left the second 600 on for about 20 minutes since I worry about overloading that circuit but it only went up a couple degrees in that time from where it was with both lights off. I'll be putting in another exhaust fan to go along with what's there already before I run both lights fulltime. There's no need for both 600s right now so I'll leave one off. My plans to run the new electrical this weekend got shot about 15 minutes ago so that's going to have to wai until the next day of no work. I have everything I need already, just need about 3-4 hours to do it.

There'll be 2 fans that are rated at 250 CFM each pulling air through a 'Y' connector so it should be adequate. I may even need to run a speed controller on one to keep from over running the filter's 400 CFM rating for exhaust until I can get another fan to put on the filter. End goal is to have the 2 fans pulling air from outside the room, through the lights and out through the ceiling. Then have a separate 6" fan pulling air from the grow room, through the filter and exhaust it out of the ceiling too to help with odor. A lot of fans = more watts being used :(


Well-Known Member
1 month into my 600. first HID after using fluors ..... I'm overcrowding my little space a bit aren't I .... it's 2x4x5
3x 4-gallon pots=
1x 3 gallon
1x 2 gallon
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she does man. i dont think she has one recipe without it. here cannabutter is probably weak.

her, "hmm this recipe calls for 1 oz of trimmings to 2 sticks of butter, well, thats just not acceptable, :adds 8 more sticks: PERFECT!"
I can't believe paula deen is still on my mind but I gotta say anything she made with cannabutter would probably kill you.


Well-Known Member
You still have a little more time to cut out the lower and inner growth to kinda help them breath easier as the canopy gets tight.


Well-Known Member
You still have a little more time to cut out the lower and inner growth to kinda help them breath easier as the canopy gets tight.
yep that's what i've been doing ... but more slowly. There's a ton of healthy undergrowth I've been pruning, but i'm taking it easy. I don't want to end up stressing any of them into hermes. ... Plenty of good airflow ...thought the humidity is getting a bit low


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Guess what I saw on tv tonight. You guessed it. Paula Dean talking about marijuana. LOL. The tv was left on fox after the world series game so when I turned it on later TMZ was on. Not something I often watch (i swear)... so they caught the big P.D. at the airport and they asked her about prop 19. She said "I never done a marijuana before, but I heard it makes you hungry. I gotta stay away from that crap... I'm hungry enough already"

And yes, I'm embarrased to have become part of this conversation, haha. you guys are fucking killing me with this Paula deen thing.

About pruning and turning things hermie... I've pruned the living hell out of my plants for 2 of my grows and never had much hermie'ing going on. Few nanners here and there, but never any seeds, or any pollen.


Well-Known Member
Well I am a bit bummed as the Youtube video didn't work, had content that was restricted, and here's me thinking that in NL the Red Light district was fairly unrestricted, yet I canny watch a bloody butter loving women bake some donuts on the internet----oh lord big brother eh!!!!

Hey Jig, good to see you lad. And to hear about the upcoming grow!!!

Dezracer, cab is looking sweet bru. Hope all the lecky and temps work out for you.

HeadsUp, cof, and 1BMM on point as usual.

And to Gordon "Whodat" Ramsey, I wanna see how your sweet is presented, I want it to be fine dinning sir!!! We want vanilla foam, and streaks of chocolate sauce with chopped mint shaped like MJ leaves!! now that would be cool!!

EDIT: Dr G Dre, a find that my BX2 cheese looses a lot of fan leaves if that eases your worries. Seems to loose at least one a day (even through veg)


Well-Known Member
Ok sorry to be posting like crazy but but I'v had nothing ells to do today and this is an awesome vid.


Well-Known Member
Cool vid whodat.....I had to giggle everythime the guy said, "And these products are all sold in our restuarants....geez couldn't help but keep plugging the eateries...perhaps he was munched up!

Vertical growing even got a mention!!

Ok sorry to be posting like crazy but but I'v had nothing ells to do today and this is an awesome vid.