Plants per light ++++REP


Well-Known Member
how many plants can i put under a 400watt hps and still get decent bud? last harvest was leafy and fluffy. a gram looked like an oz was shit! help!! + rep


Active Member
Tough call, take this with a grain of salt as I am newer myself, but I was told by a friend I trust to give each plant 2 foot of space. So if you draw an imaginary 2' by 2' box around each plant thats how much space you should allow.

My rough estimate would be... under a 400w HPS you should get decent coverage for a 3'x'3 lit area. And mediocre for 4'x4'. So I'd say you could fit 4 plants in 5 gal containers if they were trained properly (meaning pruned, tied, trimmed, LST'd or what not to fit in that provided area).

3 plants might be a bit better fit..also it depends on your strain. Is it tall, bushy, does it have much lateral branching, etc?

Hope this helps!


Well-Known Member
how many plants can i put under a 400watt hps and still get decent bud? last harvest was leafy and fluffy. a gram looked like an oz was shit! help!! + rep
I usually 4-6 plants under my 400 watt HPS/MH in a 4 X 3 X 7 ft growbox.

I currently have 5 Blue Dream's in there , which I will chop on Friday (I had a Bubba Kush in there I chopped it already). They are massive. I should get 2-3 ounces dried per plant (some more some less). I vegged there to about 23 inches, flowered in 3 gallon buckets of FFOF.

My next grow will be 8 Bubba Kush clones (they grow slower and smaller). I am vegging them now under CFL's. I will grow them out in 2 gallon pots.

So, you can really get a lot of plants under a 400 watt, you just need to manage it. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
i would not go more than about 4

your 400 watt will cover less than a 3x3 with very little light penetration past the canopy so keep them as short as possible


Well-Known Member
Here is a picture of 5 plants under 400 watt in a 3 X 4 area. I have an air cooled hood which allows my to put the light less than 6 inches from the top.

These pictures are 3 weeks old.


You get around 20 inches of light penetration, I get 15-20 inch colas. :weed:


Well-Known Member
lol so 17 plants under a 400hps is a no no?? hahah would that be the reason my buds were so airy?


Well-Known Member
This last round I had 5 under a 400. You can pack 10 under a 400 watt SOG style. Much more than that and you'll end up with a bunch of airy buds.


Active Member
I think it is all about the style you grow. If you do sea of green and 6" square pots (for 1 400) you can really pack them in there. Clone them, let them get about 4-6" tall and put them straight to flowering...should get nice single cola plants.

This is what I am going for

View attachment 1236779


Well-Known Member
Tough call, take this with a grain of salt as I am newer myself, but I was told by a friend I trust to give each plant 2 foot of space. So if you draw an imaginary 2' by 2' box around each plant thats how much space you should allow.

2`x2` would be 4 sqft

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I have a 400 watt hps for flowering and I veg mine to 18-24". My reflector is air cooled so I can get it pretty close. My magic number for this situation is 6.