Why would you think this law doesn't matter to me? Anybody who wants our country to be one of laws, and who wants the federal government to be one of limited and enumerated powers ought to be very interested in P19.
It is not my "ignorant analysis" of P19 that I have posted, but rather the "ignorant analysis" of NORML, High Times, LEAP, Judge Jim Gray, etc. Now, I will grant that you MIGHT be smarter than all of them, and your motives might be purer than their motives, but I doubt it. I suspect that you are motivated by your belief that if MJ is legalized, its price will decline and cut into your profits, so you conjure up absurd conspiracies about KKKorporashuns taking over the MJ business to scare people into voting against P19. This poll shows 2/3 support of P19, so it hasn't worked completely.