No heat = no IRchoppers?


Well-Known Member
So if you have a couple of 1000w HPS but they are in cooltubes, with cold air from the AC blowing over the bulbs and through the tubes and they are not hot to the touch, then does that mean the IR Helichoppers can't see them in pics? Cuz IR picks up on heat and not light...correct?


Active Member
That would be correct to my understanding. The use of helicopters is mostly in looking for outdoor plants. My best advice would be to make sure your neighbors aren't suspicious because without any evidence, police probably wont search you out. Also, where you live does it get cold in the winter? If so that will reduce your risk, it is very hard to pick out anything when the whole house is hot. Keep it cool and you should be cool. Good luck mate.


Well-Known Member
Thanks no I live where it is hot pretty much year round, but I will be running the AC a lot in that room and keeping the lights cool, so I'm thinking everything will workout.


Well-Known Member
Might want to double check this, but I believe it is illegal for police to just randomly drive around with the infrared cams. Also even if they see something suspicious I still dont think thats enough to give them a warrant.

If you get caught tho, just dont say anything. Just let them arrest you or whatever, talking gives them the advantage.


Well-Known Member
they have to have a warrant to run the IR on your home. if the results show that there is excess heat signatures, they can use that to satisfy the requirements needed to get a search warrant, that warrant MUST identify what they are looking for and where. It's no joke that a larger operation with loose lips could definitely (in time) find itself victim to the conditions mentioned above.


Active Member
hang a thermometer above the lights...check that temperature againt the ambient temp of the room...if you have just a few degrees difference that will be noticable...cold weather actually enhances IR focus...really wouldnt worry to much bout the IR tho...loose lips are your biggest threat


Well-Known Member
Hey loudblunts, I have heard of polyshield but how expensive is it...I went to the website but I couldnt figure out how much a roll consisted of.


Active Member
i heard that marijuana itself has the same inferred signature as people. just a story i heard from mexico on how they would find outdoor cannabis fields is by flying with helicopters at night and using inferred cameras to find the fields.....idk if its true or not


Well-Known Member
Contrary to what people think, police do not and can not just drive around, or fly around waving their inferred camera everywhere. They need a warrant to use it, just like wiring taping. Covering up the heat is not going to do you any good when they allready have a lead that you grow. They will get at some point if they know. 90% percent or more of the grow room busts originate from informants. 10% or less come from cops just stumbling upon grow rooms.


Active Member
Hey, I hate to just jump in. Ya'll were the only thread about heat detection talking about polyshield. I have been looking to add some to my setup, but was unshure of its effectiveness. Because of the substantial price difference between it and mylar I didnt want to just go out and get some. I know that it works by having metal flake in the outer coating that diffuses the IR source reflection. Has anyone had any experience with this product?


Well-Known Member
Police helecopters don't fly around looking for hot spots in your roofs. But most hot roofs are detected when the police chopper is looking for people on the ground running from the police. The have there infared heat sensor looking for the people and they stumble across these houses as the heat makes them glow red. When your house is the only roof thats red guess what? Busted. So most people get caught by the helicopter by pure luck. Have you guys not seen on tv police chases how they track guys at night? The guy glows red and when they are chasing him the sensor goes across a house that they are growing in that makes the roof the same color as the dude they are chasing. Just like he stands out so will a hot roof.You also need to have a real large grow show to heat your roof that hot so most of us are fine. Look it up if you don't believe me.


Well-Known Member
I don't want to believe this, so I'm gunna see if you guys can bash it..

Do marijuana plants, at all, give off MORE heat than any other plant? And if so, is it enough to label them as marijuana from a helicopter?


Well-Known Member
hey creeder im lonely and normally I wouldn't be this direct..... But.....Can i PUT MY PEN15 IN YOU?>