Can i ph down with this? I use soil


You might be able to, but I don't think that is the proper way to do it? I'm a newbie as well though :)...thought i would help get some interest to help get your question answered.


bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
You can use a lemom to lower ph........
I use lime (dolomite lime) from a lumber store or building supply depo's. Whatever you choose to lower your ph with, always use a ph tester before you do anything. It is better to experiment on another plant first if you're totally uncertain. Some fertilizers will change the color of the water so take care when using a color ph test kit.
this is just for example...
say i ph water to 6.2 and what drained from pot was 5.2 do ph water 7.2 to drain at 6.2? and is 6.2 the best level?


If you have been testing your runoff that is what you should be going off of at the beginning because the soil probably has nutrients that will lower the ph. After that it should stay bout the same through runoff, depends on the soil. If you know that you have to drop ph, then do so the next time you water your plants. Make sure to mix it accordingly and to test the ph after you add nutrients to your water then drop the ph to the desired level. I would use what you currently have over trying to use a lemon.
If you have been testing your runoff that is what you should be going off of at the beginning because the soil probably has nutrients that will lower the ph. After that it should stay bout the same through runoff, depends on the soil. If you know that you have to drop ph, then do so the next time you water your plants. Make sure to mix it accordingly and to test the ph after you add nutrients to your water then drop the ph to the desired level. I would use what you currently have over trying to use a lemon.
thanks for the advice hugs&buds.. anyone out there know the best ph level for my plants? i aim for 6.2


Active Member
Be careful with the stuff you have. It's not like mine but I bought some pH down from my hydro store and was shocked at how concentrated it was. I have fish tanks and was used to using tablespoon fulls of powder down. That liquid shit burned my hands and lowered my 75 gallon tank from 8.0 to 5.0 with a tablespoon. Crazy shit man.


Well-Known Member
what kind of soil.

soil done properly should maintain it's pH.
ROFLMAO..... if by done properly, you mean to PH the water and nutes, no duh..... Anything "done properly" will maintain it's PH...

distilled vinegar works just fine to lower PH, you can also use lemon juice.
can anyone recommend a good feed to mix with this boost called bloombastic N P K 0 -14 15 Iv been using a feed called plant magic like my avatar but not organic npk is N2.2% P0.5% K3.2%

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and has anyone ever herd of tripple chocolate? i have a mother of this aswell. its described as a sweet tooth candy taste i havent cropt ether of them yet. DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY INFO ON THESE 2 STRAINS? good rep for every answer:bigjoint:

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