Legalization would have the ability to seperate the Med world and the Rec world. High THC is not always for the med guy, but it gets you high. CBD takes care of my problems very well in deed however does not rip me like THC.... Get it?

Seperate the two and you you have room for everyone~

Each Strain/phenotype/geno etc. contains different combinations and amounts of each active property of cannabis. The cannabinoids working in relation to each other are what give the effect....
you can drink a 40 of vodka and die, or you can smoke a pound of weed and fly. lmao...

YES!!! weed is safe medicine, period!

i read in skunk mag about a study showing these results... for marijuana to kill you, you'd have to ingest 1500 pounds in 14 minutes. i love those stats!
"1500 pounds in 14 minutes"

I am willing to take the challenge

Is that bud? Leaf? Hash? Stems? Seeds? Full inhale? Hold it? Hot smoke or cold? Vape? Eat it? Juiced? I could put a spin on it too and give you a whole new statistic. Science is needed, yet legalization is required. Whats the problem here....
The danger with weed is abuse... It can hurt your motivation and it is all wrong for anyone under 21 years of age.. You abuse alcohol and it will kill you. Not pot but it still can harm your life... Never heard Disinfection of the blood by drinking!! To funny. Alcohol has one advantage to the human body, it calms us down.. Other than that red wine has tannins and you can get them in fruit juice and not use a posion like alcohol. The calming effect is the only thing alcohol might be good for if it does that for someone that has an anxiety issue. Still all bullshit to keep any drug illegal.. Who made you god???? If I don't bother anyone then fuck the hell off and leave me and everyone else alone.. It is my body right?? Is that not what pro abortion women all say??? Remember to abortion, off subject, having an abortion just makes a woman the mother of a dead baby....God would not allow it! And He invented Weed. Fuck em all.....

Rhino "" you can drink a 40 of vodka and die, or you can smoke a pound of weed and fly"" in the words of Kat Williams "the only side effects of weed is hungry, happy, sleepy"" LMAO!!!
lol most people never even seen a pound haha

lmao exactly my point. there was only ever 1 death directly related to weed, 1 not so directly related. 1st guy who died from weed is someone part of a drug cartel. they were dropping hundreds of kilos off a helicopter and it landed on him. 1st death from weed. 2nd is this chick that smoked plastic buckets. same one every day. she died because of the plastic meltoff smoke inhilation.
I can only speak for me --I am in a state where mj is illegal--evan if it was legal--I probably would not go to a doctor--big brother is watching all doctors--that is why I grow--if anyone like me could go out without any script or tracking to help my symptoms --that would be great--medicine should not be regulated on any level--so those in cali who think there is a bunch of potheads out there--then so be it--In any group there are problems IE alcoholics-exct....If you are against prop 19 then you are against many legit people who have symptoms like me to help fall asleep-or for pain--that do not want to have their name on a card or in a medical why do 19 year olds get fake ID's--for alcohol--in any industry or drug legalization you will have exploitation--but why deny people with real problems because of a law or big brother--if it was legal in my state without a script--I would be happier than chit--the opposition is either so anti drug ( which is stupid for something that can help so many) or they are worried about their own profit --IE drug cartels--Dispensary growers!--It all comes down too money on both sides---I would vote Yes!!
Never heard Disinfection of the blood by drinking!! To funny.

alcohol is a disinfectant, and it enters the bloodstream, makes sence.

its when you have too much in your bloodstream it because toxic to the body. and your liver kicks in to filter, the more and more you put in the more your liver has to filter. and eventually it cant take it anymore and you get alc buildup in blood and alc poison.

Whats you're degree in? Where do you get your data? Is it fact of opinion, the last I knew; my son who was third degree burned over 70% of his body and is 12 years old is doing just fine with cannabis vs the pentanol lollipops, morophine, and diazapam.....

I am a double major, own a business, and have used cannabis long prior to "age 21"

Whats you're degree in? Where do you get your data? Is it fact of opinion, the last I knew; my son who was third degree burned over 70% of his body and is 12 years old is doing just fine with cannabis vs the pentanol lollipops, morophine, and diazapam.....

I am a double major, own a business, and have used cannabis long prior to "age 21"

they wanted to give a 12yr old morphine...?? your doctor is a fuckin crackhead.
The danger with weed is abuse... It can hurt your motivation and it is all wrong for anyone under 21 years of age.. You abuse alcohol and it will kill you. Not pot but it still can harm your life... Never heard Disinfection of the blood by drinking!! To funny. Alcohol has one advantage to the human body, it calms us down.. Other than that red wine has tannins and you can get them in fruit juice and not use a posion like alcohol. The calming effect is the only thing alcohol might be good for if it does that for someone that has an anxiety issue. Still all bullshit to keep any drug illegal.. Who made you god???? If I don't bother anyone then fuck the hell off and leave me and everyone else alone.. It is my body right?? Is that not what pro abortion women all say??? Remember to abortion, off subject, having an abortion just makes a woman the mother of a dead baby....God would not allow it! And He invented Weed. Fuck em all.....
living exception to your statement...
they wanted to give a 12yr old morphine...?? your doctor is a fuckin crackhead.

When you burn your skin, muscles, and tendons off in a gasoline explosion fire, you dont care what makes you feel better. If you dont convince the body that its not in pain, your organs fail, your body does not heal and your pain is the last thing to worry about... There is more to it than meets the eye. However~

His problems are for life, what should be used to battle a life in pain?
cannabis works, wont kill him.
what else does that?
i knew this was gonna happen. hell if u have a medical marijuans card why would u want prop 19 to pass. 80% of u have the stupidest reasons for having the card. u all just love the fact that u can say HAHA i can smoke and u cant. Thats all it fuckin boils down too. it dont got shit to do with your "injury". this little group wants it all to themselves and their gonna be angry when anyone over 21 can smoke. this is my opinion. then u all are gonna say "its not fair. we have a reason to smoke pot and they dont".. already soundin like a baby.. cry me a river. i dont live in Ca but i would vote yes so u all would have a chance to get out of debt. i wouldnt vote no, just because i want the lines to be shorter at the dispensery.

YOUR ANSWER IS YES AND NO it will most likely be up to the dispesery owner. do u people really think they care about you. NO.. any buisness is about money and if there is a large number of clientell they could be selling their pot to they are not going to turn these people down.


If I've said it once, I've said it 1000 times.

Probable Cause!!!!

Why you vote yes is because if your house is stinking up the block they can't bust in your door.
If you have a bong on the table, that's okay.
Inside of your car reaks? That's that sticky ounce I have in my locked glove box sir. And no, you can't see it because there's nothing illegal about it.

Get it through your heads guys. This is all about taking something that is illegal. Something that people go to jail for. Something that even a whiff of gives a cop the right to search your person and property!!! This is about making that something legal and keeping our personal lives just that, personal.

Vote yes if only to remove the "man's" ability to strip us of our rights to our own bodies.

If I have to choose between Jail time and a small monetary fee for doing business in a capitalist society I'm going to take the fucking fee. If you vote No on 19 I am actually praying to Jah that you get picked up on some stupid pot charge and get your ass raped in prison to the point they have to sew it back together and you shit pancakes for the rest of your life.

If you vote yes then I pray you receive good fortune in your life.
they wanted to give a 12yr old morphine...?? your doctor is a fuckin crackhead.

I work for a corporate pharmacy and i have to tell you...morphine for a 12 year old isn't the worse thing i've seen. Doctors ruin lives everyday. There are millions YES MILLIONS of children across the country that are drugged up with amphetamines, anti-psychotics, and benzo's (klonopin, valium..) given to them by the people they trust most (parents) by people they trust most (doctors). I would say more than half these kids DO NOT NEED ANYTHING MORE THAN BETTER PARENTING!!! Instead of accepting that they (parents) are to blame for their children's actions they bring them to a doctor, and the SECOND that doctor gives them a script the blame is no longer on them (parents) but the child or child's "illness". That all said i would rather have my kid taking a THC tincture or vaporizer than getting him addicted to opiates. Yes these drugs work but opium is only second to meth with how dangerously and quickly addiction happens. Even worse are the elderly patients who get a monthly script for pain.....every month....i ask them "what is your doctors strategy for getting you off this pain regime?" to which they always respond.."nothing" doctors get these people addicted to pain meds and they don't even know it! basically the doctor is saying "take these opiates till you die".

That all said this post was about prop 19 right? I am not from California but my guess is that it is going to pass and then the federal government is going to say..."well we have the last say not happening" and it will be repealed, either way its bringing us closer to ending prohibition....its funny but before the civil war if prop 19 passed, the federal government couldn't have done shit to stop it.....then some asshole southern states wouldnt let their slaves free and we had a civil war and bam federal government will always trump state....sad but this is what will happen to prop 19 IMO
DUDE!! The liver stops everything mostly when any alcohol is in the blood. It is toxic or bad for every body organ! Isopropyl is the disinfectant not grain alcohol and if you drink isopropyl you will die in the worst gastrointesinal pain you can imagine. You need to have your computer taken away because you are to stupid to have the priviledge of the internet.. What, as you say, does alcohol do until the liver "kicks in"? LOL.. You r sofa king wee todd ed......

alcohol is a disinfectant, and it enters the bloodstream, makes sence.

its when you have too much in your bloodstream it because toxic to the body. and your liver kicks in to filter, the more and more you put in the more your liver has to filter. and eventually it cant take it anymore and you get alc buildup in blood and alc poison.