Well-Known Member
Okay Ive read everthing there is to know about autos . Cool stuff lots of strains . I rather grow my plants and veg them for as long or short as i want to. More control . I'll stick to my photoperiods .
Your right that they cant be cloned or controlled by 12/12 cali. People see those 2 reasons and the smaller yield to be the drawbacks. In fact in reality those are the only drawbacks i see. But as better af strains are produced there are larger yields comin all ths time from experienced auto growers. And as more people become involved with autos and start breeding and crossing there are even more possibilities coming. Chevy or ford , indica or sativa , auto or photo why argue. In the end it all comes down not only to opinion but your experience as a grower and how much time and care ya put into it. But autos are here to stay. Peace bro.again great feedback from everyone. Like someone or many have suggested.. I am going to do a AF grow and then I can determine which route to go on the next. Right now the only downfall i would say that Ive researched about AF is the fact that you cant clone or make a mother because the AF seeds have a life to them that cant be controlled by light. To the AF growers reading this, is my previous statement true?
come on now. You have to be reasonable. a 3 in wide pot isn't going to be a big bush, no. It's not wide enough for the stem,
So you're telling me if I grow a plant in a container that has a diameter of 3 inches, but the height of 10 inches, it's just going to keep growing bushier? More like, it's going to look like a twig overtime.
Dude, I've watched plants change figure after transplanting into wider pots within days. It's just how the root system works.
I have had plants in 5 gallon buckets that were 3ft wide when the buckets are only 12" wide... You can find plenty of pics on this forum with plants a lot wider than that in similar size pots.Yes a little wider with training but it is not bs at all. It helps them allow their roots to grow wider and it really will grow even bushier. Seriously not bs ya tho.i will only tell you what i have read and learned over the years and found to be true growing myself. Here to add input n help not talk out of my ass bro. Have fun.
maybe you should study more. It is not a proven fact that plants cannot grow wider than their root base. This is just the method they use to determine the root diameter of outdoor plants. Generally the roots go out to the same distance as the above ground plant spreads. Indoors it doesn't work that way since the roots can't spread. But if you have enough space for the roots in a "reasonable" size container, the plant still grows.Kerovan you serm to be missing the point. You can have plants wider yes but the wider your plants roots get the more it will bush out and it will in turn be able to yield more. Its no myself or others being know it alls it is a proven fact mabey you should study botany a little more and argue simple points less. We are not being dicks just pointing out simple facts. Study up.
Now you are trying to say it doesn't mean what you said?A plant will only bush out as wide as its roots can spread