Let's Grow Mushrooms - A Beginners Gigantic Bulk Attempt with PF Tek

I'd rather not even get a discussion going on growing shrooms in popcorn in this thread. It'll just end up being a page of weird in a thread about PF Tek. I'd love to subscribe to your journal though if you have one! The popcorn still confuses me. Brown Rice isnt exactly expensive. I think popcorn is more expensive. *shrug*.

There is nothing wrong with useing popcorn, it can be used as traditional grain spawn, or as the growing medium itself by breaking it up and flatting it out in a tub and covering with moist verm. The only thing they are no good for, are makeing cakes, as it has too much surface area and just dries out to shit, leaving you with half a gram of matchstick shrooms.
Wow. Just finished this thread. Pretty awesome grow all in all. Kitty and Dankillerbs I learned a lot from you two. This may be the catalyst to my long awaited shroom grow.

On a disappointing note, I was hoping this thread was still up to date when I got to the last page. Unfortunataly not, but I hope all is still well for you Kitty! +rep on evertything!!

38 hours with no pictures is not up to date?? Either way, no pictures for you till tomorrow night, I'm out of town till then. A friend is watching the mushies and doing all the work. Yay, mini vacation. ;)
No new post?

How's the grow coming along?


My boyfriend (the one who does the glass) and I went to a kickass night club the other night. Mushroooooooooooooooms. Excellent time. I love the wider music you hear on shrooms and the lights are always forever trippy.

My harvest-watcher friend who stayed the two days there managed to pluck 3 ounces of dry shrooms himself, and then I plucked another 4-6 ounces (estimated) and tossed them in the dehydrator just now too.

Also harvested about 6 Lbs of trees, which is why pictures took a little longer this time. :) 36 plants chopped in one day!

Here's some pics:





This picture is of a plant named White Widow. :-) Dont mind the pretty little human behind it............. (me!) The t-shirt is a Jack with Pot leafs smoking, it came from Attitude with seeds. :-)


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In my signature is a link to a Mushroom grow of a massive size. Why not come by and take a peek? That's where most of the updates are these days............

So since my question didn't get answered in your grow thread I guess I'll ask it here:


Originally Posted by researchkitty
The generator are Hondas, hooked up to a 250 gallon propane tank. Its twice the price of electricity, not cheaper. :smile: On regular electric the bill wouldnt be more than $250.

Could you be more specific please? What model of generator are you using, etc...? I'd like to run 6000W off the grid so I'd really appreciate the information. Thanks!
im so jelous of both grows....they all look great..2nd place goes to the bud & shrooms, 1st goes to the pretty little human, wat a packeage. no dis-respect, ur mans lucky. i gotta get my girl in to growin and tryin this stuff, she doesnt even smoke!!!

oh and guess wat folks, i just got my syringes on sat. B+,Cam, and GT.....cant wait to start. quick ques. though. Ok ive got a sterelite tub with holes in all 6 sides, i also have a 65 gallon tanks with full screen top,slidding glass front doors, and its got this little wall.divider that goes up like 3-4 inches for watever animal beeddin or or, wat im thinknin is for perlite. so u think the tank would work?? i kinda of have to hine my grow from some poeple,like my g/f. i just know using my old tanks as oppose to the tub wouldnt be so odvious.

My boyfriend (the one who does the glass) and I went to a kickass night club the other night. Mushroooooooooooooooms. Excellent time. I love the wider music you hear on shrooms and the lights are always forever trippy.

My harvest-watcher friend who stayed the two days there managed to pluck 3 ounces of dry shrooms himself, and then I plucked another 4-6 ounces (estimated) and tossed them in the dehydrator just now too.

Also harvested about 6 Lbs of trees, which is why pictures took a little longer this time. :) 36 plants chopped in one day!

Here's some pics:





This picture is of a plant named White Widow. :-) Dont mind the pretty little human behind it............. (me!) The t-shirt is a Jack with Pot leafs smoking, it came from Attitude with seeds. :-)

HEY i have that same cheap ass shirt, cept it doesn't quite look the same on me. lol
I was wondering, you said you did 200 jars, does that mean you had to buy 200 syringes? How many jars will one syringe inoculate?
I have the patience to read, learn and make mistakes, I just don't have the money yet!
I got a lot of reading to do it seems, I really know very little about mushrooms. other than - I want them
im so jelous of both grows....they all look great..2nd place goes to the bud & shrooms, 1st goes to the pretty little human, wat a packeage. no dis-respect, ur mans lucky. i gotta get my girl in to growin and tryin this stuff, she doesnt even smoke!!!

oh and guess wat folks, i just got my syringes on sat. B+,Cam, and GT.....cant wait to start. quick ques. though. Ok ive got a sterelite tub with holes in all 6 sides, i also have a 65 gallon tanks with full screen top,slidding glass front doors, and its got this little wall.divider that goes up like 3-4 inches for watever animal beeddin or or, wat im thinknin is for perlite. so u think the tank would work?? i kinda of have to hine my grow from some poeple,like my g/f. i just know using my old tanks as oppose to the tub wouldnt be so odvious.

Time for a new girl if you have to hide it from her! :) Any sterilite tub over say (guessing) 15 gallons would be suitable for a monotub grow. Its just a matter of air exchange by you fanning it, and humidity/moisture by you spraying it

HEY i have that same cheap ass shirt, cept it doesn't quite look the same on me. lol
I was wondering, you said you did 200 jars, does that mean you had to buy 200 syringes? How many jars will one syringe inoculate?
I have the patience to read, learn and make mistakes, I just don't have the money yet!
I got a lot of reading to do it seems, I really know very little about mushrooms. other than - I want them

Attitude's shirt selection is fun. Kinda like a little surprise in every order. ;) :)

My syringes are 10mL syringes, standard sizes. They came from Ralphster. Each syringe at FIRST I would get 5-6 jars knocked up. On THIS grow, I was able to do exactly 12 jars per syringe. You really dont need much to be squirted in there, especially when squirting it in from four holes in the top! I got into a repetative motion of stabbing the syringe in with a quick thumb pop and about 0.20mL comes out each time.

Just make sure you SHAKE your syringe harder than you've ever felt a hand job for. Draw a little bit of air in each syringe to help you shake it up, similar to when drinking orange juice you have to loosen the cap to let some air in to shake it. Got it? :) (By the way, me NOT shaking the syringes on my first harvest cause almost half of my jars not to colonize because the spores were still compacted in little groups, some jars just got plain water! oops! :))
So since my question didn't get answered in your grow thread I guess I'll ask it here:


Could you be more specific please? What model of generator are you using, etc...? I'd like to run 6000W off the grid so I'd really appreciate the information. Thanks!

Sure, Honda EU3000IS. Take two of them and daisy chain them together with the Honda parallel operation kit and you can run it into a panel that will run 6000w of lights. :) You'll also have to modify the gas tank so you can fill it once a day instead of three times a day but that's pretty easy. Remember 120v just shocks you, so if you string them up to 240v that can kill you. :) Happy to answer more pot questions in the pot thread, but here's the reply as you asked for too. :) :) Cheers!
gee, thats like 15 syringes each time on your scale... That adds up pretty quick... If you wanna save a lot of money look into spore printing and making your own spore syringes... plus it will give you something to do with the growing pile of empty syringes! haha, looking good kitty!
also, any word on your "true shotgun terrarium" with holes on every side? I wanna see side by side pics! haha... also, you should try using a BRF cake as spawn sometime... there are some pretty easy teks with coco coir(found at pet store) or horse manure(if you have access)... then you can break up your BRF cake and mix it with your pasteurized substrate to let that colonize.. once 100%, expose to fruiting conditions. What you have is great! But if you really want bigger yeilds you need to make use of all the empty space between cakes...
also, any word on your "true shotgun terrarium" with holes on every side? I wanna see side by side pics! haha... also, you should try using a BRF cake as spawn sometime... there are some pretty easy teks with coco coir(found at pet store) or horse manure(if you have access)... then you can break up your BRF cake and mix it with your pasteurized substrate to let that colonize.. once 100%, expose to fruiting conditions. What you have is great! But if you really want bigger yeilds you need to make use of all the empty space between cakes...

The true shotgun vs the 4 sided holed one is doing exactly the same as the other. When one starts to show pins, I'll show you the pics so you know if you were right or wrong. :)

Everyone who knows anything keeps suggesting to go bulk, I will, eventually as I've said every page for the last 6 pages. This is called the learning part. Compare it to starting with seeds instead of growing mommies and dealing with cloning at first if you've never grown weed. It'd be hard to do your first time!

No pictures today, most of the cakes are either waiting to pin as flush #2 or about to be dunked to begin flush #2 for the rest of them. I'll continue to update daily, but only pictures when there is something worth actually showing. :-)
You drilled through the top white part too, right? You'd honestly have to take out the tote beneath it too so it got unrestricted air flow from the bottom, sides, and top to really do a true comparison... those drawers are stacked closely together and its not getting uresrticted flow on the bottom for it to work the way a shotgun should. Either way, if its still preforming AS good as the others it couldnt ever hurt to have more FAE in your chamber. It is the #1 pinning trigger after all. A lot of people will say if it aint broke, then dont fix it...so really just do what works for Kitty. BTW, them are some pretty flowers you have there too! Also, would you say that all of the cakes in a drawer fruit pretty similar? Same pinsets and yeilds from each cake? Or do some lack more than the others?
You drilled through the top white part too, right? You'd honestly have to take out the tote beneath it too so it got unrestricted air flow from the bottom, sides, and top to really do a true comparison... those drawers are stacked closely together and its not getting uresrticted flow on the bottom for it to work the way a shotgun should. Either way, if its still preforming AS good as the others it couldnt ever hurt to have more FAE in your chamber. It is the #1 pinning trigger after all. A lot of people will say if it aint broke, then dont fix it...so really just do what works for Kitty. BTW, them are some pretty flowers you have there too! Also, would you say that all of the cakes in a drawer fruit pretty similar? Same pinsets and yeilds from each cake? Or do some lack more than the others?

Holes on six sides, yes.

The cakes fruit pretty similar, there isnt any strain I'd recommend over another at this point.
Wow, great bud, great shrooms! I'm really starting to get jealous! lol. Can't wait to get my shroom grow up and going...

Unfortunately, I can't seem to find any of the required materials.... :/