Kandy Kush Seedling Having Problems


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My Kandy Kush seedling is 13 days old and she was doing great until yesterday, when I noticed her leaves were drooping and today the stem is leaning over (wilting as well). I did do some research and thought it might be a nute deficiency. So far I have only watered with ph balanced distilled water and clonex (mixed as per bottle directions). About 30 minutes ago, I added about 1/2 a ph test vial of nute solution (general hydroponics micro, flora, and bloom, mixed with ph balanced water, as per directions for seedlings). Other info.: My high temp was 81, low 68 (the weather has been nuts here and grow closet is in basement) most of the time the range is 73 in dark and 76/77 with T-5 light on. RH has been around 70%. I have a cool mist humidify w/ fan running 24/7. Without the humidifier RH is only 31% as a high.
Please take a look at my pics and tell me what you think. Any help would be great, I really don't want to lose her, already killed my first crop by overheating them!

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
You need to plant them in bigger pots. Seed starter cups, trays and soils are only used until the first single bladed leaves (after the first rounded pod leaves) are formed, roughly an inch long.


Active Member
You need to plant them in bigger pots. Seed starter cups, trays and soils are only used until the first single bladed leaves (after the first rounded pod leaves) are formed, roughly an inch long.
Thanks for the info. I thought I was supposed to wait until it had at least 3 - 4 sets of leaves. I will mo e her to my hydro system today!


Well-Known Member
Its stretching, get your t5s to within 2 inches or so. When you transplant you can pot it a bit deeper to compensate for the long stem. Also you didnt mix the 3 concentrates together in the vile before adding to the water did you? Always add the concentrates to your water separately, adding the micro first, then ph.


Active Member
I mixed them in a gallon jug of distilled water that I adjusted to 6.0 ph. I added the micro first, shook jug well, then added grow and bloom, one at a time, shaking well after each addition. She is in my hydro system now and looks great this morning, so she either needed nutes, more room or both. Also, I put a thin wooden skewer as a stake, overnight before transplanting and she is not even wilting any more with the stake removed. Also, I did recheck the ph after adding my nutes.


Well-Known Member
I mixed them in a gallon jug of distilled water that I adjusted to 6.0 ph. I added the micro first, shook jug well, then added grow and bloom, one at a time, shaking well after each addition. She is in my hydro system now and looks great this morning, so she either needed nutes, more room or both. Also, I put a thin wooden skewer as a stake, overnight before transplanting and she is not even wilting any more with the stake removed.
Cool. Get a fan twitch her around a bit then to help strenghten the stem and it sounds like you are good too go.


Active Member
Thanks for the advice and info everyone! When I get on real computer I'll upload pics of her in her new and final home! Right now she is under 2- 42 watt CFLs, 1 is 6500k, the other is 2700k, and 1 PAR38 14 Watt all blue LED. I haven't added the other 6500k 42 watt CFL or the 125 watt cfl 6500k yet as I thought it would be too much light at this point. I have the lights about 3-4 inches above her and it doesn't feel too hot when I put my hand under the lights.


Well-Known Member
keep in mind these are free bees also they can be lower grade or problematic
I don't think that is true with the freebie seeds they were giving last month, of which the Kandy Kush was one. A couple of weeks ago Attitude did have a freebie where they specifically said they were second grade seeds. They said no such thing with the freebies like Kandy Kush and Blueberry Gum. My seedlings all look great. I think these freebies were first grade. I think the hope is you will like the strain so much, you order more.


Active Member
I also think they were top grade. When I search for the strains, they were more expensive than the seeds I bought. Attitude has GREAT service, too. I have order from them twice and both times I get my orders in under a week. Same with Single Seed Centre, order was here in under a week! I originally order seeds from Sannie's, which I never recieved, however they did say the would resend my order. I hope so! The are chocolate rain seeds. They're also the only seeds that aren't fem. I want to use them for my next grow. Get one done without having to sex the plants. I also have 2 Wonder Woman, a Purple Pinecone, an Amnesia Haze and a Brainstorm germinating. They'll be two weeks behind the Kandy Kush, but that just means I need to leave her in veg a little longer.


Well-Known Member
Hey MsB - I'd like to sit in and follow your grow with the KK. I've got one started in my next batch too - it's had a slow start but it's now starting to look like it'll make it. I germ'd straight in the soil for the first time and so far I'm 7 for 8! I order from Attitude as well and I'm really impressed with the service there too! Good luck, +rep and keep it up! ..can't wait to see the KK in her hydro home - what type of hydro setup are you using? :leaf:


Active Member
I will post updated pics later! KK is 6 weeks old now and very tall, but I def. messed up at the beginning. Should have transplanted sooner, nute burn on older leaves. Despite that, she looking really good now! Once I get my kids off to school, I'll posty latest pics.


Active Member
:clap:October 5 2010 030.jpgOctober 5 2010 033.jpgOctober 5 2010 034.jpg

Here are pics from today. The big girl is Kandy Kush. The seedlings are Chocolate Rains.
They are in Emily's Garden from Hydrofarm. It's a wick system.