Flushing..... I know I know.


Well-Known Member
I doubt anyone will miss me at all. And honestly I've never met anyone in real life smart enough to be my friend.
i understand your frustration ... I would love to help but i don't know hydro at all.. I would've contributed to your questions about flushing had i know the right advice to give... but ...
you sound pretty arrogant with the post above..... and you said you would stop growing if you don't get what you want because of your own frustration or error. It's you who helps the plant do what it does ... when it locks up or gets sick ... it's a living organism, it's the genetics, or it's you.
not flaming you just saying ....if you don't have friends maybe it's because you have no patience for life in general, and maybe it's you who's not smart enough keep a friend...
neither here nor there ... you just flamed a whole site basically..
like i said i understand your frustration for your question not being answered... but it happens ...
since you wont be around here's a rep for good measure.... hope you don't walk out because no one is paying enough attention to you


Active Member
i understand your frustration ... I would love to help but i don't know hydro at all.. I would've contributed to your questions about flushing had i know the right advice to give... but ...
you sound pretty arrogant with the post above..... and you said you would stop growing if you don't get what you want because of your own frustration or error. It's you who helps the plant do what it does ... when it locks up or gets sick ... it's a living organism, it's the genetics, or it's you.
not flaming you just saying ....if you don't have friends maybe it's because you have no patience for life in general, and maybe it's you who's not smart enough keep a friend...
neither here nor there ... you just flamed a whole site basically..
like i said i understand your frustration for your question not being answered... but it happens ...
since you wont be around here's a rep for good measure.... hope you don't walk out because no one is paying enough attention to you
Well to start, from all the reading I did and preparing I was to understand my choice of genetics would take how ever long I vegged + 9-11 weeks of flower. I started 11 weeks yesterday and she is still growing with no sign of stoping if I posted a bud shot I'm sure people may say 2-3 more weeks. I've been growing this plant for almost 6 months and the cost has far exceeded what I could have bought 6 O's (equal or better quality) for on the street. That's why I'm interested in no longer growing if I don't get a desired weight.

As far as my lack of friends I make a conscious choice to no longer talk to people "friends" I've only met 2 people worthy of my friendship and one passed 7 years ago. Also the limits of my human brain hinder me from seeing how you consider me saying "I've never met anyone in real life smart enough to be my friend" and "I think very low of all humans we are the worst species ever" as flaming the whole site. I'm flaming all of humanity. Arrogant I do not believe I placed my self above anyone, I include myself as a human, and just because no one meets my intelligence standards does not mean I meet them as well. This is one of the things I hate most people are unable to ask what you mean, instead they form an opinion that offends them or contains ideas I never presented.

About not getting a question answered, I could honestly care less because I'm intelligent enough to figure anything out. What upsets me is I asked specific questions and maybe one or two had answers that were in the correct direction, nice little tips. But people start using my thread to have a flushing debate and I never asked that question. It would be similar to if you asked what plants to grow and people started responding with posts like "plants grow outside they like plenty of air and light...." and so on. It's the shear ignorance that makes me look into studies where matter is unwoven (so to speak) and trying to figure out how to produce this process on a mass scale. I don't single anyone out. I loath humanity as a whole.

Animals have never had a war. Who's the real animal?


Active Member
The idiom is actually "case in point". I think you could use some dumb friends.
I'm going to chalk that up to auto correct on my iPhone. And yes I have had my iPhone auto correct in to and, to to it, she to he and vice versa.

And sadly I decline your request for friendship.


Active Member
It would if she had not passed away in 03. Look aw0683 your a waste of my time (and I'm sure most people you encounter feel the same way). So I'll tell you something I'm sure you hear quite often. Go away, leave me alone.