Little mushroom grow log.

and I don't get how they could have lacked fae same chamber as the fat ass fruits came out of meh weird shit always likes to happen to me, its my house its cursed my whole family swears it lol
and some beautiful bud porn just because.. just picked up a half o to last me till my crop is done Purple bubba kush shits like pure purple up the center top shelf for sure. love it.IMG_20160224_234229.jpg

And while we are talkin purps how bout a nice purp of my own ;)
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Dr. Greenthumb over here...
Very well done on those purps.
ty ty, the bud isn't mine the plant is though incase that wasn't caught I did forget the word "up" in my last post and it made what I said seem different lol. The bud is what I'm smoking on right now. just incase my post was interpreted wrong before because I read it over and it very easily could have been
some of that stuff grinded up beauty not the best pic tho I don't grind a lot just enough for a couple bong rips at a time but some places are like almost all purple when I hit one ill get some porn of that too IMG_20160225_005009.jpg

edit - not sure what the white thing is

So fucking happy to be posting about this one img-thing.jpg I call this harvest "all in a days work ;)"​

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Couple pics of my first bulk tray/tub thing.

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Just another cake I harvested today figured I should include it since it was done today.

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Fucking gorgeous cake. I may have slipped my penis is the hole that big cluster left behind. Sorry.

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The total harvest half of its dry in this pic I didn't harvest all the bulk tray at the same time, I let the shrooms that were closed open up before picking. the "smile" on the smiley face looking tray (no I didn't do that on purpose lol) is all the later picked, everything else was picked earlier and is prob like 60% dry the smaller tray with the plastic screen thing is almost bone dry only because they are all smaller shrooms (everything else didn't fit down there its a small space on every rack but the top one) The pile that makes up the "right eye" is all from that 1 beauty cake​
Hey guys! I know I have been slacking with this thread lately, I have had a lot on my plate and life has just been more important, I have still been taking pictures of my grow (when I remember to) and have some of the highlights from the last little bit here! some monsters in here too!! Sorry I don't have the time to upload them all individually with little captions as to what's going on in each picture, but they are all pretty self explanatory as they are just the highlights like I said!! Anyways guys here's the link!