What Is Really Causing All These Earthquakes?


Well-Known Member
seriously, with all the activity in the rest of the world it's only a matter of time before the faults in the U.S. shift a little. It's not like we have enough problems already.


Well-Known Member
I know this is a politics forum but this is where he posted so....
Ok this has actually been on my mind a lot lately i will preface with i consider myself agnostic im open to ideas but im not convinced of anything religious.

Earthquakes have been occurring more rapidly, one of the signs of the Apocalypse. I dont believe for certain that the end of the world will happen in our life times but the similarities between the supposed "signs" and real life are really odd. I dont know what to really think about it, global warming is happening whether its a natural change in the earths life or it is man made im not here to argue that. The earth has gone through a lot of changes if you go the scientific path, from lava rivers and oceans to Pangaea, plate separations, ice age and history up to this point who is to say that this change isnt the next chapters in the earths natural history. If you do believe it is man made it makes sense to, the earth is always changing, ocean water is warming helping tsunamis and hurricanes which seem to happen just as often as earthquakes. I dont know what to think about it and i doubt we will know for sure what is actually happening till its already happened, if we even find out then.


Well-Known Member
HAARP!...or maybe plate tectonics...how about some vulcanism to go along with this active geologic activity?

Practice for the 2012 fear event?...I should start a church, this is going to be lucrative for the liars.



Well-Known Member
after "the big one" hits calli is when i want to move there. sory ats at you Californians expense, but i AM NOT paying that kind of rent or payment or paying that much for that little land. property prices will go down when everyones homes are destroyed


Well-Known Member
after "the big one" hits calli is when i want to move there. sory ats at you Californians expense, but i AM NOT paying that kind of rent or payment or paying that much for that little land. property prices will go down when everyones homes are destroyed
The cracker box houses are near worthless...the land is what has value.

As for Cali being overdue...only socal...2 good sized quakes hit Humboldt recently, probably releasing the built up energy...the San Andreas near Palm Springs is over due.

Several small quakes in Baja lately.


edit: There was a 4ish quake in Illinois recently...I believe it was on a previously unknown fault...if it was actually even a fault line. (HAARP!)

SoCal has had several incidents of unknown loud noises and what feels like shaking...the USGS claimed it was a Sonic Boom from an unknown source. I did a search after experiencing a couple and found that it was not only San Diego, but Orange County was getting them also. Some claim there is a secret plane that is to replace the SR-71...but I still wonder about HAARP!


Well-Known Member
forget cali or bc... alaska is due for the biggest motherfucking earthquake ever. and is also home of the biggest motherfucking earthquake ever.

and I live too close to haarp for comfort.