Who's Got The Fostiest Buds? Let's See How Frosty A Bud Can Really Get?


Well-Known Member
oo shooot. lol. nice lookin pics guys. KEEP'EM comin!!! this thread is still pretty poipular. thanks 2 all u guys!! gonna post sum of my floja (Flo x Double Purple Doja) pics up here soon. its gettin prettyy frosty. =)


Well-Known Member

Here is all strains I grew. Outdoor is on top and Indoor is on bottom. I have yet to add bastard jack outdoor and super silver haze outdoor.
(indoor lighting)

another image using outdoor lighting.

super silver haze outdoor

super silver haze outdoor

bastard jack outdoor

bastard jack outdoor


Well-Known Member
wow guys.. nice pics every1.. lovin those bastard jack shots man.. lookin good. =) i have a floja which is gettin pretty frosty.. almost looks like deep chunk with the way its all buildin up along the edges.. ill have to post sum pics up hea soon.. it seems to be flowering really slow tho. =/ its at like week 5... and still doesnt have any red hairs.. gonna be a small harvest too.. my smallest so far. most plant i grow give me about 2 ounces or mnore.. had a couple that gave me over 3 (dry).. but the floja is lookin like its gonna gimme lan ounce..... if that. =/ but i have a full moon from nirvana thats pretty big i jsut started flowering.. shes gonna be HUGE!