HGS says that KG is a little known Island cannabis. I used to get it 35 years ago, probably best known on the Pacific Coast for mainlanders. HGS must have crossed it with an Indica strain to shorten the plants as back then on the Islands it used to grow 15-23 feet tall if left unrestricted!
Ever since I first tried the "old" Kona Gold it was my immediate favorite. Light green stems and airy buds, narrow leafs, sweet and slightly spicy {mainly cinnamony with occasionally a hint of nutmeg), the buds were VERY crystallized.
The high was fantastic. It came on not fast but now slow either. Very clear headed and relaxing. Makes me want ot go back to the old days....................so I ordered some from HGS just to see how it compares. I do remember the rare occasional seeds were HUGE! Very uniform, dark lightening bolt stripes and germinated freely.