Going to Amsterdam....


Active Member
Thanks very much for the help people some good advice.

Yeah I've been to Amsterdam twice this year going for the 3rd time next week. Going to have a look into the red light district and pop into the roor shop while I'm there. Just wanna get some fucked up hallucinogenics to warp my mind while I'm wandering about haha

Think I'm just going to get some nice hash when I first arrive and have a pop into the bulldog energy cafe after to see what I can find

I'll report back on what kind of weird shit I get a hold of :eyesmoke:


i went dam in august in the red light dont buy nothink other than weed and those street dealers are all hustlers selling shite shrooms have been banned but the truffles are legal and there good i tried them when i was there theres only about 3 types i was told the atlantis are the strongest i had 2 pack and had a good colour full trip but stuck to my hotel for safe keeping cos there was a festival on when i was there so wasnt sure how id feel in the crowds . well there is a few shops that sell them but the one i went to was from the site www.magictruffles.com and there shop is near the station end of a road call nieuwendijk have fun


Well-Known Member
truffles are still legal also copelandia cyanescens are still sold at smart shops personally they were my favourite.
best week of my life running round Adam tripping balls with a very good friend!ahha good times were had!



Active Member

Mr. Smith is giving you some good advice. All these drugs/substances (even the weed, hash and shrooms) are illegal in Holland. It's just that they tolerate some of the more natural ones (like weed, hash and shrooms). If it's not being sold "over the counter" in one of the legitimate head, smart or coffee shop businesses I'd stay away from it.

Another travel tip.... Get your Euro's here at a bank in the States and take them with you. Because once you touch down at Skipol the US Dollars in your pocket won't work for any thing. Airports are the worst places to exchange money because you always get a bad exchange rate. And most credit cards charge an extra fee for getting a cash advance over seas. If you find you've got to get more Euro's while you're there try and find a regular Dutch Bank to do it at. It also might be a good idea to contact your credit card company before you go and confirm with them that your card is authorized to work while there. I've been to several places around the world where I've had to tell my cc company in advance that I wanted my card to work there (and for what period of time). And I usually call them when I get back to the States and make sure that it's then de-activated for the place I've just been.

Don't spark up any weed or hash while sitting in front of (or in) any place that's serving alcohol. That's a no-no and is sure to get you yelled at (and may be run off). They're pretty strict about not having both weed and alcohol consumption happening in the same place/business. And be careful with their beer. Most of it has a significantly higher alcohol content than what you're use to here in the States.

Amsterdam (like any big city) has an underbelly that's not really safe for "out siders" to navigate or do business in. Stick to the clean well lit places with lots of other people around and you'll be fine. Especially if you're traveling alone.

Safe travels.


PS: And for God's sake man, if any one you meet tells you they know where there's a town in Slovakia that's just full of young, horny, good looking women that just can't wait to fuck an American....Don't Go!!!
ahahah hostel is rough

Jack in the Bud

Active Member
Thanks very much for the help people some good advice.

Yeah I've been to Amsterdam twice this year going for the 3rd time next week. Going to have a look into the red light district and pop into the roor shop while I'm there. Just wanna get some fucked up hallucinogenics to warp my mind while I'm wandering about haha

Think I'm just going to get some nice hash when I first arrive and have a pop into the bulldog energy cafe after to see what I can find

I'll report back on what kind of weird shit I get a hold of :eyesmoke:

Well hell man, if you've already been their twice this year you've got more recent experience concerning how it is there than the rest of us here who've been trying to tell you about it.

There's way more to Holland than just Amsterdam. Out of the 7 days I spent there I only spent one touring around in A-dam. I was kind of fortunate in that the people I knew who lived in Holland (and was staying with) had a 20 year old son who was going to school in A-dam and knew his way around the place pretty well. He sheparded me around, took me to the better places and basically watched out for me. I had a great time and got accomplished what I wanted to (which was mainly to buy some good seeds).

Another cool thing I did while there was ride the antique Stoom Tram (steam train) from Medemblik up to Horne and spend the day walking around there. It's about a 2 hour leisurly ride across the Dutch country side and Horne is not near as big and busy a place as A-dam (but they still have smoke/coffee shops). Looking back I can say it would have been a pretty good day to have been doing some shrooms. Maybe it's because I'm getting older but the idea of tripping in a big, busy place like A-dam just doesn't appeal to me. I want a more relaxed, rual setting for that so I can really give in to it and enjoy the experience.

I spent another real relaxing low stress day getting canal boated around in the Langendijk area. If it wouldn't have been for the fact that I have an employee/employer relationship with the guy that owned the boat (and who was giving me this tour) it would have been another perfect time for some shrooms.



Originally Posted by Jack in the Bud

Mr. Smith is giving you some good advice. All these drugs/substances (even the weed, hash and shrooms) are illegal in Holland. It's just that they tolerate some of the more natural ones (like weed, hash and shrooms). If it's not being sold "over the counter" in one of the legitimate head, smart or coffee shop businesses I'd stay away from it.

Another travel tip.... Get your Euro's here at a bank in the States and take them with you. Because once you touch down at Skipol the US Dollars in your pocket won't work for any thing. Airports are the worst places to exchange money because you always get a bad exchange rate. And most credit cards charge an extra fee for getting a cash advance over seas. If you find you've got to get more Euro's while you're there try and find a regular Dutch Bank to do it at. It also might be a good idea to contact your credit card company before you go and confirm with them that your card is authorized to work while there. I've been to several places around the world where I've had to tell my cc company in advance that I wanted my card to work there (and for what period of time). And I usually call them when I get back to the States and make sure that it's then de-activated for the place I've just been.
I go to AMS twice a year and never EVER get euros here b4 I go. Use your debit card and you'll get a better rate then a currency exchange.

Jack in the Bud

Active Member
Good post except for this tidbit which couldn't be further from the truth.

I didn't mean to cast any aspersions on the home and micro brewing arts as they're practiced here in the US. Personally I think you guys are doing the Lord's work. That comment was made in reference to the large commercial brewers like Budwiser, Miller and Coors.


Jack in the Bud

Active Member
I go to AMS twice a year and never EVER get euros here b4 I go. Use your debit card and you'll get a better rate then a currency exchange.

It's been my experience (with several foriegn currencies) that you get the best deal from the local bank you do business with here in the States. Depending on which currency you just have to give them some notice that you're wanting it. My bank can usually have Euro's for me on 3 days notice. I'll agree that the second best option if you're already there and run out and need more is to use your debit card. But even there you've got to be careful because different debit and credit cards can have different transaction fees involved. One thing for sure though is that you always get the worst deal at those currency exchange kiosks in airports. And you've got to be careful because sometimes those other ATM machines in airports are also rigged against you. That's why I recommended doing it at a regular Dutch bank instead of at the airport.



Well-Known Member

I didn't mean to cast any aspersions on the home and micro brewing arts as they're practiced here in the US. Personally I think you guys are doing the Lord's work. That comment was made in reference to the large commercial brewers like Budwiser, Miller and Coors.

I've traveled a lot and by the tips in your post, I can tell you have too. I just find it hard to find great beers when traveling the world. Even in Europe, with the exception of Belgium and Germany, I find that great beers are more widely available in the states. Belgium and Amsterdam's most prevalent beers seem to be Stella, Jupiler and Heineken and those beers are total garbage; but granted they're about 5% abv vs the 4.5% abv American light lager. So I guess I hear the statement that '...beers here are much stronger than what you guys make in the US' a lot when I travel and it's sort of a pet peeve. The US is leading the way in the world craft beer movement and we truly produce some of the best beers in the world. To that, those Bear Republic, Stone or Three Floyds types of crafts beers are a lot easier to find too. Anyways, I think I knew what you meant. Cheers!


Well-Known Member
The Belgian beer tends to be stronger, but at Brouwerij 't IJ, the beers are up to 9%. the nicest is 8%, thats home brewed at a windmill in Amsterdam, Oost Centrum. Mushrooms, I think they stoped selling them after an incident or 3 with tourists who were tripping a wee bitty too hard, causing scenes. Anyway, I tend not to frequent the smart shops but they are slowly getting closed down as well, the fekking Christian deomcratic party sucks. A lot of good advice though, stay away from peeps on the street being the main. And try to take in some more of what my home city has to offer than just being smashed, lol. I said, try, it can be hard! Everyone speaks English, but if you learn how to say please and thanks they will more than appreciate it! Als-je-blijft (alsh ye bleeft - to pronounce) = please, Dank je wel - (Dank -like weed haha - ye vell)= Thank You.




Well-Known Member
There you go, from my pic archive

Try and go there, its the nicest beer buzz you will get (Zatte = which means drunk basically in dutch) You can also slope off to the side and sit on the Funenkade and have a joint with your beer (or I do anyway)

Jack in the Bud

Active Member

Besides the "please" and "thank-you" you've mentioned the Dutch phrase I seem to have gotten the most mileage out of is "Hit het met uw ringzegens". My last couple of jobs have been off-shore for a Dutch company with a bunch of your fellow cloggies on the crew. And when ever I see one of them struggling with something I drag that one out. Besides usually getting a laugh it seems to give them pause and make them wonder if maybe I really do understand all the other things they've been saying in front of me in Dutch.



Well-Known Member
Not really 100% what you mean on that one, however do you use the gutteral G, sounds like you have something stuck in your throat, lol?

Perhaps you have the phrase mixed up a bit, Hit as a Dutch word means to have a "Hit record" for example, the middle part of the phrase is correct - het met uw (the with your.) Perhaps is should be Slag (to punch, or hit.) Zegens are Blessings, not sure what Ringzegens are though. so "Slag het met uw zegens". Anyway, Dutchies always laugh at non-Dutchies trying to speak Dutch, then they wonder why no-one speaks their language. Great word (always good to know a swear word) Zodemeiterop (So-de-meter-op) Basically means - Bugger off, or Fuk off.

Peace, DST


Besides the "please" and "thank-you" you've mentioned the Dutch phrase I seem to have gotten the most mileage out of is "Hit het met uw ringzegens". My last couple of jobs have been off-shore for a Dutch company with a bunch of your fellow cloggies on the crew. And when ever I see one of them struggling with something I drag that one out. Besides usually getting a laugh it seems to give them pause and make them wonder if maybe I really do understand all the other things they've been saying in front of me in Dutch.



Active Member

Well hell man, if you've already been their twice this year you've got more recent experience concerning how it is there than the rest of us here who've been trying to tell you about it.

There's way more to Holland than just Amsterdam. Out of the 7 days I spent there I only spent one touring around in A-dam. I was kind of fortunate in that the people I knew who lived in Holland (and was staying with) had a 20 year old son who was going to school in A-dam and knew his way around the place pretty well. He sheparded me around, took me to the better places and basically watched out for me. I had a great time and got accomplished what I wanted to (which was mainly to buy some good seeds).

Another cool thing I did while there was ride the antique Stoom Tram (steam train) from Medemblik up to Horne and spend the day walking around there. It's about a 2 hour leisurly ride across the Dutch country side and Horne is not near as big and busy a place as A-dam (but they still have smoke/coffee shops). Looking back I can say it would have been a pretty good day to have been doing some shrooms. Maybe it's because I'm getting older but the idea of tripping in a big, busy place like A-dam just doesn't appeal to me. I want a more relaxed, rual setting for that so I can really give in to it and enjoy the experience.

I spent another real relaxing low stress day getting canal boated around in the Langendijk area. If it wouldn't have been for the fact that I have an employee/employer relationship with the guy that owned the boat (and who was giving me this tour) it would have been another perfect time for some shrooms.

Yeah the bad thing is though when I go over I get a ferry. It's only a weekend trip so I only get one day in the dam itself but its not too bad for £40 lol


Active Member
There you go, from my pic archive

Try and go there, its the nicest beer buzz you will get (Zatte = which means drunk basically in dutch) You can also slope off to the side and sit on the Funenkade and have a joint with your beer (or I do anyway)
Some sweet pics man

Jack in the Bud

Active Member
Not really 100% what you mean on that one, however do you use the gutteral G, sounds like you have something stuck in your throat, lol?

Perhaps you have the phrase mixed up a bit, Hit as a Dutch word means to have a "Hit record" for example, the middle part of the phrase is correct - het met uw (the with your.) Perhaps is should be Slag (to punch, or hit.) Zegens are Blessings, not sure what Ringzegens are though. so "Slag het met uw zegens". Anyway, Dutchies always laugh at non-Dutchies trying to speak Dutch, then they wonder why no-one speaks their language. Great word (always good to know a swear word) Zodemeiterop (So-de-meter-op) Basically means - Bugger off, or Fuk off.

Peace, DST

Good point, these Dutchmen just might be laughing at my piss poor attempts to speak their language. I was trying to say "hit it with your purse". And I don't mean that "European shoulder bag" some of your country men carry but rather a vrouw's (woman's) hand bag. I've also tried to say it "Slag et met ger handt tass".

Often times we'll have to drive in big steel wedges or get something to free up that's corroded fast and the tool of choice is uaually a big sledge hammer. If a guy's been hitting on something for a while and nothing has moved (and he's getting fustrated) that's the time I like to make the wise ass remark "Try hitting it with your purse" (or "have you tried hitting it with your purse?"). Of course right after saying that I'll offer to take over swinging the hammer for a while. It's meant to be funny and lighten the mood. And some where in there I'm probably going to say "Give me the hammer, hold my purse and watch this".

A close friend of mine here in the States has a Dutchman (or two) in his family woodpile (tree) and still has cousins living in Holland who I've gotten to spend some time with. He bought the Rosetta Stone language learning program for Dutch a while back and has told me I can borrow it when he's finished with it. I guess I better take advantage of that offer.

Before we begin work for the day there is usually a 10 to 15 minute meeting where things get cussed and discussed. Being as most of the crew is usually Dutch that's the language that the meeting gets conducted in. Some times they get quite animated with a lot of hand waving, fast talking and raised voices. Because I don't speak Dutch I'm usually just standing there with out any clue as to what's being said. Hell, for all I know they could be talking smack about my mother. Luckily for me, when this meeting comes to a close, some one will always turn to me and give me the 30 second synopsis in English so I know what I'm suppose to do.

Any how, thank's for teaching me "so-de-meter-op". I'm pretty sure I'll be able to find a way to get myself in trouble with that word.

Met vriendelijke groet.

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Well-Known Member
cool post, I can just imagine them, all talking fekkin 10 to a dozen...they are almost as bad as the Italians, lol.


Good point, these Dutchmen just might be laughing at my piss poor attempts to speak their language. I was trying to say "hit it with your purse". And I don't mean that "European shoulder bag" some of your country men carry but rather a vrouw's (woman's) hand bag. I've also tried to say it "Slag et met ger handt tass".

Often times we'll have to drive in big steel wedges or get something to free up that's corroded fast and the tool of choice is uaually a big sledge hammer. If a guy's been hitting on something for a while and nothing has moved (and he's getting fustrated) that's the time I like to make the wise ass remark "Try hitting it with your purse" (or "have you tried hitting it with your purse?"). Of course right after saying that I'll offer to take over swinging the hammer for a while. It's meant to be funny and lighten the mood. And some where in there I'm probably going to say "Give me the hammer, hold my purse and watch this".

A close friend of mine here in the States has a Dutchman (or two) in his family woodpile (tree) and still has cousins living in Holland who I've gotten to spend some time with. He bought the Rosetta Stone language learning program for Dutch a while back and has told me I can borrow it when he's finished with it. I guess I better take advantage of that offer.

Before we begin work for the day there is usually a 10 to 15 minute meeting where things get cussed and discussed. Being as most of the crew is usually Dutch that's the language that the meeting gets conducted in. Some times they get quite animated with a lot of hand waving, fast talking and raised voices. Because I don't speak Dutch I'm usually just standing there with out any clue as to what's being said. Hell, for all I know they could be talking smack about my mother. Luckily for me, when this meeting comes to a close, some one will always turn to me and give me the 30 second synopsis in English so I know what I'm suppose to do.

Any how, thank's for teaching me "so-de-meter-op". I'm pretty sure I'll be able to find a way to get myself in trouble with that word.

Met vriendelijke groet.
