Regrowing a harvested Plant !!! ?????


Well-Known Member
my buddie just harvested under an hour ago. the plant was cut down at the base. there is a good ammount of stem left.
i took the rest of the plant...roots and all. I want to regrow the same plant he did.
so i planted the copped down plant, the roots are currently buried in soil, and the stem is above soil.
i am wondering if the plant will regrow??????
also if i want it to regrow....should it be planted in soil? ( like it already is)?

please help, or tell me if i need to regrow it another way.
thanks to all who help me....very much :)

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I hate to be the BEARER of bad news.. but it is highly unlikely that it will go back to its vegetative stage... You best bet is to switch it to 20 hours of lught and 4 hours of dark...

BUt I think you would have a better chance cloning a stem without foliage than actually revveging a plant without any foliage..

Please keep us posted... I hope I am wrong...



Well-Known Member
well, yea in some cases; a tree does come back, like out of the outside edge of the trunk ( outside the rings).
im wondering if it would be better if, i cut the top of the stem at an angle? lets say a 45.
obviously you kno that you cut a clone at a angle to exspose the inner layer of stem. so does it work both ways? like i cut the top at an angle, and it would help it start new growth?
i would guess that it wouldnt hurt it, to go ahead and try.
any advice would be awsome


Well-Known Member
Yeah, Id say throw that in the trash and start w/ a good clone or seed, Wont hurt to try though, we will all learn from it......


Well-Known Member
There is a way to do this successfully, unfortunately, with what you can't do it at all. You need to harvest, and only harvest the top 2/3rds of the plant, trying to leave as many leaves as possible. Leave some small bud sites at the lower plant level. Switch the lights back to 24 on, give it big bloom nutes or equivelant, veg for a week, than switch to 18 hour lighting.


Active Member
Ive read a document about regenerating a harvested plant... from what I understand you must only cut away the bud sites... no unnecessary leaves... leave them there... once you are done harvesting put the plant under veggy lighting cycles... and about two weeks later.. you should see signs of the plant growing its leaves out again... (unproven theory, but i did read about it somewhere)


Well-Known Member
"(unproven theory, but i did read about it somewhere)"
Actually it is not unproven, it is proven, I've seen it done before.


Well-Known Member
i was kinda just doing it for fun, i already got enough girls going. i just wanted to add in another strain.


Active Member
Sadly, you've missed out. Without foilage the plant wont have enough reserve energy to supply itself through revegging. You would be better off just clipping a clone bro... what were you thinking?


Well-Known Member
i already got 5 clones, i was just going to see if it would regrow.
also i have 5 new sprouted seeds, hopefully all females.:)