Plant too yellow in week 7 flowering


Well-Known Member
plants start changing once they receive 12 hours of darkness. even though it may take you a week or two to notice changes, flowering starts on the first night of 12 hours of full darkness.
I agree with that


Active Member
I agree with that
well, weeks of flowering is a pretty loose thing anyway lets face i otherwise there would not be any disagreements. All I really care about is when i read a description of a strain or go to plan my garden I need some general idea of how long that actually is . Personally. Id say the appearance of the first pistils is the most logical, consider an outdoor grow, what other way of measuring start of flower is there?
its a matter of only a couple of weeks anyway either way for indoor grows.


Well-Known Member
Well i guess with outdoor grows you simply can not know when the flowering started, you can just guess by its development. But i'm talking about indoor grows.

I guess it doesnt really matter. I just fail to see how it is logical to consider the start of the flowering phase to begin when you start to see the changes. The fact is that the changes have already been happening long before you could see anything.

Triple S

Active Member
I have two plants that are 7 weeks into flowering. One plant (more on the left) is very green, at least 2/3 pistils brown and looks ready to harvest in a week. The other (right) is pretty yellow, most pistils are still white, however it has much bigger buds. The PH is 6.2 and it gets half str flowering nutes (nute burn if i would use full) every other watering. The left plant doesnt get nutes anymore. I flushed both plants today because i hadnt done that but otherwise Im not sure why the one plant is so yellow. Any guesses, maybe N deficiency, and should i even still do anything with it being 7 weeks into flowering already and the end is in sight?

I have looked around because people with yellow leaves is a common issue but there are still so many things that could be the problem.

These are the TWO plants in Scrog. Left side (darker leaves) is plant one, Right side (yellow) is the other problem plant

Further info: 300W CFLs, 1 inch away, 90F right next to bulb.
for a veteran smoker you should know better.
that's why i like to hear more than 2 opinions

buds look delicious :D congrats
good luck


Active Member
Nah not at all because from now on whenever someone says they are X weeks/days into flower i won't know whether they are measuring it using your method or mine. I've started a thread to gauge which system people on here use so that should be interesting.

Obviously i think mines better because there's no interpretation required, but its not worth arguing about :P

By the way... at the risk of sounding like an asshole... you know its pistils not pistols right? :P
This issue is one that’ll have the two opinions going back and fowards till the end of time, but I will tell you this. My bubba kush didn’t show pistils when I switched to 12/12, then I began feeding PK a week later thinking “now that I’ve begun 12/12 she’s in flowering mode and I can start counting” she did NOT like this, not one bit. PK bloom is for just that, blooming. I took from that- WHEN YOUR GIRL BEGINS TO BLOOM SHE IS IN THE FLOWERING STAGE. I’m sorry bro I’m sure you’ve been doing this for a long time so you might want to think that this cannot be an exact science when you have strain differences, medium differences, etc,,, If this subject was set in stone, it would of been a rule of thumb ages ago. Why not keep a dual clock. I do, I keep track of when I’ve switched to 12 and when she actually begins to flower. So I end up with 40/60 40from pistil 60 from 12.
All of this was just a thought. I hate to see people argue over what should be a helpful discussion. Good luck