1st grow Caramelicious and Freebies going through trouble


Well-Known Member
maybe they r just envious of your bud porn and healthy looking girls
how do the trics look
Haha thanks fabfun. I was just desperate for some feedback on my girls.
The trichs look great on the Caramelicious and B1, turning a little cloudy and showing up in more and more places haha. The D1 in the back has no trichomes and I'm worred about it. It just looks a little glazed like a donut, but no crystals.
The reddish hairs are turning up everywhere nowadays. B1 looks like its about to explode with bud so I will harvest that one in one or two weeks. The smell from it is fucking ridiculously fruity


Well-Known Member
dang dude them thangs are getting prety frosty and looks like you have a good few weeks left...
good job for a cfl...


Well-Known Member
yea man sometimes plants mature much slower under cfls so if its a 8-9 week like you said it could easily go 10-11


Well-Known Member
I have seen pesticides for soil within a walking radius of my place.
I only wish there were some safer organic pesticide I could use. Anyone know?
Plus these pesticides could be dangerous for the plants.

What should I do?


Well-Known Member
kill them all.. try to find an organic if you can but if not just use what you must... home depot and wallmart both have some decent organics


Well-Known Member
Cats arn't spraying and they are doing great.
I've added some elctrostatic sheit, a little experiment to mask odors.

Blowed. Just had some black diamond

I read


Well-Known Member
I ran out of bud and money so I chopped the branches off of the B1.
The bud tastes like soap, I have a feeling most of yall would know what I'm talking about haha

Anyway to branches' final completely dry weight came up to 21.3 grams. I expected more, but, man does that bud shrink when it dries.
I also listened to The Beach Boys and tripped balls. I trip when I smoke nug. Thus, it is good bud. :)

The rest of the plant, which is the main cola and all the little popcorns below it, will come down within a week. It still has most white pistils though, so I'm going to wait however long it takes to turn that shit into explosion.

No pictures, but an interesting thing is that the bud retained most of its dark green colors even after drying. When I hold it to the light, I instantly 'gasm.