new member asking for assistance!


Active Member
Growing medium Miracle Grow (10/5/5) with N the airs out slowly.

Nutrients : Soil A/B Holland stuff

Lighting :400 mh/hps 24 cycle right now

Ventilation : Booster 4 inch duckt fan for heat exahst and square fan for air circulation, passive air flow as well

Temps : 80 peak to low of 69 after using water sprayer

Ok so I'm concered about the very light looking new foliage thats comming out of the top of the plants, 2 plants out of 6 are showing these signs. Also one plant has thin leaves that are very dry.

Thank you in advance!

PA310523.jpgPA310513.jpgbiggest plant (new foliage is very dry)
PA310524.jpgThe top is a close up of the plant that looks worst// bottom shows the second thats starting to have whitish new foliage <top right plant>


Well-Known Member
Try 18/6 lighting. New foliage is usually a lighter color.
I haven't had leafs get thin on me but I would suspect you have low RH.


Active Member
Hmmm, let me get a picture of the big one so you can see the dry leaf...cuz its only 1 and I'm being paranoid.


Well-Known Member
RH? You mean PH right?

Cuz i googled RH and didn't get anywhere...
RH=Relative Humidity. Low RH can cause problems. I would suggest getting that bark out of there too. Other than that they look pretty good, maybe a bit overwatered. :weed:


Active Member
Ah yeah my RH is about 30's when im not home and i keep it up at 40-50% when i am home.

Its ceader woodchips, i read some place that its a natural pest protection. Is that not so?


Well-Known Member
they look alot better right now but no camera to take some shots with :D
That is true that cedar is a natural pest repellant. Some woods are acidic and may play havoc with your pH. You should probably be fine with them on there but take care not to overwater. The wood chips act like mulch and keep moisture in the medium which can be a bad thing with cannabis if the medium holds too much moisture for too long. Overall, they look pretty heatlhy. Good job!:weed:


Active Member
Yeah i was hoping for it. There's a pritty raw ventilation right now,the white fan that is visible. need moisture to be evaporated constantly to keep temps and RH in check. Its not stable and that's hurting my plants. :(


Active Member
Try 18/6 lighting. New foliage is usually a lighter color.
I haven't had leafs get thin on me but I would suspect you have low RH.
I also had humidity problems. My grow closet is cedar-lined, so it absorbs the humidity. I run a cool mist humidifier during the light period. Turn it off at the same time as my lights. This keeps the RH between 40 to 50%. Don't keep it on 24/7 or the humidity will get too high.


Active Member
Ok I'm going to get a humidifire today (lets hope target has some sales) and a heater for the night period. I turned off the light yesterday for the first time and temps dropped pritty low cuz my place hasnt got central heating. I use electric heaters and its a pain in the ass!

Oh AND when i turned off the lights tepm when to about 65 F and RH was 70%+- Is that to much??

So todays mission <<<<<<<<Get humidifier and heater>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Ill post some pic's later!


Well-Known Member
Lookin good, Hey 70% RH is high. You want around 50%
As the plants get larger they will produce humidity so its gonna get higher. Maybe you should return the humidifier and get a dehumidifier.